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Oodweyne Leader Praises Mogadishu, Says Demoqracy Murdered in Hargeysa

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Muqdisho (RBC) Gudoomiyaha urur siyaasadeedka UMMADA Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose oo ka mid ah ururadii ka qeybgalay doorashadii golayaasha deegaanka ee ka dhacday deegaanka Somaliland 28-kii bishii dhammaatay ee Nofembar ayaa si weyn u dhaliilay qaabkii loo maamulayey doorashada isagoo ku eedeeyay guddiga doorashooyinka Somaliland iyo xisbiga Kulmiye inay galeen musuqmaasuq iyo xumeyn ay u geysteen dimuqraadiyada.


Dr. Gaboose oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Hargeysa ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ururkiisu aanu ku qanacsaneyn gebi ahaanba natiijadii ay ku dhawaaqeen guddiga doorashooyinka taasoo badideeda guusha lagu siiyey xisbiga Kulmiye, sida uu sheegay Dr. Gaboose.


“Annagu hadaanu nahay UMMADA marna kuma qancin sida wax loo maamulayey, natiijadana ma aan mid sax ah oo caddaaladi ku jirto, waayo doorashadan waxay ahayd mid loogu talagalay boob ee mahayn mid loogu talagalay in doorasho caddaalad ah ay ka dhacdo.” Ayuu yiri Dr. Gaboose.


Dimuqraadiyadii Somaliland


Dr. Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose wuxuu shirkiisa jaraa’id ku sheegay in doorashadan ka hacday Somaliland ay tijaabo u ahayd dimuqraadiyada ay sheegato Somaliland balse xisbiga Kulmiye iyo madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo ay dileen, sida uu yiri, dimuqraadiyadii la sheegan jiray isla markaana hadda la sugayo in la aaso.


“Dimuqraadiyadii haddii ay dileen Kulmiye oo hadda naxashkii ay ku jirto dee waxaan sugnaa waa in la aaso oo xabaalaha la geeyo.” ayuu yiri Dr. Gaboose oo ku eedeeyay maamulka Hargeysa inay marin habaabiyeen qorshihii dimuqraadiyadda.


Wuxuu sheegay in isaga iyo xisbigiisa ay la socdaan sida ay wax u dheceen gaar ahaan qaabkii ay u dhacday doorashada oo uu sheegay in degmooyinka oo dhan aaney ka dhicin codeyn hufan ayna jirtay ku celcelin iyo meelo dhan oo waraaqihii la xaday, sida uu ku dooday.


Muqdisho cuqdad kama qabo


Dr. Gaboose ayaa shirkiisa jaraa’id lagu weydiiyey in haddii uu wax ka waayey maamulka Hargeysa halka uu aadi doono iyo inuu tagi doono Muqdisho oo siyaasiyiin badan u cararaan marka ay xil ka waayaan Hargeysa ayaa wuxuu ku jawaabay;


“Anigu wax cuqdad ah kama qabo Xamar, Xamar waa meeshii aan ku dhashay oo aan deganaa, dadka Xamar joogana waa dad wax badan naga dhexeeyaan.” ayuu yiri Dr. Gaboose oo intaasi raaciyey inuu joogi doono Hargeysa.


Ururka UMMADA ayaa ka mid noqonata ururada siyaasadeed ee dhaliilay doorashadii deegaanka ee ka dhacday Somaliland dhamaadkii bishii hore taasoo weli muran badan uu ka taagan yahay.

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Che, you are still missing the point. Perhaps you are carrying other conversations you have had with Duke into this one :D


This is for Oodweyne ...

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xiinfaniin;898248 wrote:
Muqdisho cuqdad kama qabo


Dr. Gaboose ayaa shirkiisa jaraa’id lagu weydiiyey in haddii uu wax ka waayey maamulka Hargeysa halka uu aadi doono iyo inuu tagi doono Muqdisho oo siyaasiyiin badan u cararaan marka ay xil ka waayaan Hargeysa ayaa wuxuu ku jawaabay;


“Anigu wax cuqdad ah kama qabo Xamar, Xamar waa meeshii aan ku dhashay oo aan deganaa, dadka Xamar joogana waa dad wax badan naga dhexeeyaan.”
ayuu yiri Dr. Gaboose oo intaasi raaciyey inuu joogi doono Hargeysa.


Ururka UMMADA ayaa ka mid noqonata ururada siyaasadeed ee dhaliilay doorashadii deegaanka ee ka dhacday Somaliland dhamaadkii bishii hore taasoo weli muran badan uu ka taagan yahay.

Dr.Gaboose's was born in Muqdisho, his sub sub-clan is from Galkacyo, he resides in Hargeysa. Wonder what makes him an Oodweyne leader?

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Now here is someone who is finally talking some sense...


With the exit of Cawil in Somaliland politics, Gaboose is the most visible politician of Oodweyne community , if not the defacto leader. Now he is from Mogadishu is neither here nor there. The man competed in SL elections as a Somalilander. That is why Gaboose = Oodweyne


I know our Oodweyne friend resents Gaboose success

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Carafaat;898304 wrote:
Dr.Gaboose's was born in Muqdisho, his sub sub-clan is from Galkacyo, he resides in Hargeysa. Wonder what makes him an Oodweyne leader?

LOOOOL war heedhe i want a post since we are xidid soon

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The project and its useless elections are in big sham! Horta wax kasta oo khalad ah oo meeshaa ka dhaco why ictiraafka loola xiriiriyaa? Election was corrupted, so recognition is damaged! Damn Ictiraaf bay ku waalatay tani..

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xiinfaniin;898309 wrote:
Now here is someone who is finally talking some sense...


With the exit of Cawil in Somaliland politics, Gaboose is the most visible politician of Oodweyne community , if not the defacto leader. Now he is from Mogadishu is neither here nor there. The man competed in SL elections as a Somalilander. That is why Gaboose = Oodweyne


I know our Oodweyne friend resents Gaboose success

Cirro is the Chairmen of the Parliament and leader of Wadani Party who won the elections. The Interior Minister Duur, is the highest serving member in the goverment. Both men are from the "Oodweyne" community. Dr.Gaboose doesnt come close to these men. Why would you potray Gaboose as leader of 'Oodweyne' community.

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The Sage   

These threads are starting to become hilarious. I mean all the effort to dress something up to make it bigger than it actually is.


Democracy alive and well in Hargeisa but it's certainly dead/non-existent in Garowe and Muqdisho

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