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Kenyan troops kill nomads in Janaay Cabdalla

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Isniin, September 24, 2012 (HOL) — Ciidamada Kenya ee qaybta ka ah howgalka Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ayaa shacab Soomaaliyeed oo xoolo dhaqato ah ku laayay deegaanka Janaay-Cabdala oo ka tirsan gobolka Jubbada Hoose, sida uu saxaafadda u xaqiijiyay afhayeenka ciidamada dowladda ee Jubbooyinka, Col. Aadan Axmed Xirsi (Rufle).


Afhayeenka oo la hadlayay BBC-da ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Kenya ay dileen toddoba qof oo ka mid ah sagaal qof oo ay soo qabteen labadii qof ee kalena ay gaareen dhaawacyo aad u daran.


"Weerar ay Al-shabaab soo qaaday kaddib ayay ciidamada Kenya waxay shacab kasoo qabteen deegaanno ku dhow deegaanka Janaay-Cabdalla wayna laayeen," ayuu yiri afhayeenka u hadlay ciidamada dowladda, isagoo ka dalbaday madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya inay arrintaan wax ka qabtaan, maadaama ciidamadan ay ku amar dowladeed.


Col. Rufle oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa sheegay in dadka ay ciidamada Kenya dileen ay ahaayeen xoolo dhaqato aan wax lug ah ku lahayn dagaallada, isagoo sheegay in falkan uusan ahayn kii ugu horreeyay oo ciidamada Kenya ka sameeyaan gudaha Soomaaliya.


"Markii aan saraakiisha Kenya u sheegno inay cudur-daar ka bixiyaan iyo magdhow ka bixiyaan dadka shacabka ah ee ay ciidamadoodu dilaan waxay noogu jawaabaan waxaan dhiiggeenna u daadinayno waa inaan xoreyno Soomaalida," ayuu afhayeenku ku sheegay warbixintiisa.


Dhanka kale, afhayeenka ciidamada Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM, Col. Cali Aadan Xumud oo dilalkan ay su'aalo ka weydiistay BBC-da ayaa sheegay inay baaritaan ku sameyn doonaan, haddii ay cadaatana go'aan laga qaadan doono.


"AMISOM waxay diyaar u tahay inay qaadato haddii ay gef geysato, arrintanna waa la baarayaan haddii ay cadaatana go'aan ayaa laga qaadan doonaa," ayuu yiri Col. Xumud oo u dhashay dalka Jabuuti.


Ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan Koonfurta Soomaaliya, ayaa waxay si iskood ah uga soo talaabeen soohdinta qaybisa labada dal bishii Oktoobar ee sannadkii hore, si ay ula dagaalamaan Al-shabaab oo ay ku eedeeyeen falal ammaan-darro oo gudaha dalkooda ka dhacay, balse horraantii sannadkan ayay ku biireen howgalka AMISOM.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Enough is enough. These pathetic toy soldiers that can't secure a single city should be expelled from Somalia. I'd much rather Ugandan soldiers or the SNA carry on with the offensive.

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They have massacred innocent ppl these Kenya troops are joke they are known to be trigger happy against civilians. They are cowards . This incident should be investigated further before they kill again...!






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Apophis;872975 wrote:
It could just be a rogue unit within the KDF, lets wait for more information before rushing to judgements.

Where's the lynch mob when we need them. :D Their true motives are clear anyway. The sooner they leave, the better, no one invited them in the first place.


btw, how do you listen to that social good conference?

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The Ugandans come from oh-so far away that they don't worry me. The Ethios, we understand each other and will deal with them soon. But the Kenyans are treacherous b*st*rds. I don't like them at all.


Why are all these streams from Mog always rubbish? The Tedx one was no better

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They Kenyans are after our territorial waters whereas the Ethios aren't, they are content with holding on to the stolen lands whereas the Kenyans are expansionist.

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I'm kidding, but this is nothing to kid about my friends! A lone soldier shot dead 6 civilians even BBC confirms. There's no excuse for this and he will be prosecuted with the full extent of the law!


Kenyan Amisom soldier kills six Somali civilians


The soldier has been detained pending an investigation, it said, noting the incident followed a militant attack.


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Haatu shouldn't you know better since you've lived amongst the kenyans? Not to say that they are benign but really I think these foot soldiers are clueless of what their rapacious officials have planned/are after (territorial waters; a pressure from those international fishing industries & so called maritime warriors floating the Indian ocean coast waiting for a chance to drill…)…laakin as Apophis said..I wouldn’t ruminate twice for an Ethio or Ugandan/burundi & the rest of these hardcore military juntas setting foot in Somalia-they are more vicious in both their actions & intent (not to say the duration they’ve been around)…xaraanta..


They are all the same in any case…ala soomaliyeey. Laakin waxaan la yaabanahay..dadkeena..quick to do a hatchet job on the kenyan troops..yet the AMISOM iyo Ethio troops..Djibouti..don't receive the same mock! (Ok, you could claim the Azania project..) but look at O-land..atrocities?

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^^ Problem with the Kenyans is that they are openly supporting an entity in the south eastern part of the country they entered Somalia first on illegal bases than after a summit in Addis ababa they came under the command of the Amisom forces of General Bahuku. Also since 2009 there were talks about how Kenya is interested in the territorial waters of Somalia and possible oil drilling off shore there are multiple reports about that.The Ethiopians are not liked either since 2006 they were in Somalia and committed heinous crimes they left end 2008 came back begin 2011 but the thing with the Xabashis is they come in they fight alshabaab and go out they are not liked in beledweyne they were replaced by the Djiboutian forces. Ever since Alshabaab fled from Mogadishu the killing of innocent civilians stopped in Xamar by the Amisom no more shelling from the Amisom forces that's why u hardly hear negativity coming from the Ugandan troops. All in All Foreign troops are Foreign troops some with a mission some with other purposes.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;873095 wrote:
^^ Problem with the Kenyans is that they are openly supporting an entity in the south eastern part of the country they entered Somalia first on illegal bases than after a summit in Addis ababa they came under the command of the Amisom forces of General Bahuku. Also since 2009 there were talks about how Kenya is interested in the territorial waters of Somalia and possible oil drilling off shore there are multiple reports about that.The Ethiopians are not liked either since 2006 they were in Somalia and committed heinous crimes they left end 2008 came back begin 2011 but the thing with the Xabashis is they come in they fight alshabaab and go out they are not liked in beledweyne they were replaced by the Djiboutian forces. Ever since Alshabaab fled from Mogadishu the killing of innocent civilians stopped in Xamar by the Amisom no more shelling from the Amisom forces that's why u hardly hear negativity coming from the Ugandan troops. All in All Foreign troops are Foreign troops some with a mission some with other purposes.

Ethiopians haven't been replaced in Beledweyne, beenta jooji. 100 troops from Djibouti arrived, you think the Ethiopians won't protect them as well? Ethiopians are still in control of Beledweyne and this time they have public support in Hiiraan, that is a fact.

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