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Kulan dhex Maray Dowlada Soomaaliya iyo hogaanka cusub ee Kenya.

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Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo wafdigii uu hogaaminayay oo ka qeyb galay munaasabadda lagu caleema saaray Madaxweynaha cusub ee Kenya Mudane Uhuru Kenyatta iyo ku xigeenkiisa Mudane William Ruto.


Sidoo kale kulan gaar ah oo looga hadlayay arimaha dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Qaxootiga, Xirrirka labadda dal iyo is-bedelka cusub ee ka dhacay Somalia iyo Kenya ayaa dhex maray labadda masuul.




Madaxweyne Xassan ayaa u hambalyeeyay Madaweynaha cusub iyo ku xigeenkiisa wuxuuna u sheegay in Soomaaliya ay mar-walba diyaar u tahay in ay la shaqeeyso dowladda Kenya. Sidoo wuxuu uga warbixiyay jawiga cusub ee ka jira Soomaaliya iyo horumarka lagu gaaray waqti kooban.


Mar uu ka hadlay qaxootiga ayuu yiri“ Qaxooti fara badan oo Soomaali ah ayaa ku nool dalalka caalamka, waxaana naga go’an in aan ka shaqeeyno in ay dadkaas dalkooda dib ugu soo laabtaan”


Shirkan ayaa waxaa laysku soo qaaday qaabkii loo hormarin lahaa xiriirka labadda dal.Waxaana isla goobtaas lagu go’aamiyay in la dar-dar geliyo heshiiskii ahaa Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) oo hadda ka hor labadda dal ku heshiyeen.


Ugu danbeyntii labada masuul ayaa isku raacay in Soomaaliya iyo Kenya ay isku dan yihiin oo dantooda ay tahay nabad iyo horumar taasna laga sugayo labada Madaxweyne.

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After greeting and congratulation What else is there to talk about if not jubaland and kenyans troops in Somalia.


Anyway xiin update us on the issue , lates source are suggesting conference is done closed until further notice. The kenyans are rallying behind FG seem to understand Somalia has a dawlad that is capable to facilitated Reconciliation and State building.

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^^I am afraid the latest updates from Kismayo are not to your liking, Malistar:D


Thursday or Friday we will witness the launching the process for accepting Jubbaland leadership candidates applications. And in two weeks, organizers say, the state will be complete; parliament, ministers, governors and mayors. It is a new addition to the new Somalia that is gradually emerging from the ashes of the long civil war.

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Then my source is in line .... conference suspended until for further notice ...


You can sugar coat it if you want



And in two weeks, organizers say, the state will be complete; parliament, ministers, governors and mayors. It is a new addition to the new Somalia that is gradually emerging from the ashes of the long civil war.

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^^:D :D


Wrong (perhaps deliberately wrong) interpretation of the status update I shared. The conference is not suspended Malistar. It is going in full gear. Two weeks will be how long the conference will take to produce the Jubbaland State. But of course you can wish it away :D


Here is a new candidate on Somali Channel today

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Reliable source are saying Madoba will flying to Narobi next comming days , he will personal get B slap by Uhuru Kenyatta for wasting kenyans time and resource

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