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Sarakiisha Waqooyi, Bari & Koonfur in Talyaaniga!

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They are in Europe receiving training from the Europeans how is this a form of unity, Puntland army operates independently even though puntland claims to be part of Somalia. But Puntland wishes to have the same training the damuljadid government receives. Somaliland and Somalia already agreed in the talks to boos their securities and receive training's so i think this is part of the wider range. This is how ever not unity Somalis cannot unite there is to much unfinished business. Have u not seen Europeans visiting Hargeisa garowe and Mogadishu the same guy from a EU commissionery and other officials this is the same.

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Wake me up when i see Puntland troops in the south or Mogadishu troops in Garowe or bosaaso,. or a Somaliland leader visiting Mogadishu or a Somalia leader visiting Mogadishu. This is Europeans extending training and Somalia and Somaliland and the region of Puntland welcome this, its all about yaan laga dheereyn. Or when u see the joint of staffs of Somaliland and Somalia having a conference inside Somalia or Somaliland.

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So you admit maamulka Waqooyi participated kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


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Yeah Sure Talyaani ba wax tabab barayaa why not receive the training its good for our defense apparatus. Aslong all the trainings are done in Italy Britain America Canada Japan i am for it. Just because there are koonfurians in the room doesn't mean SL cannot get training from the Europeans. This benefits Somaliland

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looooooooooool xaaji xun you are funny.

You take every humiliation as good news kkkkkk


I think Saalax disagrees with you lol


This is huge scandal. Waa fadeexad weyn. Because the Whites see there TFG and regional states lol.

They dont see "Jamhuuriyadda SNM" as you want us to believe.

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No one cares what the whites do the Whites recognize Somaliland yes or no than why should Somaliland back down from receiving training i dont see how this harms SL independence cause , by receiving training from Europeans. Again if this training was given inside Somalia by Europeans SL would back down same as the talks we accept to hold talks with the Koonfurians in Turkey not in Somalia we accept to receive training in Italy but not in Somalia maybe u will understand.

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It harms your failed ictiraaf project.

The whites sees you as part of Somaaliya, Somaalidiidoow haha

If they saw you as different from Somalia, they would make for you different appointment. Laakiin you and Puntland are equal. Both are maamul Goboleedyo. No matter how much khats the random people in Hargeisa chews, nothing can change that fact.


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Italy is not really our friend Italy has always considered Somaliland independence against her interest but they are they willing to give trainings this is welcome. This is not about perception this is about receiving training. No one is saying that Somaliland is recognized by the international community but the people of SL and the govt are fighting to let this happen, by fulfilling all demands but also to protect this hard earned independence by expanding and re advancing the capabilities of the defense apparatus of the country, and if that means accepting training's from the Italians than so be it.

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Italy is not really our friend
Italy has always considered Somaliland independence against her interest but they are they willing to give trainings this is welcome. This is not about perception this is about receiving training. No one is saying that Somaliland is recognized by the international community but the people of SL and the govt are fighting to let this happen, by fulfilling all demands but also to protect this hard earned independence by expanding and re advancing the capabilities of the defense apparatus of the country, and if that means accepting training's from the Italians than so be it.


lol XX better then Baghdad bob, the world is not going to end if you say no to simple training? surely, you knew the implication? what happened to your principles?

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They are in Europe receiving training from the Europeans how is this a form of unity, Puntland army operates independently even though puntland claims to be part of Somalia. But Puntland wishes to have the same training the damuljadid government receives. Somaliland and Somalia already agreed in the talks to boos their securities and receive training's so i think this is part of the wider range. This is how ever not unity Somalis cannot unite there is to much unfinished business. Have u not seen Europeans visiting Hargeisa garowe and Mogadishu the same guy from a EU commissionery and other officials this is the same.


Hey genius, the only reason all the things you've mentioned happen is because one country is being trained, and EU officials are merely visiting different regions of one single solitary nation known as Somalia, now stop polluting the forum with nonsense.

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No one cares what the whites do the Whites recognize Somaliland yes or no than why should Somaliland back down from receiving training i don't see how this harms SL independence cause , by receiving training from Europeans. Again if this training was given inside Somalia by Europeans SL would back down same as the talks we accept to hold talks with the Koonfurians in Turkey not in Somalia we accept to receive training in Italy but not in Somalia maybe u will understand.


Xaaji, you said " i don't see how this harms SL independence cause , by receiving training from Europeans."


I always thought from your point of view the independence and sovereignty of Somaliland was a foregone conclusion, so when did it become a "cause"?


Just admit it sxb, the bullsh*t about an independent republic called Somaliland that you've been spewing on this forum all these years is officially unsalvageable.


Also, don't tell us all of a sudden that you " don't care what the whites do"; weren't you guys petitioning them in a different thread? :D

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"""""We dont care what Whites do, but we care what Pakistanis in Shefield do"""""""" kkkkkkkkkkkk


Xaaji Xun is so angry from inside. He knows this very well Tillamook. Laakiin he wishes so badly to change this humiliation fadeexada weyn into Something Good.


He is happy for the Turkish Airlines to come to North Somalia but forgets to mention that Somali Ambassador was present there kkkkk

He is happy for the Police training but forgets that Puntland stood next to him and that the whites knows only one country. Also one uniform was giving to them as in One Uniform for One Country kkkkkkkkkkkk

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