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Once a month state of the nation address....

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...folks, the president of the Republic of Somalia must give once a month state of the nation address that covers almost all the important things that the his government achieved, their plans, what needs to be done and general info.


I throw this into this forum with the hope that one of the young guns who might have an access to the Villa might pass it on and make a presidential routine á la US weekly presidential address. This would be broadcast locally as well as internationally via the Internet. It would minimise/eliminate 'maxaa la yidhi' and would come from the horse's mouth, so to speak.


What do you think?

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It would be a good idea in theory, but could you imagine Hassan Sheikh standing in front of the camera.....with absolutely nothing to say?


Like think about it, what does this guy even accomplish in 3 months, forget 1 month.

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It doesn't have to be on TV, bro. It can be via radio, and to be fair, one month is long enough for staff and himself to put together 15min or half an hour broadcast for the nation on the most important tasks accomplished/planned or needs to be dealt with.

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hahaha. is this a joke ninyoow?


qoslaye's accomplishements are that he is still laughing and collecting flowers.



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Madaxweynaha hala daayo bil kasta kulaha war once a year or half a year. Let him do his job dadkan madaxweynaha ku dhegan do you think he can solve all problems wakhti siiyaa madaxweynaha.

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