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Saraakiisha Ciidamada Buuhoodle Oo Axsaabta Siyaasadeed Ee Puntland Ka Mamnuucay Magaaladaasi

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Saraakiisha Ciidamada ee ku sugan magaalada Buuhoodle ayaa shaaciyay ineysan aqoonsaneyn axsaabta siyaasadeed ee Puntland.


Shir Jaraa’id oo saraakiisha ciidamada amaanka ee Buuhoodle qabteen ayeey ku mamnuuceen xisbiyada siyaasadeed ee Puntland, waxeyna tilmaameen iney ka soo horjeedaan xisbiyada siyaasadeed ee Puntland.


Col. Maxamed Sheekh Cabdi oo ah Afhayeeenka ciidamada Buuhoodle oo saxaafada la hadlay ayaa sheegay in magaalada Buuhoodle iyo deegaanada hoos yimaada aan looga ololeyn Karin axsaabta siyaasadeed ee Puntland. wuxuuuna ka digay in magaca axsaabtaasi la keeno Buuhoodle.


‘’Wax doorasho ah oo Puntland leedahay oo ka dhacaya magaalada Boohoodle ma jirto, mana ka dhicidoonto ciddii kusoo talagashayna taa ha ogaato’’sidaasi waxaa yiri Col. Maxamed Sheekh Cabdi.


Hadalkan ka soo baxay saraakiisha ciidmadamada amaanka ee Buuhoodle ayaa imaanaya xilli ay socdaan ololaha doorashiiyinka dowladaha hoose ee maamulka Puntland.

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Buhodle horseed went there



Wadajir went there



The election is happening across puntland, go read all the candidate list from each city and town. Cities are divided into the following categories;

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The Sahal boys have bigger fish to fry then SNM. SNM is the same size as SSC folks in population. So its overlooked because we are bigger then all waqoyi combined as far as the census is concerned.


Its funny how u trying to compare SAHAL to Somaliland lol. Suuqa dadka waxas ha ula tagin way kugu qoslayan. You are smaller then Puntland thats not just SNM but SNM SSC MAKHIR AND AWDAL COMBINED

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Its funny how u trying to compare SAHAL to Somaliland lol. Suuqa dadka waxas ha ula tagin way kugu qoslayan. You are smaller then Puntland thats not just SNM but SNM SSC MAKHIR AND AWDAL COMBINED



Go Free those towns from SNM then come to talk to me ? SNM Soldiers are closed Growe you talk about power... Puntland is small fish now days ?

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Dr. Osman, ignore the clowns. You see this huge attack by HAG forum members on Jubbaland and Puntland. They're fearing the return of Siyads Sons.

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Baxbaxland we are so many we are so strong yet their capital is 23 miles away from SOMALILAND army outpost. The reason why d block is united over kismayo is they know with all the land expansion landers are doing its a matter of time they pushed into the sea so they are getting ready to move south. Lol

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