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300 students, involving Somalis and AA's, start food fight/race riot in high school, 4 hospitalized

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AfricaOwn;933014 wrote:


I'm trying to understand your points here:


1. " None of those groups have a substantial population in Toronto. In America, majority of those groups came 30 to 40 years ago, the last two came during the Derg era. These were well educated immigrants that quickly assimilated and created strong foundations, and were below the radar much like the small Somali diaspora community of the prewar era that consisted of mainly sailors, oil-workers and students"




2. "Notice how the Ghanians, Zimbabweans and Nigerians all feature in this graph despite their communities having been here longer, despite their first language being English, and despite their income being higher?

First point; those communities are better off than the newly arrived Somalis because they have been in their respective host-countries considerably longer which has allowed them to built a strong foundation, on which lies their success. This means in any comparison the new Somali community is at a disadvantage.


Second point: Despite these communities being relatively role-model communities, they still suffer from their youth succumbing to major crime which has put these same well-established communities in a such a list of offenders by nationality. Its absolutely illogical and hilarious to demand a poverty-ridden new community like the Somali one to have a clean slate where the more successful ones don't.

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Chimera;933021 wrote:
I'm referring to the 10 to 17 demographic of Somali boys, if they don't have a strong rock in their lives in the form of a pro-active relative, community worker or friends, there is a strong chance they will succumb to the seductions of crime. Ask yourselves why the justice system seperates this demographic from adults when it comes to crime if it all came down to "personal responsibility"? The reason is because they don't fully comprehend the consequences of their actions, they live pretty much in the moment and mugging another person equals a Blackberry or a wallet to them, and it ends there. An adult criminal knows fully well what his actions will do to do the victim, but proceeds regardless of that.


Poverty is the primary motive for a criminal on every single level, its the desire to have something you don't have. We both know there is plenty of stuff Somali kids don't have, while their peers from higher economic backgrounds do. I remember how all the kids in my class had the newest Nike-air shoes, game-boys and other desirable stuff. I remember how some of my childhood friends became drug-runners at 14/15 were awash in cash while I worked at Burger King for five guilders an hour. Do you know how many times the thought of joining them popped in my head? At least 10 times a day.


The only reason I didn't succumbed, is because I had a good coach and was all into Kickboxing, which was a non-expensive but discipline inducing sport that built character evendo I never pursued it on a professional level like my sparring partners. I had pro-active relatives that kept me in check in the house and on the street, and I credit them for the reason why I am who I am,
personal responsibility
had little to do with it.

This is how I split the responsibility:


1. First and foremost your parents teach you discipline and to take responsibility for your actions whilst as a child.


2. When you hit secondary school age, it's your choice whether or not to accept your parent's teachings and the blame rests squarely on your soldiers if you do anything ******.


The people that do this aren't ******. they know full well the consequences of their actions, yet they still do it regardless. They deserve everything they get and have no sympathy from me (this is assuming the parents have done their part).

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The fundamental issue is this juvenile thugs are unwanted and unplanned children. Their parents have little interest in them. Somalis just have kids as matter of course, it has not dawned on them they have a choice, its not compulsory. DON'T have kids if you not ready for the responsibility of raising them, simple.

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raula;932894 wrote:

Safferz-by the way..Anecdotal evidence is what constitutes primary data (quantitatively/qualitatively). & as Blackflash mentioned institutional racism & other societal/structural limitations (lack of resources) affects all communities residing in those conditions (including A. Americans, white, chinese, Africans that are emigrated to those places etc). So why somalis's.

Actually no, it's not. Research methods 101 - the plural of anecdote is not data. Personal experience can certainly be useful, but not when it's being used to deny substantial evidence being presented in this thread. Who cares if you "made it"? We are not talking about individuals here, but overarching systemic issues and trends we are seeing in the Somali community. Your question has been discussed extensively in this thread, I suggest you read through the last two pages for some of the specific factors relevant to the Somali community.


Chimera, there is no point in arguing with people who think social context has no bearing on individual "choice" or has any role in shaping the choices they have available to them. It's a hardened worldview, you can see it clearly when you talk to white Republicans, and its something deeply ingrained in Western societies (ie. "the American dream," "the Protestant work ethic," anyone can make it if they work hard enough). It's much easier to talk about individual failure and dysfunctional families than it is to interrogate the "system" and its failures.

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Yeah, the same education system that produces hundreds upon hundreds of success stories a year. This isn't about dodgy mortgages where the system is at fault sxb.

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Haatu;933072 wrote:
Yeah, the same education system that produces hundreds upon hundreds of success stories a year. This isn't about dodgy mortgages where the system is at fault sxb.

You're very naive.

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Safferz;933068 wrote:
Actually no, it's not. Research methods 101 - the plural of anecdote is not data. Personal experience can certainly be useful, but not when it's being used to deny substantial evidence being presented in this thread. Who cares if you "made it"? We are not talking about individuals here, but overarching systemic issues and trends we are seeing in the Somali community. Your question has been discussed extensively in this thread, I suggest you read through the last two pages for some of the specific factors relevant to the Somali community.

for goodness sakes, waan waashoo, cadan caawa waa laga heesaya, ayaan uu maleen, ma istidhi? @ SOL these days! :mad:


Saffzoow, i'm literally sick to the stomach with your uppity arrogant attitude. as the foremost expert in SOCIAL AFFAIRS on SOL, i CANNOT and WILL NOT... just stand there and observe your DESTRUCTION and IGNORANCE from the sidelines, any more! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


YOU and ME for an intellectual dual? a BATTLE of the brains? a fight to the death? ma fahantahay saffzoow!?


ANY topic? ANY discussion? Qualitative or Quantitative? waad ila garatay sheekada ayaan filaya, ee soo diyaargaroow? ma fahantahay Saffzoow! :mad:




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Safferz;933110 wrote:
Dee "inaar," how can you battle me if you've already lost? Box with someone in your own league

Alpha is an extremely horny 'lost boy' that fled to Hargeisa where he now abuses Oromo maids and plays dictator. He doesn't like seeing women do anything more than cook and clean. According to sources that know him, Alpha's crime in London was of a sexual nature, and you can tell from the way he stalks you and the myriad of angry emoticons in the above posts that he has similar ill-intentions towards you.


The man has an uncurable disease, and most likely will die in a couple months, stay alert until then.

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Chimera;933119 wrote:
Alpha is an extremely horny 'lost boy' that fled to Hargeisa where he now abuses Oromo maids and plays dictator. He doesn't like seeing women do anything more than cook and clean. According to sources that know him, Alpha's crime in London was of a sexual nature, and you can tell from the way he stalks you and the myriad of angry emoticons in the above posts that he has similar ill-intentions towards you.


The man has an uncurable disease, and most likely will die in a couple months, stay alert until then.



nacala kugu yal, ma istidhi! :P

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Safferz;933110 wrote:
Dee "inaar," how can you battle me if you've already lost? Box with someone in your own league

yes......waa ruunta. i will quickly exist the thread and never SPEAK to you again. you little haraam doorfarad! :cool:


i'm too cool for y'all, anyways :cool:


bye Saffzoow, inaar.

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Chimera;933119 wrote:
Alpha is an extremely horny 'lost boy' that fled to Hargeisa where he now abuses Oromo maids and plays dictator. He doesn't like seeing women do anything more than cook and clean. According to sources that know him, Alpha's crime in London was of a sexual nature, and you can tell from the way he stalks you and the myriad of angry emoticons in the above posts that he has similar ill-intentions towards you.


The man has an uncurable disease, and most likely will die in a couple months, stay alert until then.

lol well I've only recently started posting regularly on SOL, so I'm only just starting to get a sense of the different personalities on here. Alpha has been trolling me since finding out I'm a doctoral student, hence all the comments about me being "uppity," "arrogant," a "pseudo-intellectual," etc.

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