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Qudhunka Qabyaaladda: A Brutal Killing of innocents by Khaatumo-Xumo Militias

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Mohamed was working in the Ainabo district office of the DRC. At 5pm yesterday, he was asked to drive to a place not far from the office to help another colleague whose car got stuck. About 25km outside Ainabo, a place called Goosoweyne, where the roads to El-Afweyn, Ainabo and Burao meet, he was ambushed by pro-Khatumo state militias.

he was violently killed, along with a friend he was driving with, his car and personal belonging taken by the militias. When staff at the Ainabo office got worried because he was late, they called his phone. To their shock, the militias picked it up and told them they have killed Mohamed and his friend and said where they dumped their bodies!!!




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This woman just mentioned her co-workers not even the 2 only one , i don't understand her point 2 of her co-workers got killed and she is wailing only for one of them??


They also passed by a coffe shack in the village and shot at few people injurying 2 more and killing 1, total dead 3 , total inuried tow. Today most eastern clans are in arms, every car heading in and out of Laas Caanood is searched the Nugaal millitia who killed 3 people randomly and fled will be payed for through their clan members, even if they are found inside Ceerigaabo or even Burco these Khaatumo cowards should be taught a lesson, if killing random people is a goal by their standards every Khaatumo follower should hunted even with in Hargaysa itself.

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Killing Random people happens everywhere...Allaha u naxariisto cid kasta oo gacan gardarani disho, iyadana abaalkeeda marsiiyo...


What is important is to agree to put end to the disagreement that have ravaged every corner of our land,,,

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AUN.. RIP. Serious note though, this is the consequences of this madness succession project. Let people live in peace...

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They killed 2 civilian business men in Tukaraq as well, there's something seriously wrong with some of them.

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^^ Osmano waa takhatumo ku waalatay.


These type of killings have nothing to do with Khatumo.. More likely clan revenge which is one of the way s/l strive... Tola'ayeey kaca oo dalka ka rara waa la ina ictiraafayaaye..

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remember things that ignited kalshaale incident,they caught 7 camel herders,tie onto a tree & cut them in pieces with a knife.


how that help whateva nonesenical cause they envision?



this routine agenda anytime there's meeting,so they can argue SL is war zone...chicken will come home to roast,it seems a vengeful catalyst againest khatumites .Look at following


1-Buhoodle few weeks before london conference.

2-Lascanod a week before Istanbul

3-this one same day at start of london talks

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A_Khadar;843986 wrote:
^^ Osmano waa takhatumo ku waalatay.


These type of killings have nothing to do with Khatumo.. More likely clan revenge which is one of the way s/l strive... Tola'ayeey kaca oo dalka ka rara waa la ina ictiraafayaaye..

They were civilian businessmen killed by Khaatumo militias. These men hailed from the Hawd. Adiga laftigaa baa isku waalatey to be honest, the behaviour of Khaatumo militias shows so.

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