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Mogadishu based government names a temporary administration for Gedo region

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Dowlada oo Maamul kumeelgaar ah u Magacowday Gobolka Gedo




Garbahaarey(RBC Rdio) R/wasaaraha xukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa maamul ku meelgaar ah u magacaabay gobolka Gedo ee dalka Soomaaliya R/wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shiirdoon Saacid oo maanta kasoo laabtay safar uu shalay ku gaaray magaalada Garbahaarey ee xarunta gobolka Gedo ayaa saaka intii uusan kasoo ambabixin magaalada Garbahaarey waxa uu halkaa kaga dhawaaqay maamul kumeel gaar ah oo uu yeelan doono gobolka Gedo.

R/wasaaraha dalka Cabdi Faarax Shiirdoon ayaa gudoomiyaha maamulka gobolka Gedo u magacaabay Max’ed Cabdi Kaliil oo hore u hayey xilkaas,waxaana wali dhiman oo aan la magacaabin qaybaha kale ee maamulka gobolka Gedo waxaana lagu xaqiijiyey in dib laga soo dhamaystiri doono xubnaha ka dhiman maamulka cusub ee kumeelgaarka ah ee uu yeelanayo gobolka Gedo.

R/wasaaraha ayaa dhanka kale heshiis lasoo galay ururka ahlu sunna ee ka jira Koonfur galbeed Soomaaliya waxaana heshiiskaas ugu muhiimsanaa in ciidamada ahlu sunna ay ka mid yihiin ciidamada xooga dalka wixii hada ka danbeeyane ay si toos ah u hoos imaan doonaan wasaarada gaashaandhiga Soomaaliya.

Waxaana heshiiskaas dowlada u saxiixay wasiirka gaashaandhiga dowlada Soomaaliya C/xakiin Xaaji MAx’uud Fiqi oo qayb ka ahaa waftiga R/wasaaraha halka ahlu sunna ay u saxiixeen saraakiil uu ka mid ahaa afhayeenka ahlu sunnada gobolada Koonfureed Sh Max’ed Xuseen Al-qaadi iyo masuuliyiin kale oo ka tirsanaaahlu sunna.


RBC Radio

Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho

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may be, may be not.


Surely the PM is not going down without putting a fierce fight against Jubbaland state. This hail-merry throw will have an internal impact on Gedo community on the extent of which I am not sure ...

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lol. i thought Gedo already had an admin.


i am loving this desperation from qoslaye's team.

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^^ By whom , Apophis centralism is coming your way be ready for it or hassan culusow and co want to unite the six regions bay bakool gedo the 2 jubas and lower shabelle and middle shabelle. Either way the Jubbaland thing will not materialise as long as ur goverment is opposing it. Or they want to fully control the region before they allow any one to establish a state.

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^^ And who is going to stop qaadka. General bahuku i dont think so , Apophis do not worry about SL , its in very good hands, what you going to do about the current goverment that wants to halt the Jubbaland project. If you have an entire region that has a separate admin and one region middle juba not even liberated and the lower juba being contested by SNA troops and raskambooni movement. How will this go.

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Apophis;932861 wrote:
All you say maybe true for me and especially for you but the drug withdrawal will be harder on you than me. Because 20+ years ba iska qaayleysay ababa.


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The Somali government hardly talks about hargeisa the only time they talk about hargeisa and SL is when its about the said talks between SL and Somalia. But the governments in Mogadishu is sending mixed signals towards kismayo regarding the state making of that region. I wonder what is going on where is this heading. I have to talk about Somalia because , Somalia Mogadishu government technically still claims Somaliland. If there is a thieve in my neighbors garden he surely will effect me what do you say Apophis.

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Raisal Waraha fashilki lalarabay waa ladhaxdhigay now Hassan Qoslaye and his crew are laughing at him sida uu reerkiisa usoo dhax dhigay bam that will explode. Reer Gedo's division will worsen and may lead to security problems in the region or even conflict within Gedo.


It's irresponsible of the PM inuu iskaga dhawaaqo Maamul iyadoo reer Gedo ay sidaas ukala jabanyihiin, hadii bam-kaan uu dhaxdhigay sababo dagaal isagaa kamasuul ah iyo wixi soo dirsaday.

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Saaxib ma garanayo waxan aad ka sheekaynisid waxan kala hadlayo wa siyasad adna Qaad iyo sheeko mirqaan baad ka sheekeyneysa iyo qaad la joojiyo:D , nimanki OG maxa ku dhacay hadalka wa heli jireen meeshu wax ka jirin sidi ahayd bay u abaari jireen. Apophis saaxib ur not from the traditional folks anu niqinay where is the Zack when u need him or Abtigis.

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Reer Gedo are more united than people give credit , WW


Garba Haarey is hardly the most diverse town in Gedo :D, if you know what I mean, so don't cut some slack to the PM for being so transparent . He was forced to do so by circumstances outside of his control


I have a sympathy for the men. Reer Gedo from traditional and political sense are in Kismayo as we speak

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^To be honest with you, I have never expected this from the PM, specially when reer Gedo aren't all agreeing with him and have large delegations in Kismayo. The more he takes such actions the more you realise how door_**** he is... Wallee Hassan Culusow inuu sifiican uga fakaray markuu soo helay ninkaan.

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But we are not pursuing the same dreams well at least not in the same way , Somaliland and the O'gadenia can be compared in different dimension but not when it comes to the Kismayo objective and Somaliland aspirations. And how the Mogadishu goverment approaches the 2 are also very different. But my question what is next from here forget about what people will get and not get. What is next for the Jubbaland community who want to establish a state.

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