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Somaliland President " If Somalia threatens us we have the capability to strike"

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300k terrorist capacity is limkted to a jilib, odaygu ma oggo miyaa censuska dhacay mise waa soo waalan raba, war anaga hal qof nagama dhimanayo cirkan ka garacay adaa maydkaga soo gurbinaysid uun, maskin sana odaygu.


Hadu capacity leeyahay wiilo buhodle joggo kuma eersadeen iskaba daa ssc oo hal meel ujeedo iyo puntland oo 6 jeer ka badan dhaqaale, military, population. Odaygu waa nin iska hadlay bal anigu waxan uu cabsi gaba burco.


He is really playing with fire siilanyo, he dont have the population let alone the military capacity for a war with someone that is 6 times their size in every dimension. I urge Siilanyo to stay in his clan territory, if he cant he will suffer a ĥuge loss there.

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SIIL aanyo must not talk about us. We can destroy his maamul if we want to. He must not start a war he canot win against us. Wallahi iam warning the snm traitors not to stirr up flames of violence because we are born in war and we made war part of our culture, waxaanu nahay dagaalyahano. This is a clear warning to the xabashi traitors that they can never win a battle or war against us hags.


Let them threat puntland iyo khatumo as much as they want.

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^ You are a little hot headed, where you born in france by any chance.


That is because i reject dhaandhaansi by the snm thugs. They are unthankful creatures. It was us who saved them from the regime. If they want war with us, jiida dagaalka ha iskeenaan sxb. Sida naag oo kale ayuu u hadlay siil aanyo.

Let them focuss on the khatumo threat, and forget us , for we are stronger and more patient in war alxamdulilaah.

The South is where the real men come from sxb. Real men born in violence and they are not snm thugs who enter a town by night and leave by dawn. Sxb, anaga haddaan weerar qaadno meesha kama baxeeno.

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^ well does that mean you a somali Therry Henry then. Except the talent and more of frog accent.and if you like snails , thats just disgusting, eaaaawh.




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Dr osman the pirates are but talk its been 8 years and u haven't fired a single bullets towards SL , SL moved into karin dabayl weyn 2 months ago and is only 16 miles away from your capital , you guys only do the talk the talk never the walk the walk the only time u do the walk the walk is when cabdi cawar walks towards addis ababa :D And he has been gone there twice sine he was selected

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^ well does that mean you a somali Therry Henry then. Except the talent and more of frog accent.



kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk niyoow arent you the one who said xabashis and maamulka snm people are close in ethnicity when compared to Xamar people?

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^ suxhanallah brother somalia rissing. That you can compare me too the raw meat eaters and the somalia diidka! Im offended , I demand Immedatly an apology fron the head of your tribe. I say farewell to u sir. Internet really does get the worst out of people .

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Doctor Kennedy what is emotional is that you assume because we are Somalis that we are bound together and that I am duty bound to help you perfect the souths inperfections. Why should I care to help anyone.God helps those who help themselves. Simple.


We may speak a similar language but we are not duty bound to one another. Not do we share the same interests, ambitions or even culture.


I am looking at things as they are. I am here, I have a history, I have interests, I have borders equal to those of any state in Africa. I am being hampered by a people who desire their own grandizment through my subjugation. My true potential is being hampered by a people who can not police tier own streets.


Somaliland has strategic interest that oppose djiboutis interests and somalias interests. I merely understand my interests and say it like I see it. No hate or emotion in that.


As far as I am concerned Somalia is dead 23 years, the world should just return it to trusteeship. You have a political junta who line their pockets, don't know anything, have no vision and are happy to live under the boot of Uganda a third world improverished African country.


Djibouti the city state that prides itself on French language, and having French and American men on their soil while they serve them alcahol and clubs.


And those who live under the boot of Ethiopians and Kenyans and are proud of it.


Saxib the somali speaking people's are amongst the most politically backward people on earth.


A people without goal, vision, ability, balls and intellect to put forward an idea and stick with it for the greater good.


In Burco we created the dariqada which led to the dervishes. In Hargaisa in 1960 we created the concept of somaliweyn when Somalia and Djibouti were happy living under Italian and French rule. We bore te brunt of military occupation and brought about the end of scientific socialism otherwise known as siadism. We have formed somali history and we have learned after all these years that going alone is the only viable option because the truth is their are no Somalis who have te capacity, will or ba))s to think and achieve what we can achieve.

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Yet ciidan sultan we carry the Somali name so no matter what we share a name with the Koonfurians, you know i am not a fan of koonfurians and their culture of stealing looting and anarchism, and inviting Bantus in their backyards but there is a reputation we have to uphold that is the Somaliland reputation. Somaliland has interest this is true Economic and national interest this is priority number one for the people of Somaliland , and i believe Somaliland elites should by hook and by crook deliver to their people, those political economic interests. You said Somalis lack visions and the ability to get things done this is true but Somalilanders are part of this to we have no vision or we dont try to look at the broader objective. For example ethnic Somalilanders have been fixated on Somaliland the past 23 years they put all their strength and resources on how to rebuild Somaliland Hargeysa , where is the vision for the Hawd and reserve area its our Land to under the sovereignty of Ethiopia nevertheless our land its the Land that got us the union that got us so much pain and misery. Now have we forgotten about them, for get about the Koonfurians , the Hawd and reserve people are the same as the SL people , they have no water no schools no cities or towns , what is our vision for them. What is our vision for Ethiopia in the long term. if the Koonfurians have given up on their dignity and have no vision its in the best interest of Somalilanders to find common ground on how to make sure Somaliland national interest are met and the larger Broader Somali interest is protected from Kenyans and Ethiopians.

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Drr. Osman iyo Cidan, meesha waxaba kuma haysane iska aammusa. Reerkayaga waxaa libaaxa looto iyo haraati bay ku dilaan, 100 nin mid anaga ah 5 ilbidhiqsi kuma qaadato, sabbaaxaday u dhigaan dhulkaa gariira. Anagu umaba baahnin nuclear weopons iyo sheeka baraleyda Maraykanka iyo Ruushka.

Wixii agtayada soo mara sida tsunamigaan u jiidhnaa. Ilaahow nimaan wax ogeyn ha cadaabin. Faan bilaashaad meelahaa la taagantihiine isjira waryaa. War anagu Afrikaanka gaajo darteed baylka daacaya lamaba sheekaysano. Ragaan ishaynaa waa nimanka kibrey ee Maraykanka iyo Ruuska.

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Xaaji Xunjuf would like to see separation between Somaliland and Somalia, but a common alliance and friendship between the two nations. He would promote increased cooperation between the two countries.


CidanSultan however, not only promotes separation, but he'd like Somaliland and Somalia to be enemy states, similar to India and Pakistan, or North Korea and South Korea.


And anyone can see that from his posts


DoctorKenny would like to divide and rule.

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CidanSultan, don't put words in my mouth. You're not "duty-bound" to do anything, and you're free to help who you wish.


But what I can't understand is you automatically painting all Koonfurians with the same brush. As I said before, HALF of Koonfurians are under the age of 15. MOST of them have no memory of the Kacaan era. And the Koonfurians had an ugly experience for the last 23 years so therefore you have no right to blame them for "not recognizing" Somaliland.


And you totally avoided what I said; If Somalia gets it's act together, and this is bound to happen sooner or later, then what then? If Somalia becomes a peaceful State extending from RasKamboni until Garowe, would you be okay with having a hostile attitude towards this newly-pacified Somali State? Perhaps open up some free trade links? Perhaps sign a military alliance with them?


I mean, you have no problem with the Kenyans or Ethiopians who are far worse enemies to you than the Koonfurians can ever be. So what's with the selective hostility?


Again I'm asking you; if the South is pacified and Somaliland gains recognition, would you be okay with the 2 countries sharing the same relationship that France and Germany share? 2 neighboring countries who cooperate on multiple issues, have free-trade, and share a military alliance?

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