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Yet Another Explosion- this time Turks are the target

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Useless government mortar attacks in huriwaa xaley, car explosion in sanca, Clan fightings all over the country and this attack to hell With hassan and saacid. We need shariif back!!!!!

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Useless government mortar attacks in huriwaa xaley, car explosion in sanca, Clan fightings all over the country and this attack to hell With hassan and saacid


alshabaab and dawladiids are attacking civilians cowards they are , they want to create instability scare of the Residents of Xamar. The Government has dispatch security force all over the city , Many attacks were prevented .

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bs People get killed every single day in huriwaa yet the SFG havent deployed extra forces, they knew al shabaab would do attacks on the 17th of ramadaan yet they didn't prepare for it as we can see the results. Dont try to sugercoat anything i just Came from xamar

I know whats up

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indeed, all that glitters is not gold as they say, his deceptively friendly smile fooled a lot of good hearted and decent people from early on, not any more. His actions could lead to the balkanization of somalia as different parts of the country realize his incompetence and realize no good is coming from them. it doesn't look good currently, i hope he changes course quickly.

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Killing the people who are trying to help and are instrumental in rebuilding the capital, that's a great strategy to win hearts by al shabaab(sarcasm if you don't get it). What's this government doing to stop them? They are hiring former ICU members, shouldn't they be able to talk these guys from attacking civilians?

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Johnny B   

Cambuulo iyo bun;970772 wrote:
Useless government mortar attacks in huriwaa xaley, car explosion in sanca, Clan fightings all over the country and this attack to hell With hassan and saacid. We need shariif back!!!!!

OK, so according to our "Ununka" and supposedly HAG die-hard , pro government and what have you, brother, this federal government is useless( and Puntland is a roll model), BECAUSE one of Mogadishu's districts is attacked by Mortars , a car exploded in another and some clan-fighting take place somewhere in the country :

Anybody, what was that famouse "shirib"......Runaan la sheegin maahinee , rati dameer ka raad qurxoon.

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Amaanka magaalada Muqdisho oo aad loo sugaayo iyo ciidamo badan oo magaalada lagu arkaayo.


Amaanka magaalada Muqdisho ayaa haatan waxaa loo sugaayaa si aan caadi ahayn, iyadoona guud ahaan magaalada Muqdisho lagu arkaayo ciidamo aad u badan.

Ka dib markii dowladda Soomaaliya ay habeenkii xalay ahaa ka baqeen in Al-shabaab ay weerar kala kulmaan ayaa taasi waxay keentay in dhamaan wadooyinka lasoo daadiyo Booliis aad u badan.

Ciidamadaan ayaa fariisimo ka sameestay dhamaan Isgoysyada magaalada Muqdisho, waana kuwo doonaaya inay sugaan amaanka.

Amaanka Muqdisho waa mid eber ah iyadoona xalay ciidamadaan magaalada ay ka howlgalaayee ayaa hadana waxaa dhacay dialal iyo qaraxyo.

In ciidamadaan lasoo daadiyo ayaa keentay maadaama xalay ay ahayd 17-ka Ramadaan xilligii dagaalka Badar uu dhacay, iyadoona Al-shabab xilliyadaasi looga bartay weeraro aan caadi ahayn.

Muqdisho, Somalia


The Government has dispatch so many security force , How can you stop suicide bomber , alshaabab are using the same strategy as AL Qeada in Iraq and Taliban's in Afghanistan .

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Warar dheeraad ah oo ka soo baxaya qaraxa Ismiidaaminta lagu qaaday Xarunta Shaqaalaha Turkiga



Ugu yaraan labo ruux ayaa ku dhintay qarax ismiidaamin ah oo galabta lala beegsaday xarun Shaqaalaha Turkiga degan yihiin oo ku taal degmada Hodan, markii gaari waxyaabaa qarxa laga soo buuxiyay uu galay.


Qaraxa ayaa bur buriyay gidaarka hore ee xarunta, iyadoo labada ruux ee la arkay geeridooda uu mid ka mid ah ahaa askari labisnaa dareyska milateriga oo loo maleynayo inuu ka mid ahaa ilaalada Guriga iyo qof kale oo goobta marayay.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in qasaaraha qaraxa ismiidaaminta ka dhashay uu intaa ka badan yahay, iyadoo ay adag tahay in xog dheeraad ah la helo, maadaama goobta wax ka dhaceen ay ku hareereysan yihiin ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda.


Gurigan oo ka soo horjeeda Dugsigii sare ee Banaadir ayaa waxaa maalmo ka hor soo degay shaqaalaha Turkiga ee Safaarada Muqdisho, waxaana si gaar ahaan loogu diyaarinayay Safiirka Turkiga ee Muqdisho u fadhiya.


Gawaarida Ambalaaska ee Turkiga leeyahay ayaa goobta dhaawacyo ka daabulayay, waxaana ka mid ah shaqaale Turki ah oo ku sugnaa xarunta weerarka ismiidaaminta lagu qaaday.


Qaraxan oo ahaa mid aad u xooganaa ayaa ahaa kii labaad oo maanta ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana qaraxii hore uu ahaa gaari walxaha qarxa loogu xiray mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan wasaarada howlaha guud iyo guriyeynta, kaasoo ku qarxay Isgoyska Sanca.


Turkiga ayaa Muqdisho howlo sama fal oo aad u balaaran, waxaana uu hirgeliyay goobo waxbarasho iyo Caafimaad, iyadoo dhowaan dib u dayactir lagu sameeyay Isbitaalkii Digfeer oo loo muuqaal ekeysiiyay sida Isbitaalada casriga ah.

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Johnny B;970781 wrote:
OK, so according to our "Ununka" and supposedly HAG die-hard , pro government and what have you, brother, this federal government is useless( and Puntland is a roll model), BECAUSE one of Mogadishu's districts is attacked by Mortars , a car exploded in another and some clan-fighting take place somewhere in the country :

Anybody, what was that famouse "shirib"......Runaan la sheegin maahinee , rati dameer ka raad qurxoon.

what has puntland got to do with this? Xamar was more peaceful during shariif this Hassan fella wakhtigiisa hadal buu ku dhameeye he's an abdiqasim 2.

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Johnny B   

^I was just pointing out your weak reasoning as to why this govenment is according to you useless , as i found your reason , namely "because a mortar attack and a car explosion takes place in Mogadishu" wanting.

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How so isn't the security of Mogadishu the capital not the first priority of this goverment why is his reasoning weak. Mogadishu is the head of Somalia the goverment main task is to fix Mogadishu eradicate alshabaab from much of southern Somalia. And set up governmental institutions thats the task. They are really struggling with the security of Mogadishu and and no institutions have been set up so far and Alshabaab is still carrying out homicide attacks and is still in power in some areas in Somalia. The government just made progress in Foreign affairs issues but with that it got really allot of help because the transition ended and the assistance of the international community. It still has not build a central military command for the country. The rebuilding progress of Mogadishu was done by reer Mogadishu their investment and creativity and ofcourse the Turkish assistance. The goverment hasn't done so far anything spectacular its the same as sh sharifs goverment if not worse when it comes to security. The goverment also failed in reconciliation daily attacks in the lower shabelle the administration there is attacking the people there.

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Johnny B;970790 wrote:
^I was just pointing out your weak reasoning as to why this govenment is according to you useless , as i found your reason , namely "because a mortar attack and a car explosion takes place in Mogadishu" wanting.

No hassan said multiple times that they gonna focus on 'amni' yet there is daily attacks how Come the situation was not like that just a year ago when shariif was on office?

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malistar2012;970782 wrote:
The Government has dispatch so many security force , How can you stop suicide bomber , alshaabab are using the same strategy as AL Qeada in Iraq and Taliban's in Afghanistan .

Come on mate, dont insult our intelligence will you!. The reason this is happening is because the current admin is useless as Cambuulo said and you know it

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