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Joint Declaration By The Elders of Maakhir KHaatumo States of Northern Somalia

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Aadan Jugle;846682 wrote:
The Khaatumo Nuts and soo called Maakhir need a legal case , you nuts can't just add a somaliland territory to the Italian part. You can only do so if somaliland does a refrundum and you tiny 4 viilages beats Gebilay in voting yes for another union.


Or you can do it through the gun and fight it off and defeat somaliland troops using your horses and a sling-shot and recite your Mullah's diatribes.

KHaatumo and Maakhir People have very strong legal case. Presently, the land of KHaatumo and Maakhir is legally part of United Somalia according to United Nation and all countries of the world.


99% of both KHaatumo and Maakhir People want to remain as an integral part of their country SOmalia. They don't want to be part of Italian or British Somaliland. There is no need for a war between somalis, invading and attacking Laas Caanood, Buhoodle, Widhwidh, Boocame, Xudun Taleex, Tukaraq, Las Qorey, Badhan, and Dhahar will not benefit anyone. The choice of the KHaatumo & Maakhir people must be respected.





Aadan Jugle;846658 wrote:
So they can join Italian Somalia , a territory that was created by Italians but not Somaliland a territory that was a British protectrate!!!! . Thats why i named you
Khaatumo Nuts


There no logic at all to any argument from these people, why not just be honest and say "ew hate the SNM clan" so any rubbish pretext will be used.

Maybe you hate KHaatumo people, and thats why you named them KHaatumo nuts. If you believe our people hate each other, that means we cannot share a state Somalia or Somaliland.


Honestly, I like all Somali people including my brothers and sisters from Northwest Region (Hargeisa, Burco, & Berbara). Because, despite our political disagreements and legitimate differences of opinion, I believe we are one people as somalis, and we all want same thing: peace, freedom, independence, and justice.

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Simply because you hate somaliland doesn't make it a legall case, Somaliland has a goverment a goverment that was elected by the majority people and that goverment will either disolve the union or reaffrim the union regardless of the wishes of the fringe minorities.


The goverment of somaliland in 1960 decided to opt for a union and that same goverment today along its people decided to go back to its status pre-July 1 1960.


Now what case 1 sub-sub-sub clan has against a goverment that was elected by the majority?? nothing. I named you Khaatumo Nuts because your entire politics revolve around dead fabricated history, the AU charter supports even somaliland claim.


What case you people have other then been an angry minorities who fought against the SNM and were allied with the last regime? non. Today the world recognize that Siilaanyo is the head of somaliland goverment and he repersent the majority and thats enough, the Khaatumo nuts and soo called Maakhir can wail and whine from the prepheriy but wether they like it or not Somaliland'd borders will not be altered, if they wish to be part of Maqdisho then Maqdisho is located in different country let them by all means go there.

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Aadan Jugle;846670 wrote:
That border betwen somaliland and somalia was nullified by who??? of course by somaliland in 1960 and now the same goverment renacted the old borders.

Without my permission you aint going nowhere. I assure you you need care than being on SOL.

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Aadan Jugle;846682 wrote:
The Khaatumo Nuts and soo called Maakhir need a legal case , you nuts can't just add a somaliland territory to the Italian part. You can only do so if somaliland does a refrundum and you tiny 4 viilages beats Gebilay in voting yes for another union.


Or you can do it through the gun and fight it off and defeat somaliland troops using your horses and a sling-shot and recite your Mullah's diatribes.

"Somaliland territory to the Italian part"....that statement alone shows that you dont even understand the problem here...


Why should we as Somalis, be forced to accept borders imposed on us by the Europeans? Theres no such thing as an entity called "Somaliland", not with more than half of the Somaliland "territory" being inhabited by people with a strong desire to stay within the Union....if the people of Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera wish to secede, then go ahead.


But dont attempt to shape our political realities based on the borders drawn by Britain


Dont force the people of Sool, Sanaag and Awdal to join you though

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