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The treason that is the so-called 'Dastuur'

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;847888 wrote:
Did they accept the Italian and Anglo border with Kenya and the Italian Abyssinian border with Ethiopia in the new constitution?

The 2 Somaliland were dissolved 52 yrs ago. It's now called the Somalia Republic...and that is the land that is covered by the new constitution.:D



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Haatu;847887 wrote:
Somalia, I didn't say that it doesn't define the borders, but it paves the way for foreign countries to make claims. As for the Capital, does that even need to be put before any parliament? The capital is
. Ama ku farax ama ka nax, this is a reality.


Freeman, who says our armies have to fight? But what we can do is force the Ethiopians to call a referendum. That way, the people can decide. But I just want you to know how important economically that land is.

Lol, what if the people of the region wants the capital to be part of their federal state?

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Odayaasha Dhaqanka Beelaha *****, ***** iyo ***** oo Isku Aragti ka Noqday Dastuurka Qabyada ah Iyo Muran Adag oo Soo Kala Dhexgalay DKMG ah iyo Odayaasha


Odayaasha dhaqanka ee beelaha *****, ***** iyo **** oo maanta kulan loo kala kicin ku lahaa xarunta ay ku shiraan ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa go’aan mideysan oo ay soo saareen waxay ku cadeeyeen inaysan raali ka noqon doonin in habdeg deg ku jiro lagu meel mariyo dastuurka qabyada ah.


Odayaasha saddexda beelood waxay sheegeen inaysan suurtagali doonin ion ergada ansixinta dastuurka ee 825 la soo xulo iyadoo uu weli madmadsow ku jiro dastuurka qabyada ah oo ay ku dhaliileen inuu khatar gelinayo dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed.

Shabakada Raxanreeb oo la hadashay qaar ka mid ah odayaasha saddexda beelood ee kulanka lahaa ayaa ogaatay in odayaasha ay soo saareen illaa 11 qodob oo ka mid ah dastuurka cusub oo ay sheegeen in laga soo bedelo dastuurka ama gebi ahaanba laga saaro. Qodobadaasi waxaa ku jira:

  1. Qodobka jinsiyada oo ay sheegeen inuusan u qalmin Soomaalida
Qodobka xuduudaha dalka oo
markale isbedel lagu soo sameeyey isla markaaba sheegaya in xuduudaha dalka laga gorgortami karo
haddii loo baahdo.
Qodobka shuruudaha madaxda dalka oo aad loo fududeeyey lagana saaray arimaha sheegaya diinta iyo muwaadinimada.
Qodobka xoriyada diimaha oo dib looga soo daray dastuurka qabyada ah.
Nabadoon Maxamed Xasan Xaad oo ka mid ah odayaasha saddexda beelood ee maanta kulanka ku yeeshay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay inuu shaki badan ku jiro in waraaqaha loo keenay uu yahay dastuurkii rasmiga ah iyo in wax kale odayaasha loo dhiibay. Odayaashu waxay dalbanayaan in 11 qodob ee ay u calaamadiyeen laga saaro dastuurka ama laga soo bedelo inta horeysana aan loo gudbi karin ansixin dastuur.


Xarunta shirka odayaasha uu ka socdo ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa maanta duhurkii waxaa soo gaaray xubno ka mid ah golaha wasiirada DKMG ah, kuwaasoo markii dambe iyagoo careysan isaga baxay xariunta, waxaana warar ku dhow ay noo xaqiijiyeen in odayaasha iyo wasiirada ay isku afgaran waayeen dalab odayaasha ka soo baxay oo ah inaan loo gudbi karin ansixinta dastuurka iyadoo madmadow iyo wax aan bisleyn ay ku jiraan dastuurka.


Waxaa jira hadalheyn ah in odayaasha saddexda beelood ee ka horjeestay ansixinta dastuurka ay wada hadal kula jiraan odayaasha beelaha ***** si ay uga dhaadhiciyaan diidmada dastuurka cusub kaasoo odayaashu shuruudo adag hordhigeen.


Dhanka kale waxaa aad u yar waqtiga u haray mudada loo qabtay ansixinta dastuurka oo klu beegan 12-ka bishaan July xilligaasoo ay tahay inay diyaar yihiin golaha dastuuriga ee ka kooban 825 xubnood oo ka wada kooban dhamaan beelaha Soomaalida, sida ku qoran qorshihii Addis Ababa ee 23-kii May, taasoo u muuqata inaysan ku diyaar garoobi karin.


Dawlada KMG ah ayaa dhankeeda ka cabaneysa inaysan heyn dhaqaale iyo tasiilaad ay ku socodsiiso shirka golaha dastuuriga ah ee dhacaya 12-ka July iyadoo la sheegayo in Qaramada Midoobay iyo hayadaha kale ee taageera aysan weli bisin lacagihii ay u balanqaadeen meelmarinta dastuurka.

Odeyaasha waaku raacsanahay, waana ku taageersanahay go'aanada iyo aragtida ay qaateen.

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Ethopia is behind this no doubt. They fear Somali republic will support separatists resistances in Western Somalilands. I support the idea of negotiated peaceful settlement but putting it as an article in the constitution is quite telling. I thnk Somalis would go along with this. Becouse firstly, you don't want the powerful neighbour spoiling the part before it even began. Secondly, the somali borders along Ethopian border is already recognised as disputed in the United Nations. Thirdly, Kenya would want to file artibtration by the UN on their claim on Somali sea with or without Somalia agreeing. Outcome of that will depend on how Somalis are determined to see off Kikuyus.

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somalia proper can't live together & some have the urge to wrestle away more nomads from nearby ...for anotha 40 yrs of failed state?:confused:

this kind talk sends shock wave thru out the region and good incentive for neighbors to destabilise more!

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Though often said by Somalis outside the country, I'm not sure this idea of 'Somalis hate federalism' is reflected by Somalis living inside the country. I think those back home do not care one way or the other. How can they, when they have more immediate concerns of food and water security? If they get peace they'll be happy.

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Oodweyne;847993 wrote:
The problem is not what the naked eye could see.
But, rather it's the elephant in the room. And, that is some community in Somalia are not happy with the idea of making Somalia a federal republic, given the fact that their little dusty villages are not yet ready to organised themselves in a federal set-up.

Hence, this is an excuse to throw a monkey wrench on the whole thing at best. Or at worse, it's a way of delaying the whole thing, so that, the federal nature of this thing could be given more time to be discuss it. However, to be fair to them, I agree with them when they allude that the idea of having a federal republic without doing first a census is like putting the cart before the horse.


But still for what is worth, I still think that approval or other-wise of this constitution, will have to be revisited once this transitional period is over. And if Sh. Hotel return for another term, then, all bets are off for this cobbled together federal system, in whose it's most endearing features is that of pleasing the folks from the pirate's den of Somalia to the disappointment of every one else.


Consequently this bit of fussing now is just a warm up exercise fro the real fight that is yet to come. Which will be when they get down and try to write a proper constitution for Somalia after this period is out of the way.


Spot on

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There is a reason why the IC has bought the notion that federalism is at least a temporary solution for Somalia's prolonged civil war. Come down from the conspiracy theories you are peddling here , the bedazzling tricks and whatnot, yaa Oodweyne: how do you resolve a 21-year old civil war...? How do you accommodate grieve stricken lot like yours (in the north) to trust Somali union again?


To put it simply , for Puntland, (and to some extend for IC) , Federalism is a put-up-or-shut-up proposition. May not be necessarily fair, but one cannot put up with a 21 years of whining with no tangible proposal (other than the brief Court movement) on the table.


Besides, and as the new constitution dictates, come 2016 and this deal is up for ratification. For those bragging about numerical significance and electoral muscle, why not kill it then and there if you deem it unfit for Somalia's future and wellbeing?

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Perhaps Somalia's silent majority (not the organized political community ) sees the new constitution as a compromise to get beyond current transition ...

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Oodweyne;848445 wrote:


And you assumed that Somaliland is party to the federal system of Somalia along with pirate-land? What a conceit on your part, my friend, I must say.


As for the rest of Somalia and their take of federal system is concern, you do know that this is a system that was forced upon them. And, hence if they get a democratic chance as soon as possible they will kill it.


And that view is held in a same way whether you discuss this issue with Islamist cadre or whether you ask the folks who were – shall we say – the “Warlord-ship disposition” even few years ago. Subsequently, reading the endless argument in which this “federal set-up” seems to be endangering in here, one can say that it’s really something that is almost “dead-on-arrival” in so far as others are concern. And furthermore they are going through the motion of accepting it now only under duress. And if they are given a half of a chance to “nullify” it, they will do it in heart’s beat, I fear.


Hence, it’s not, my good man, the Somalilanders of this world you need to convince of the applicability of your federal system. For we consider ourselves to be out-of-the-loop on this thing, regardless whether you believe that or not. But on the contrary it’s the folks who will run the show of Somalia from Mogadishu – at least in perpetuity – that you need to sell this idea of yours. And so far if it was up to them they would of prefer it not to have touched it with a barge-ball, indeed

Spot on!


Somaliland position was always used as excuse to introduce Federalism. Now that Somaliland and TFG have engaged in a dialogue, one cannot use Somalilands absence as an excuse for Federalism. Thats why Federalism is no longer an option.


But still a decentralized and strong regions is one way to correct the mistakes of the past and to prevent new ones. and restore reconcialiation, proper governance and politics free from clan dominations.

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