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Xaabsade S/land Waan kasoo daalay Shaqadaan uhayey”

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Xaabsade S/land Waan kasoo daalay Shaqadaan uhayey”


Daawo Ceebta: Xaabsade oo hadalkii ugu yaabka badnaa ka yidhi Garoowe, S/land Waan kasoo daalay Shaqadaan uhayey”



Aug 10, 2014 - 4 Aragtiyood

Axmed Cabdi xaabsade ayaa wuxuu soo gaadhay Magaalada Garoowe, wuxuuna sheegay in uu kasoo retire Garoobay maamulka Somaliland, hadana ay Shaqo ugu yeedheen Gaas iyo Numer Two giisa ina Camey.


Sida la wada ogyahay Soomaalidu ogtahay waxaa jira Afka Dhilay, Guda ka dhilay, Maal Ka dhilay, IWM, had iyo jeerna waa qofka aan lahayn wax ka xaarsaansan isla markaana xuduud oo dhan ka gudba. waxaana jira weedho loo adeegsado qaab siyaasadeed caan ka ah dunida ,gaar ahaan waxaad arkaysaa qorayaal badan oo maqaalo qoraya oo adeegsanaya العهر السياسي في الوطن العربي , markaa ha la yaabin turjumaadeedu haday noqotay Dhilay-Siyaasadeed , waayo maanta Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade weedh kale oo lagu tilmaami karo ayaan muuqan maadaama uu isaga oo da’daa jooga hadba dhinaca u hayaamayo.








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This mam is embarrassing coming to Garowe with empty hands , Hargeysa admin are to clever for seasonal workers . from what I heard Sl troops in SSC are mixed majority SNM tribes and rer borama boys.


Can someone explain the benefit of xaabsada Any influence in terms of man power in LA ?


Never the less interesting development Hargeysa admin are down playing And loosing grip on SSC ...




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malistar, the significance of this is big niyoow. xaabsade is old guard and for him to listen to president abdiweli's grand call for SSC factions that supported Somaliland to come back, that is the political significance niyoow. this is very very important development. we know the secessionists are desperate downplaying it, but niyoow xaabsade was a symbol of somaliland's grip on ssc. abdiweli is dismantling that grip without even firing a shot.


give where credit is due. abdiweli is making big moves niyoow. xaaji xunjuf and co are pissing on their pants angry and frustrated.

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Xaabsade is one of the few warlords inside Somaliland. He was among those who participated to create institutions in Somaliland in 1993. He became the chairman of the Parliament. In late nineties , he disagreed with late President Mohamed .I Cigaal, and left Somaliland for Puntland. by 1998, he was one of founders of Puntland with Late President Claahi Yusuf.


C/laahi Yusuf made him his lieutenant on all Sool issues, and gave him a free hand to spend as much money as he wanted. By Having his own budget, he created a tribal militias that answers under his command. People characterize him as greedy ( nin afku ka waynaaday oon waxba deeqin).


Then Cadde Muuse " a reer Bari", who grew up in Marla Cadey, became a president of Puntland. When people joke they say " reer Barigu (Boosaaso)", waxay yidhaahdaan, " Waxaan ku sigtay in aan jeebkayga ka qadeeyo". Joking aside, traditionally, the reer bari, are hard working people who do not rely on government handouts. So, Cadde Muuse when he became president, stopped the gravy cash cow.


Xaabsade was unable to sustain his lifestyle and pay his personal militia. So, for the second time in 2007, he took his militia, and with help of Daahir Rayaale, took over Laascaanood without a big fight. It wasn't Somaliland that took over Laascaanood, it was his tribal militia.


He came to Hargeisa, and under Rayaalle, was given a free credit card to spend as he wished. The truth is Xaabsade , wasn't only interested about money, but also wanted to be among the big players of Somaliland Politics. He wanted to be either the Speaker of the Parliament or chairman of the Guurti. Since he wasn't elected , he couldn't be the speaker, so he put his sight on the Guurti.


After Siilaanyo became president , Some people thought that he may become the chairman of the Guurti. In order to bring the Sool Landers to Hargiesa and make them to be the players in the Somaliland politics, that appointment was a logical move that Siilaanyo and company must make. Also, it made sense since both the Chairman of the Guurti Saleebaan Gaal and The president hail from the same sub clan. Vacting one position for a Sool politician was expected. The problem is Siilaanyo and his entourage are paranoid bunch that doesn't trust no one except their own sub group. Since the Guurti is the moral foundation of Somaliland , who people respect and listen, he thought , a chairman like Xaabsade from Sool, could undermine his plans. The decision was made to keep Saleebaan as a chairman and entertain Xaabsade for time being as minister of the one those insignificant portfolio's.


Xaabsade was nominated to insignificant ministeries like "Warfaafinta , or Public works. In the paranoid and incompetent Siilaanyo Government, ministries are shuffled every year, so in just about three years, Xaabsade, went transferred from two ministeries , and eventually ended up as the Counsel to the president on election matters. No one expects Xaabsade to be an expert on election issues, but it is one of those useless appointments of the current government.


Then, Hirsi the young Turk, the chief cabinet, decided to kick the old guard out, and bring new players from Sool, like Xaglatoosiye and others. In his view, Xaabsade is no longer the man who singlehandedly brought Sool under Somaliland. THey wanted Xaabsade to reason with Cali Galaydh and stop the Khaatumo project. In Hirsi's mind , he thought almost everyone could be bought with cash. Almost every few months he shipped hundreds of thousands to the eastern zone to buy elders and militaria. Some Sool residents mastered on the issue, by taking the cash and changing their allegiance every year.


Ethiopia, the power behind every Somalia- Somaliland maneuvers, through the international community decided to back the Khaatumo project. Somaliland was pressured to abandon Taleex and others districts. That move opened for Galaydh to pursue his Khaatumo Agenda. Reliable news confirm, that Cali Khaliif is going to be the new Khaatumo President.


Xaabsade was always the enemy of Galaydh. He was with Claahi Yusuf when Galaydh was feuding with the late President. He was with Rayaale , when Cali khaliif was attacking him for bringing Laascaanood under Somaliland. So, Who knows, the feud could continue on different directions. He may just join Puntland to stop Galaydh to form Khaatumo.


In Somaliland , Xaabsade did speak few months ago complaining about the lack of consultation from the Siilaanyo government. He even said , " I regret for bringing Laascaanood under Somaliland", yet no one made any move to counter his plans. For almost four weeks , no one was minding the store in Hargeisa. President Siilaanyo was In London for Medical check up or relaxing, whichever one believes, and Hirsi just landed yesterday after extended Umra in Saudi Arabia. Saylici , the vice president was carrying his scissors to open the usual businesses. The borders between Djibouti and SomaLIland is closed, so is the Ethiopian border. In politica , four weeks is a life time.


Finally , who knows, maybe when Siilaanyo reites, Xaabsade may come back to Somaliland for the third time.

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Faalo qurux badan oo xaqiiqda ku salaysan. Galbeedi hadii ay dhacdo oo aad siyaasadda ka qayb gasho bal aan ku taageero'e magacaa Galbeedi docda kaaga kaga darso kolayba bahasha waad u sii socotaaye.

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Baarwaaqo, ina addeer waad mahadsan tahay. Aniga iyo adigu waxaynu nahay Somalilanders raba in ay Soomaali hagaajiyaan. waan kugu soo dari doonaa xisbigaygee sidaa ula soco.

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Nice comments! Galbeedi no one cares if Jubouti border closed,fact is most people don't even know if it sealed,there r so many small ports in SL beside Berbera that actually nothing of significance comes from jubouti.Ethiopian border is NOT closed and when it does is usually acceptable to both sides for security reasons.As for Xabsade its his 4TH run....Jubilation in puntland hahaaaa:D !!!!!!

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