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Farmaajo oo ku guul dareystay qancinta Cali khaliif Galeyr.

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Farmaajo oo ku Qancin waayay Cali Khaliif Galayr Inuu ka Tanaasulo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka Inuu isku soo Taago


Waxaa xiligani Soconaya Xaflada Uu ku dhawaqayo Dr.Cali khalif Galaydh Inuu U tagan yahay Xilka Gudoomiyaha Balamanka Soomaaliya Iyadoona Xaf lad siweyn loo Soo Agaasimey Ay Wakhtigani Ka Soconayso Hotelka Saxafi Ee magalada Muqdisho Ayna Ka Soo Weyb Galeen Inta Badan Barlamanka.


Hoolka ay Hada Xaflada Ka soconayso aya awaxa Soo buux dhafiyey Qaar kamid ah Balamanka Iyo wafdi kale,waxana xiligani Uu Ku dhawaqayaa Inuu yahay Musharax Gudoomiyaha Barlamanka Oo Ay Usharaxan yahiin ugu Yaraan 3 Musharax.


Xiligani warar ka Ka Soo baxaya Hoolka Hotelka saxafi Ee Ay xaflada ka soonayso aya awaxa lagu soo sheegaya ainay inta badan Xubnaha Balamanka Cusub Oo Isaga Tageersani ka soo qeyb Galeen.


Dhanka kale Waxaa manta Muqdisho ku kulmay Raisul Wasaarihii Hore ee Soomaaliya Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo ayadoona waxyaabihii ugu waynaa ee ka wada hadleen ay kamid ahayd inuu Xil kale Raadsado Maadaama uu isku sharaxayo Gudoonka Baarlamanka.


Farmaajo ayaa Wararku sheegayaan inuu ku qancin waayay Cali Khaliif Galayr ka Tanaasulida Gudoonka Baarlamanka Waxaana Wararka Qaar sheegayaan inuu Farmaajo Balanqaad u sameeyay Cali khaliif Laakiin uu arintaasi cali ku qanci waayay.

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If Ali does win this, Farmaajo still have a chance. Anything than faroole camp will be better outcome for khaatumo and somalia

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Duufaan;859824 wrote:
If Ali does win this, Farmaajo still have a chance. Anything than faroole camp will be better outcome for khaatumo and somalia

Maybe you don't understand the game, but If Ali wins the speaker's position, then Farmaajo or Faroole camp are out of the race.

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Siyaasi;859828 wrote:
Maybe you don't understand the game, but If Ali wins the speaker's position, then Farmaajo or Faroole camp are out of the race.

He didn't realise that cause he is suffering from Puntigitis.

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Prof. Jurile Declares His Interest In Parliament’s Top Seat



A member of the newly inaugurated Somali parliament has joined the growing list of individuals eyeing for Somalia’s top seat in parliament ahead of the forthcoming election scheduled for late this month.


Abdirizak Osman Jurile, a professor of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Technology from Puntland on Wednesday declared that he will stand for the position of the speaker. He has previously held positions in almost all most Somali governments.


Speaking to Bar-kulan, Prof. Jurile said his main aim to contest for the position is to reform the parliament which he said is a vital institution in leading the country out of the current crisis.


He lambasted on the all parliaments the country had in the recent past, saying that they failed to execute their constitutional functions and was frequently marred by controversies.






Prof. Juurile: “waxan ahay musharrax u taagan xilka gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka”

August 22, 2012


Muqdisho: (pp)- Xildhibaan Prof. Cabdirisaaq Cismaan Xasan (Juurile) oo ah xildhibaan ka tirsan barlamaanka cusub ee Soomaaliya, ayaa shaaciyay in uu yahay musharrax u taagan qabashada xilka gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka.



Prof. Jurille oo warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa tilmaamay in rajadiisu ay aad u fiican tahay, islamarkaana uu si aad ah ugu han weyn yahay in loo doorto gudoomiyaha cusub ee baarlamaanka dhowaanta la dhaari “Baarlamaanku waa hay’adda keliya ee laga dheehan karo hanaanka maamul ee dowlad walba, aniguna waxan rabaa in aan soo celiyo sharaftii iyo nidaamkii uu baarlamaan lahaan jirey, taas ayaana ah sababta igu dhalisay in aan xilka gudoomiyaha isu soo sharaxo” *Juurile ayaa yiri.


Wuxuuna isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata intaas raaciyey: ” hadii aan xilkan ku guuleysto, waxan dadaal badan ku bixin doonaa sidii uu baarlamaanku u noqon lahaa mid si wanaagsan u guta waajibaadka loo idmaday, kana dheeraada is qab qabsi iyo muran”


Cabdirisaaq Cismaan Xasan oo ah ruug cadaa siyaasi ah, xilal kala duwanna kasoo qabtay dowladihii dalka soo maray, wuxuu qayb ka yahay dhowr xildhibaan oo ilaa iyo hadda isu soo taagay in loo doorto jagada afhayeenka cusub ee baarlamaanka


Kulan ay shalay golaha cusub ee baarlamaanku ku yeesheen xarunta gaadiidka Booliska ee magaalada Muqdisho ayey ku doorteen gudiga qaban qaabada doorashada gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka, taas oo la qorsheeyey in ay dhacdo 26da bishan aynu ku jirno ee August.




Jurile said he was the better placed in clinching to the parliament’s top seat given his vast knowledge and experiences.


Somalia is due to hold elections for the speaker of the newly inaugurated parliament and presidential election in Mogadishu late this month after two more than two decades of lawlessness, warlordism and piracy following the fall of its central government in 1991.

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Juriile & Xasan Abshir has been thrown into the race by Puntland to divide Ali Khaliif's vote, Puntland takes concrete strategic move to stop him while Mr nice guy Farmaajo is begging him.;)

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Ali Galeydh topped over 180 of the PM to vote for him, and Farmajo realized that Prof. Galaydh has high chance of becoming the Spearker. Farmajo has less chance to be the president so he shouldn't tried on Galaydh to give it up.

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well, I wanted to say if Ali does not win, Farmaajo have a chance but it seems Ali is going strong here and end up winning.

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kiss somalia goodbye if galeyr wins. :)


only the irrisponsible clan haters will celebrate his win. i can understand khatumo supporters celebrating because that is their guy but all other somalis who want this guy to win don't want to see progress in somalia and want to reverse all that was done recently.


let the game begin. ciyaartu ha socoto.


ali has less chance of winning than ant becoming speaker of somalia. lool

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Mooge;859851 wrote:
kiss somalia goodbye if galeyr wins.


only the irrisponsible clan haters will celebrate his win. i can understand khatumo supporters celebrating because that is their guy but all other somalis who want this guy to win don't want to see progress in somalia and want to reverse all that was done recently.


let the game begin. ciyaartu ha socoto.


ali has less chance of winning than ant becoming speaker of somalia. lool

Mooge your right, the khaatumites support him for pure clan reasons, but others who always hated Galeyr and called him TUUG are suddenly supporting him and presenting him as mother Teresa, its all about, in laga jajabiyo A.Wali who they see him as a Puntlander.

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Is that the new campaign slogan for Gaas. Look at your sides.. Whose Gaas is pairing with, Shariif Sakiin so that is the type of men who will bring progress? Where is the millions of $$s donated for poor IDP that Gaas has pocketed. That is the progress? Come again boy.. It's obvious the only reason you against Galeydh is clanship and you supporting Gaas that very same reason. So never accuse others of being supporting someone just because of clan since that is all you do always. Ali is more nationalist than the men you heartily support all alone. So bring something else people to listen waryaa..

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Mooge;859851 wrote:
kiss somalia goodbye if galeyr wins.


only the irrisponsible clan haters will celebrate his win. i can understand khatumo supporters celebrating because that is their guy but all other somalis who want this guy to win don't want to see progress in somalia and want to reverse all that was done recently.


let the game begin. ciyaartu ha socoto.


ali has less chance of winning than ant becoming speaker of somalia. lool

Mooge:D Does that mean aniga iyo beesha lee Soomaaliya ugu fiican oo wanaag rabno, inta kale ma rabaan?:D Yaab badanaa...Bal waxaad soo qortay dib u akhri...

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