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C/Samad Cali Shire oo Tukoraq weerar ku soo ah

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What does Tuke-raq means? Ma raqdii tukaha ayaa laga wadaa? Mise waa meel inta meyd badan ka dhacay tuke iskugu soo aruuray muddo hore? Mise macne kale ayay leedahay?

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Well if we have to follow ur logic one can say that there are no problems between the garaad clan and the garowe boys than why couldn't they share a single administration based on tribal kinship? Because historically they never shared one and in the late sixties they had their own political experience with the rest of the Somaliland communities. I don't believe in the fake mantra's that is repeatedly chanted by the likes of you they are the enemy and they are against this we are against that. The world doesn't work on emotions son where did i say the Garaad clan didn't support the union i said the middle clan was the one that was calling the loudest for union as if their lost son was trapped in Mogadishu:D

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You are not that bright at all, they do share a single adminsteration and thats called SOMALIA goverment or TFG, but they don't share the same federal state and in that they are similar with Gal Mudug and the rest of clan based regions. And what exactly you mean by " shared adminsteration" does been under the same colonial yalk constitute a shared "adminsteration" because thats the only thing your particular sub-clan in Xaraf and Bulaxaar area share with the people of Khaatumo , the British rule.


By extending your chicken logic we also shared an adminestartion with the Zulu in south africa, the Ashanti ina Ghana and the Kikuyo of Kenya loool ,


waaryaa your entire argument was debunked line by line, talada qaado oo jooji niikada iyo ******-ruxa waanu kaa naxaynaaye wax wax kuu sheegaad weydee.

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Again you are trying to compare apples to oranges we were talking about Somaliland and not about west Africa or British east Africa, Here is the problem Galmudug was never part of Puntland the garaad clan some were part of Puntland some part of Somaliland. And now not a single village is in the hands of Puntland and all the tribal chiefs of khaatumo defected from Puntland. They created a home grown entity called Khaatumo leaving the so called Garowe administration.Its not about Colonial experience the khatumites don't they live in Sanaag and Sool with the rest of the Somaliland communities. You act as if they live in Timbuktu:D. Not every one is there to get you there are no conspiracies they are Somalilanders like every one else.

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Useless argument , facts are your sub-clan clan and khaatumo clan never shared anything besides colonial rule, period, you have no border ,you don't intermmary even. All that can't be said about Garoowe clan, they share border, clan, and they intermaryy and they share Somalia as adminestration.


you have no argurmen, you are just a munaafaq a belly dancing munaafaq but you are bustted.

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The people of Khaatumo will never ever embrace somaliland and you and I know that, but you think because you are a Bulaaxaari you think by few belly dance moves you can seduce them , loool very naive western boy.

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Bulaxaari i have never set foot in Bulaxaar:D


It takes time for them to fully embrace Somaliland after all we are all the same people let the wounds of the civilwar heal. Let there be proper reconciliation efforts. Fighting against sections of ur own people is no option there should be immediate dialogue.


Long live the people of Somaliland where ever they are.

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all somalis are the same people, there is nothing spacial between your sub-clan and khaatumo sub-clan and if having something in common is the pre-request of sharing a goverment you share alot more with Jabuuti clan then Khaatumo clans, why not you and them have the same adminsteration.


You are trying to chery-pick you wants to be an ardent somalilander out of clan loyalty but you want to divide Garoowe and Laas Caanod a 90km apart, but you would never apply the same crateria to the sub-clan of Ceerigaabo some 500km away, you believe these are your clan so they are somaliland despite the fact they have alot in common with the people of Puntland and Khaatumo .


You have to be realistic, whats good for you is good for them, why should they choose to by a minority with in Somaliland ?? it makes no sense at all, we are the same , we intermary etc , are empty effeminate mantras. don't embaress us waryaa.enough is enough

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No there is something else the peoples of Somaliland regardless if they are from Borama hargeysa gabiley burco berbera hargeisa erigavo laasqoray badhan laascaanood oodweyne sheikh. Are exactly the same people by traditions by culture by accent by history,You just answered you're own question why should they divide they chose to have their own entity and not wanting to be part of the Garowe clan enclave what does that tell you. When Boqr osman and Sultan Ali Yusuf were having their own little sultanate in mudug and bari was there room for the garaad clan no there wasn't. Are you forgetting that the garaad clan and reer maakhir also used to settle in berbera and Sheikh. These people their destiny is intertwined yes there is no difference between a person from Seylac and a person from Djibouti they are the same there is a mutual understanding between the govt of Djibouti and the SL govt that the movement of people should be encouraged. A similar understanding can be reached with the government of Somalia in the near future. Again i told you before, you see everything from a clan perspective everything you talk about is clanish and it stinks. All you talk about is they are this clan i am this clan thus they are my enemy what are you a baby or something stop crying.

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Naxar Nugaaleed,


Its very interesting how you are hostile even if somone else stated your case, and as I argued before you are non other then XX incarnations, i merely stated what Khaatumo folks claim all the time, how am I adding anything new.


Now logic is logic and a fair man adhere to logic not emotions unlike XX I stated both argument and the only solution i see is sheer force no more no less , if Somaliland people can't defend their interest then iam willing to forego Somaliland cause, but i will never shake by belly and tail to seduce people unlike XX , thats the difference , sheer logic.

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