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Puntland Parliamentarian Quran-Jeceel Says Puntland Being Attacked By The SFG and Somaliland

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Xildhibaan Quraan jecel oo sheegay in Puntland laga soo weerarayo Hargaysa & Muqdisho


Xildhibaan Cabdilaahi Maxamad Jaamac oo ka tirsan baarlamaanka Dowlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa maanta sheegay in falal ammaanka Puntland iyo horumarkeeda looga soo horjeeda laga abaabulayo magaalooyinka Hargaysa iyo Xamar.


Quraanjecel ayaa tilmaamay in shacabka iyo dowlada Puntland looga baahan yahay in si wada jir ah looga hortago masiibooyinka Somaliland iyo dowlada dhexe ee Somalia ay la damacsan tahay xukumada Puntland,wuxuna hoosta ka xariiqay inaysan u dulqaadan doonin dhul balaarsi uu sheegay Somaliland inay ka wado Sanaagta bari iyo qaybo ka mid ah Gobalada Sool iyo Cayn.


"Waxaan la soconnaa in Maamulka hargeysa uu ciidan soo dhoobay Gobolka Sanaag ee Puntland waxaan la soconnaa in Maamulka Muqdisho ka arimiya uu lacag ku bixinayo kala furfurka iyo kala daadinta Puntland quwadeeda waxaan la soconaa in arimahaasi oo idil ay gadaal kasoo riixayaan dad Reer Puntland ah oo wax ma garad ah''


Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay dadka cadowga ku ah Dowlada Puntland iyo dadkeeda ay ka xun yihiin isku duubninada iyo nidaamka axsaabta badan ee loo guuray,wuxuna tusaale usoo qaatay Somaliland iyo DF.Somalia inay ka xun yihiin Shirarkii dib u heshiisiinta ee Garowe lagu qabtay,kuwaasoo ay kasoo baxeen qodobo muhiim ah.


Hadalka Xildhibaan Quraanjecel ayaa waxa uu kusoo aadayaa xili mad madow siyaasadeed uu soo kala dhex galay dowlada Puntland iyo dowlada dhexe ee Somalia,kaasoo salka ku haya ku dhaqanka dastuurka iyo nidaamka federaalka ah.

Xafiiska Garowe

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Quraan jecel what a name is it a Ramadan name , or is that his actual name.


By the way Somaliland has the right to deploy troops into the sanaag region which is a Somaliland region.


Well what can we say Detoore the Pirates do not have much friends in the region. They are not friends with Hargeysa not friends with Mogadishu, very difficult situation the HAG elites made sure u have no longer agents in Mogadishu operating there. Let see how this development turns out in the next coming months and weeks.

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Che -Guevara;968621 wrote:
When you have nothing to offer to your people, sell them war.

Waran Cade is referring to self defence and as the interior minister when another country threatens your territory you have the right to prepare to defend yourself: as for nothing to offer che this is not Burundia this is SOMALILAND. The state itself offers a lot but the government primary responsibility is to defend and maintain the state: step 1.

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as of early 2013, it was fair to assume Puntland was on course to replicate the democratic strides made by the torchbearer SL Republic. today, i was listening to the BBC Somali Service and the reports were suggesting the contrary. i'm afraid, Puntland's democratic credentials suffered a major blow. this is a little strange because it was largly expected that the homogeneous entity would've completed the transition much easier. back to the drawing boards for Faroole and Co.

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Alpha Blondy;968979 wrote:
as of early 2013, it was fair to assume Puntland was on course to replicate the democratic strides made by the torchbearer SL Republic. today, i was listening to the BBC Somali Service and the reports were suggesting the contrary. i'm afraid, Puntland's democratic credentials suffered a major blow. this is a little strange because it was largly expected that the homogeneous entity would've completed the transition much easier. back to the drawing boards for Faroole and Co.

^Good point about the homogeneity, you would assume it would make things simpler and more straight forward.

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