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Taariikhda asalka Soomaalida - Muuqaal

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When you break apart West Eurasian ancestry the Ethiopian and Somali groups have their contribution almost exclusively from an ancestral component in southern Arabia


There are so many resources to check if your honest and not being afro centric like these crazy egypt was black characters who have taken over such discussions on the web.

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xabad;944539 wrote:
i believe somalis are madaw phenotypically but not genetically ( we have some madaw genes but not much ), in my eyes we are madaw no dispute about that. but i love how she goes all afro centric if you point out we have eurasian genes.

Uhh... race is a social construct that has no basis in biology whatsoever. The human genome project was the last nail in the coffin for the antiquated notion that genetics could be understood through the lens of race. If you don't understand this basic fact that has been accepted by the scientific community for decades now, then there's no point in having a discussion because you lack a key point of reference necessary for a conversation about Somali origins.


xabad;944540 wrote:


When you break apart West Eurasian ancestry the Ethiopian and Somali groups have their contribution almost exclusively from an ancestral component in southern Arabia


There are so many resources to check if your honest and not being afro centric like these crazy egypt was black characters who have taken over such discussions on the web.

I asked for a scientific article, not a blog post or journal article. That means an article that has been peer reviewed and published in an academic journal.

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bwhahaaaa, race is a social construct. you're seriously miseducated lass, i don't what college you go to. what is next....gender is a construct too. that is where is my debate with you breaks down am afraid and stop being pedantic and just follow the links provided within the blog saffz.

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xabad;944555 wrote:
bwhahaaaa, race is a social construct. you're seriously miseducated lass, i don't what college you go to. what is next....gender is a construct too. that is where is my debate with you breaks down am afraid and stop being pedantic and just follow the links provided within the blog saffz.

The article you posted says nothing about Somalis being related to southeast Asia other then to claim we are different from Bantu African which I disagree .


J haplogroup is associated with South Arabian see how many somalis tested? less then %3 !! shocking?


funny enough we all know them by name like my friend Aweys who has Yemen blood!!!

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Safferz;944558 wrote:
I'm quite well educated sweetie but I agree with you, there's no discussion here.


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LOL you have shown us how little you comprehend issues, apparently only J or arab for you is eurasian. waryaa is kaga daqaaq meesha.

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xabad;944568 wrote:
LOL you have shown us how little you comprehend issues, apparently only J or arab for you is eurasian. waryaa is kaga daqaaq meesha.

ok Macalin tell us? now its Eurasian sax? Euro gene in Somalis is simply less then %1 that is when added east Asians!! shocking again?

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xabad;944568 wrote:
LOL you have shown us how little you comprehend issues, apparently only J or arab for you is eurasian. waryaa is kaga daqaaq meesha.

tell us what other gene is associated with Eurasian Somalis carry?

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Miyir, don't be lazy and go do research yourself brother, internetka waa waasic and a tip: start with google search LOL:cool:

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Miyir;944576 wrote:
indha adayg!! :cool:


Xabad Answer my questions? what gene that is Eurasian Somalis carry?

the second most frequently occurring Y DNA haplogroup among Somalis is the Eurasian haplogroup T (M70). Haye bal wax deh.:P

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hahaha at last we are talking :D


wrong there Xabad it shows you know nothing about Y dna as I expected you picked the wrong one here.


what about Fulbe people (Cameroon) mixed too? they carry more then Somalis.


do you know what back immigration is? 30,000 YRS ago makes you Eurasian? there was no such thing as European by then.




you need to do more then browsing the internet.


and last T (M70) only makes 10% Somali Ydna? tell us more about other 90% Y dna gene Somali carry?

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What is wrong about the Y dna bal ?:D, do you know fulbe are mix berbers and africans, i would not be surprised about that fact. about the eurasian, you could call it what you want, the fact is the haplogroup origins are in eurasia. you comprehension skills are not that sharp in your fourth point, who said somalis are eurasian, they have substantial input only. and lastly we don't bandy about this info to show we are arabs or europeans but just stating the facts. i am and alway will be a proud african..

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