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Madaxwayna Cusub : -Waxaa la igu Wareejiye Khasnada Dowlada oo Zero ah

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adaxwaynaha Cusub ee Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaliya Xassen Sheikh Maxamud ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Dowlada Cusub ee uu madaxda u yahay ay haysto Dhaqaale daro isla markaana lagu wareejiyay Khasnadaha Dowlada Zero ah ayna u dheertahay Daymo Fara badan oo lagu leeyahay.


Mudane Xassen Sheekh Maxamud ayaa Tibaaxay inay dowladiisa kala waregtay Xukuumadii ka horaysay Meel banaan oo dad kaliya joogaan, waxaana ay xuseen shaqaalihii meesha loogu tagay inaysan mudo 5bilood ah khasnada Dowlada wax dakhli ah kusoo dhicin taasoo ay ku micneeyeen in meelo kale lala maray dhaqaalihii loogu talagalay in marka hore ay kusoo dhacaan khasnada dowlada markaasi kadib loo diro meelihii kale ee markaasi lagu bixin lahaa.


Dowlada Cusub ee Soomaliya ayaa la kowsatay Meel banaan oo aysan wax dhaqaale ah oo howsha lagu sii kalo wado ool waxaana Madaxwane Xassen Sheekh markii uu ku guulaystay Jagada Madaxwaynaha isla markiiba u yeeray maareeyaha Banka dowlada isagoona u sheegay inaan wax dhaqaale ah laga bixin karin Khasnada Dowlada.


Waxaana ay arintaasi u muuqatay mid uu madaxwaynuhu ku xakamaynayo Dhaqaalaha dowlada in lala baxo Laakiin Taxadarkii Xassen Sheekh Laguma Guulaysan oo Xili hore ayaaba laga fakaray oo khasnada Dowlada aan lacagba lagu ridan si saxiix aan looga helin.


Xukuumadii ka horaysay ee madaxda u ahaayeen Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo C/welli Gaas ayaa labaduba ahaa musharaxiinta u taagan Xilka Madaxwaynaha kuwaasoo dhaqaale badan oo loogu talagalay inay dowladu ku marayso howlaheeda ku galay Doorasho iyo Safaro aan micno badan samaynayn.


Madaxwaynaha Cusub e Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaliya Xassen Sheekh Maxamuud oo dhawaan Doorasho ka dhacday Muqdisho oga guulaystay Musharaxiin farabadan ayaa xiligani dowladiisa waxaa lasoo darsay dhaqaalo yari taasoo keeni karta howlo badan inay dib u dhacaan.

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Macallinka;871433 wrote:
GAS and Sharif used all the money for the election campaign . Ku waasi ilaahaygii naga badbaadiyay ayaa mahada iska leh.

If the President is the man who has been handed the keys to the account. Then why do you mention Gas, since he was not the President?

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LOL, Abdiweli was the one who used funds for campaigns, is that how low we have gotten, we went form he's a qabilist, till he stashes money away, to he is selling the sea and now we are saying he used public funds for his own campaign, did we see his placards held all over the place? :D Wow.

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If Abdiweli stole money, would the new president keep him in till now as a transition is happening? Also tell me of the 5 million that disappeared under Farmaajo, he never answered that.




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^ The only person said anything about Farmaajo taking money was GAS not even the people who were conducting the investigation. Besides when Farmaajo left the office there were 7m in the account.


Now, where is the government money? who should we ask for? Of course the top two guyz who were there. By the way they don't have to spend the money on placards that is just peanuts. Most of the money went to bribing the MPs for vote .

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Actually Abdiweli said that the money disappeared before he took office under the previous government, so that's not his fault. Also please stop evading it, why is the current president Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud not replacing Abdiweli Mohamed swiftly if he indeed stole money? :D

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^^@Macallinka - dhibka dhaaf. Not a shocker really, its all of them really and Its not limited to leaders too - cheats and chronic corruption is the Somali way


At least Oba has nothing to complain, He lost one while gaining another:D

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He is not pointing finger at anyone , he is saying there is no money in the save . And its clear who took it.....that is all am saying.




Waxa uu sheegay in uu la wareegay dawlad khasanadeheedu maran yihiin deyna lagu lee yahay shantii bilood ee u danbeysey aan helin wax kaalmo ah oo khsanadaheedu maran yihiin iyada oo caalamku sugaayey waxa is bedala, haddana ay eegayaan talaabada aan qaadno taasna ay dheertahay badda oo xiran oo canshuurtu yartahay.


Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in shirka loo dhan yahay ee Qaramada Midoobey uu ka baqsadey kaas oo dhacaya 24.09.2012, weliba waxaa jira shir gaar ah oo Soomaaliya looga hadlaayo kaas oo barbarsocda Shirka guud ee Qaramada Midoobey kaas oo dhacaya 26.Sept.2012 laakiin waxaan qiimeeyey hawsha taala iyo shirkaas waxaana ii soo baxdey in hawsha taalaa ay badan tahay sidaas darteedna aan ka baaqdey Shirkaas, arintan oo Xildhibaanadu si weyn u soo dhaweeyey una sacab tumeen, maadaama madaxdii hore ay ahaayeen kuwo aan cafin shir aan macno lahayn xitaa, isla markaana boorsadoodu ahayd mid iska xirxiran.

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When we stand on our own feet, we will hold all ngos accountable for the fleecing they oversaw when Somalia was under their control.


Till then, lets not accuse anyone for it is futile to do so at this point

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Xaaji Xunjuf;871447 wrote:
^^ And why are you defending gaas?

He is a man worthy of defending. Again if the Presidnet has the key and it's empty, how is or the fault of the PM who never had the keys to the safe?:D

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Yunis;871471 wrote:
^^@Macallinka - dhibka dhaaf. Not a shocker really, its all of them really and Its not limited to leaders too - cheats and chronic corruption is the Somali way


At least Oba has nothing to complain, He lost one while gaining another:D


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