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Is Somaliland preparing post Siilaanyo?. what is going on?

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The leader of Somaliland opposition party Mr. Faisal Cali Waraabe was touring the united State for the last two weeks. Although most of us have seen his north american media appearances and his usual bombastic pronouncements , He wasn't here for vacation or just meeting local supporters.


According to reliable sources, Faisal met officials from the state department and representatives from the office of the United nations mission in Somalia. The UN office complained about the refusal of the Somaliland government to accommodate the Somali mission envoy Nicholas Kay. They also paases their usual concern about supression of the local media and human right in Somaliland. As soon as Faisal landed Hargeisa , the Somaliland government announced the invitation of Nicholas Kay.


My sources told me that a counsel representing the united nations monitoring group in Somalia asked Faisal some pointed questions about the issues regarding oil exploration contacts, and the armed security unit Somaliland establishing to protect the Oligarchs who are trying to exploit the land. Faysal also spoke strongly against the establishment of these forces.


Both Somalia and Somaliland have initiated vague contracts with non existent entities that are solely established to get these contacts. there are no official or known companies who are vying these contracts. You do not hear, SHell of the Royal Dutch, Exxon Mobil, Agip, Conoco, British Petroleum or any other legit or known companies.

A " xaqul Qalin" or some kind of fee for awarding the contract is usually taken by respective ministries and the rest is history.


Any way , he was briefed the security issues of the region and the role of Somaliland should play. According to the source, the security of the American forces in Djibouti was also on the agenda. The issue of the Health of the President Siilaanyo was also discussed. According to this source a post Siilaanyo Somaliland was on the agenda. The opposition is preparing the eventual retirement of Siilaanyo whose health is deteriorating. His condition after this London medical check up will be crucial. Some people are already speculating that he may not continue his duties after this.


When he landed at Hargeisa Airport , he was greeted by A/rahman cirro and candidate Jamal Cali and others in full force. It is Ramadan , and every thing is quite. Siilaanyo is in London, Kusimihii Xirsi is performing Umra, Saylici is Hiding, so what is cooking on in Hargeisa.


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I don't think neither the U.S ,UN or any otha power would discuss important issues like that with faisal unless ofc they wana use him one way or anotha or calm him down.If they wana install Mobutu like regime then maybe or your sources could be wrong.

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“Dadku wax bay qorshaystaan oo ragganimo ayaa la isku dayaa si la isku taago, laakiin waxa Somaliland adhaxda ka jabiyey ictiraafka dunnida laga sugayo oo ah horta ha lagu aqoonsado, waxa ummadda awoodoodii baabi’iyey waa ha lagu aqoonsado (oo awoodoodii wax kulama soo baxayaan), aqoonsiguna wuxuu yimaad marka aad adigu marka hore wax la timaad, laakiin marka uu yidhaah waan iska fadhiyayaa ee ha la i aqoonsado (waa dhibaato weyn),” ayuu yidhi Abwaan Hadraawi


I think shacabka Soomaalilayn and dowladooda should listen to Abwaan Hadraawi.

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Che the recognition mantra is the biggest excuse Somaliland's failed politicians have for doing absolutely nothing while in office. If Somaliland was recognised, the voters would be demanding jobs and services from their elected politicians but now the ignorant masses really believe that the useless politicians have their hands tied because of lack of recognition :-D

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