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Somaliland’s invasion on our territory is unacceptable: Puntland president -

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Somaliland’s invasion on our territory is unacceptable: Puntland president .



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Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gas

Hiiraan Online

Saturday, June 14, 2014



Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) -- The president of the semiautonomous Somali regional state of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas has accused the Somaliland administration of massacring and displacing innocent people in the town of Taleex this week.


He termed the capture of Taleex district by Somaliland forces as an aggression saying his administration will not accept what he termed as an ‘unacceptable’ provocation.

“Puntland will not tolerate such provocative attacks on its territories” said Mr Abdiweli Gaas although he didn’t mention what kind of step his administration will take.

The eastern parts of Sanag and Sool regions are all claimed by Somaliland, Khaatumo State and as well as the Puntland state, although most of the regions are currently controlled by the Somaliland administration.

Mr. Gaas was speaking to journalists at Bosaso airport before his delegation flew to the United Arab Emirates on Saturday.

“Our trip to UAE is mainly based on strengthening the bilateral relations between Puntland and the UAE” Mr Abdiweli Gaas told journalists.

HOL English .



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puntland lives on words & proxy forces and so far been successful in Mogadishu and kismayo.Let us see how it goes now,they trouble makers in Somali peninsula and someone have to smack their face for real...they need to pay a price for their slick behavior.

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Buuraha, you sentence construction makes no sense: who are you referring to and who will you so graciously wish to, if I may use your own words, smack!? :D

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TOP: AKHRISO WARSAXAAFADEEDKA – Puntland oo u jawaabtay beesha caalamka ”Sool iyo Sanaag waxay hoostagaan Puntland”





Jun 15, 2014 - jawaab



Shir Jaraa’id oo uu madaxweyne ku xigeenka maamulka Puntland maanta saxaafadda u qabtay ayuu ku sheegay in beesha caalamka ay ku qaldan tahay qaabka ay uga hadashay dagaalada goballada Sool iyo Sanaag.




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Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Puntland Cabdixakiim Cabdullaahi Xaaji Cumar” Dulqaadki Waa Naga Dhamaaday, Somaliland Iyo Beesha Caalamka Jawaab Deg Deg Ah Ayay Naga Heleyaan”.

Jun 15, 2014 - 1 Jawaab


Garoowe (AGGM):Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Mamulka Puntland Cabdixakiim Cabdullaahi Xaaji Cumar oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Garoowe ayaa sheegay in beesha caalamku ay ku guuldarreysatay wax ka qabashada xaaladda deegaannada lagu muransan yahay ee gobollada Sool iyo Sanaag.


Cabdixakiim Cabdullaahi Xaaji Cumar oo ka jawaabayey war saxaafadeed ay shalay si wada jir ah u soo saareen wakiillada Mareykanka, Midowga Yurub iyo Britain ee Soomaaliya ayaa tilmaamay in deegaannada lagu dirirayo ay ka tirsan yihiin Puntland ayna ahayn dhul lagu muransan yahay.


Cameey oo sii wata hadalka ayaa waxa uu sheegay in uu ugu baaqayo beesha caalamka inay bartaan dhulka iyo dadka inta aysan war saxaafadeed soo saarin.

Safiirka dowladda Ingiriiska ee Soomaaliya Neil Wigan, Ergayga gaarka ah ee Mareykanka u Qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya James P. McAnulty iyoWakiilka gaarka ah ee Midowga Yurub u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Michele Cervoned’Urso, ayaa ku baaqay in dhammaanba ciidamada hubaysan ay dib uga baxaan deegaannada lagu muransan yahay ee gobollada Sool iyo Sanaag.


Wakiillada ayaa ku boorrinaya maamullada Somaliland iyo Puntland in ay kaashadaan bulshada deegaanka, ayna nidaam wax dhisayo helaan, si qaab wadajir ah wax looga qabto tabashada dhaqaalaha, horumarka iyo bini’aadanimo ee dadka ku nool gobollada la isku haysto, iyada oo aan la eegeynin sheegashada labada dhinac ee goobahaas.


Gobolladan waxaa ku muransan maamullada Somaliland iyo Puntland, iyadoo dhinacyadu ay ciidamo xoog badan geliyeen dhawaan.

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