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Mogadishu Taxi firm launched.

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Shirkadda Muqdisho Taxi Company oo laga Hirgeliyey Magaalada Muqdisho


Munaasibad si heer sare ah loo soo Agaasimay isla markaana lagu soo ban dhigay Tagaasi Cusub oo ay leedahay Shirkad Cusub oo la magac baxday Mogadisho Taxi Company ayaa ka dhacday Magaalada Muqdisho.Munaasibadan oo ay ka soo qayb galeen Ganacsato Shirkado iyo Marti Sharaf kale oo halkaa lagu Casuumay ayaa waxaa Khudbado ka soo jeediyay Xubnihii ka soo qayb galay Munaasibaddaas.








Ugu horeynba waxaa halkaa ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Iskaashatooyinka Gaadiidka Gobolka Banaadir Daahir Maxamuud Dirir kaasoo si diiran u soo dhaweeyay Shirkaddan Cusub ee manta ku soo biirtay Gaadiidka Dadweynaha Gobolka Banaadir.



Guddoomiyaha ayaa intaa ku daray in Shirkaddan oo ay leeyihiin Dad Soomaaliyeed ay tahay Figrad cusub oo u baahan in looga daydo Ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ee kale ee Dibadaha ku sugan ay ka qayb qaataan dib u Maalgelinta Dalka iyo Dib u Dhiskiisa.


Sidoo kale waxaa isaguna Munaasibaddaas ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Shirkadda Beder isagoona ballan qaaday in Shirkadooda ay ugu Deeqayso Shirkaddan Cusub illaa Boqol Book oo hawlaha Shirkadda lagu sii bilaabayo taasoo Free ah


Shirkadihii kale oo ay ka mid ahayd Shirkadda Hormuud oo iyaguna mas’uuliyiintii ka socotay ay halkaa ka hadleen ayay dhamaantoodba waxa ay ballan qaadeen in ay la shaqaynayaan isla markaana soo dhaweynayaan Shirkadaan Cusub ee Maanta looga dhawaaqay Magaalada Muqdisho.


Eng. Axmed Xuseen Buulle oo ah Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Shirkadda Muqdisho Taxi Company oo isaguna halkaa ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in Tagaasidan ay Shirkadoodu hawl galinayso inay si weyn wax uga bedelayso habkii Tagaasidii hore isagoona Sharaxaad ka bixiyay Qiimaha ay dadka ku qaadayaan oo uu sheegay in ka soo bilow Kiilo Mitir Eber (0) oo ah halka laga bilaabo Cabirka Magaalada Muqdisho illaa Km 4 in qofkiiba ay ku qaadayaan illaa Afar Doolar.


Guddoomiye ku Xigeenka ayaa intaa ku daray in Tagaasidan ay hawl galinayaan dhamaantooda ay Lambarsan yihiin isla markaana ay wataan Raadiyayaal yar yar oo gacanta lagu qaato taasoo Nin walba oo ka mid ah Wadayaasha gaadiidkaa Gaa markii loo yeero iyo halkii looga yeero uu ku soo diyaar garoobayo.


Engineer-ka ayaa soo hadal qaaday Dhallinyarada Wadayaasha ah oo ay Tagaasidaas u dhiibeen kuwaasoo uu sheegay inuusan ku jirin mid keliya oo Balwad leh isagoo intaa ku daray in loo Tababaray Macaamilka wanaagsan iyo dad la dhaqanka wanaagsan.


Ugu dambayntii ayuu Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Muqdisho Taxi Company u balan qaaday Bulshada ku Dhaqan Gobolka Banaadir in ay u soo bandhigayaan adeegyo raaligeliya. Si kastaba Gaadiidkan oo Tiradiisu ay gaareysey illaa Dhowr iyo labaatan Gaari oo Calaamado lagu garto leh ayaa socod Dhoolatus ah waxa ay ku mareen qaara ka mid ah Waddooyinka waa weyn ee Magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasoo soo jiitay Indhaha Dadka oo si weyn u Daawanayay.

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warsamaale;955582 wrote:
Well done, although it would've been better if somalis concentrate on other sectors apart from the
service industry


I've always wondered where the money for these services has been coming from since our export industries are only just coming out of the woodwork. That question was answered when my mom asked me to 'lend' her $500 so that Guled from Las Anod could have his own laptop.

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These new Taxi companies in Mogadishu and Hargeisa really press home the point to any diaspora entrepreneur that you have to generate the necessary capital as soon as possible, or your ideas will be materialized by others. I'm happy that these services are available, but I feel a strong pain as well. Since 2009, this idea has been circulating in my head, and now I can cross it off from my list. Its like finding the girl you liked in high-school has a crush on your best friend kind of feeling, your happy for them but you feel terrible, terrible, terrible.


(The only consolation I get is - that true to the Somali character - these entrepreneurs limited themselves to regional blocks/cities, rather than nationwide, and the car types they have chosen are tacky and not iconic)


I still have a chance, baby girl! :cool:

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^^ asset.php?fid=14&uid=3017&d=1313069411 lool brother, don't worry, the ideas that can be implemented back home are endless, I have more than 50+ of them now.

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underdog;955593 wrote:


Typos already?


Maya askartii Ugandheyska ayaa waxaas qoray........:D:D


Muqdisho Fiat 124 wey ka dalacday marka. In the 80s Hargeysa had the best Taxis. They were using the luxury Toyota Cressida

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Chimera have you ever thought about commodity export business. the purchasing power of somalia is low, there is no money to be made selling stuff to somaliz.

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^Somalis spend Djibouti's nominal GDP on Jaad, they spend Comoros GDP on electronics and telecommunications, they annually import goods worth the nominal GDP of Liberia. Their export volume is the size of Burundi's nominal GDP, their remittances industry equals the nominal GDP of Eritrea. There is tons of money circulating in Mogadishu, Bosaso and Hargeisa, and the surrounding regions, tons of money and this is nothing compared to what the purchasing power will be in less than 5 years time.


Forget what you know about Somalia's economy, the international stats are 20 years behind.

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