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Aqeedah Webinar ( Caqeedah Xalaqah)

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Assalamu Alaykum wa raxmatullah wa barakaatuh



Dear Virtual Crowd ( welcome Latif and Complex Mind)


I am upset that no one is discussing points that I raised in this thread, if this was a football game, you guys left me drippling ball in mid court alone, looking around , I see all of you in next Basketball court. Do you think I can contiune burning my brains out if no one is adding their thoughts to this thread?, asking questions, sharing pesronal experiences to support a point or dispute its validity?


Befor I came to Somaliaonline Froum I was a regular at a scumbag gathering at Somalinet, but at least these scumbags refuted my assertions, called me names, but at least they kept an educational discussion going on. Please read below my answers to some readers of my posts on Somalinet forums. I was asked questions that reflect the fear of Islamic sharia and the role of the wadaad in the rebuilding of our fractured country, here were my responses, as an example of educational mission a discussion board should contain ( I selected an Aqeedah discussion).








You are right brother, my answer was cosmetic at best for a rather important set of questions, so let me attempt the first one:



You write:





" but where would a traditional xeer be at conflict with Sharia "


My Answer:





Xeer, the Somali tribal code of justice for settling differences is an age old accumulated agreements compiled as codes that most tribal followers adhere to, respect and never dare to crsoo its lines.


The Xeer, got this stature due to ferocious enforcement of the chiefs, anyone who dares to belittle the xeer, gets spanked, and the enforcement agency for the Xeer is the Tribal Chief whose job is conflict resolution. A joke from the Norh East goes like this: A man was angry at another man, he threatens to kill him and chases him, the victim pleads for mercy asking him to spare his life for the sake of the Prophet, and the angry man continues pursuing him, then he pleads for the sake of Allah and again, it did not help him, then the man envokes Xaaji Jaamac, the tribal Chief as his refuge, and Presto, the angry man says " Meel xun baad iga gashay"


The joke delivers some sobering lessons:


1. Xeer is a respectable law

2. Law enforcement Officer, the Chief is Sovreign, in real terms, he is the ruler of the clan, not Allah.

3. Xeer tolerates disobying Allah, but not the Tribal Chief, power center of the tribe.



Said all of that, let us answer the question:


Where does traditional Xeer be in conflict with Sharia?"


You see brother, it all depends how we define the xeer, here are several:


1. A stand alone code of justice ( SAMAD)

2. An administrative directives supporting the adherence to the Sharia, the superior law of the land, an intermediate step in transmitting Allah's law for ignorant tribesmen who may not know Allah very well.


The first definition is clearely in conflict with the Sharia, which borrows its legitimacy from the owner of the Somalis and their habitat and everything else, his law is binding and no one is allowed to against them. Allah may allow people not to follow his law if they can find other lands, and can shed their bodies like snakes to have bodies not made by Allah.


The second definition is plausible with a lot of care, we have to teach our elders that the Xeer should serve as an enofrcement agency for the sharia, it needs to be amended with clauses that guarantee the sovreignty to Allah alone in every sense possible, all of the Xeer must align with the Sharia, providing a Somali Explanation of Allah's intent in any specific law, it shall act like a travel agency for an airline, the Xeer will only enforce the sharia, the Chiefs need to learn the moral of the Sharia, the engine for the Xeer, which is :


1. Protection of the human life ( all life, including reer Qansax's life)

2. The protection of human property ( for all)

3. The protection of Human dignity ( for All )

4. The brotherhood of all those who believe in Allah, his messenger and the day of judgemenmt.


Allah says in Suuratul Xadiid :


" We have sent our messengers with clear signs and we have furthre sent down with them the book and the criteria ( of distinction between good and bad) so mankind may uphold justice"


The Sharia thus is sent down for justice, and the justice has two folds:


A. Fairness to the creator ( repect him by obedience, and make him not equal with his creatures in no way)

B. Fairness with his creatures: Do not deny them the right to life, property and dignity.


So, the crux of the problem relies on how the Xeer is defined



Your second question is interesting. As the new breed of wadaads, I have learned hard lessons not to Compete with the common man I want to win his heart over for Allah in the direction he is competing:


1. Money


2. Power



My example is our prophet Muhammad SAWS, who refused all kind of power and wealth in the beginning of his mission, only to see all power and wealth come to him. My formula is winning hearts and minds for Allah, and very peacefully while doing it, if you slap me, I will not slap you back, I am under dhiker control, all my actions are remotely controlled by Allah, and the only times that I goof, it is because of Ghaflah, not rememnbering Allah in that specific instance.


In these troubled times, we need to make compassion, forgivenss, and caring for one another our ideals, because we have seen the other side of the fence and it is not green, a fly trying to get out of a window will die trying hundred times doing the same thing, when some thing does not work, try something different, and in our current debacle, why not give Islam a shot?








From what you wrote I gather that the'wadaad' has still a long way to go in becoming a deciding voice in Somali politics and power sharing as the 'waranle'


It seems the approach of the wadaad is one of creating a national movement that will gain strength through dawa provided there is no division among the Somali ulema/ikhwan.


Do you view the wadaad/Islamists as a group are different from the rest of the Somalis who are guided more by clanism rather than an ideology?






My Answer:






The wadaad is definetly different, to solve a problem, one has to rise above the level that created the problem in the first place, and the level the wadaad has risen to is the highest possible, Islam, a total surrender to the will of Allah SWT.


Are the wadaads living up to that lofty level?


I have my doubts, but at least they are working in that direction, and personally, if I am painting a house for you, I may not follow my pianting manuals and drawings very well, which may confuse you, but I would appreciate that you show me were I missed so I can paint agin, but please do not distablilize and throw me off by pulling my ladder and hiring a blindfolded painter who has only power ( temporary that is) but lacks vision to paint your house. A house built on Taqwa from day one is better.. don't you agree sister?






Dear Somaliaonline forum regulars



This site is decent, but it should be spontantaneous, inqusitive, imaginitive, suspenseful, and everyone should speak their minds, that way we can all learn from each other in a positive way while helping make the boards what the owners meant it to be " A DISCUSSIONS BOARD" contrary to how i see it now as a " COMMENT BOARD"






Where are those good sceennames who signed up for the summer Aqeedah refresher course ...such as Flying Still, Wardi, Lucky, Muslim Sis, Ilhaam, Serenity, Jawahir and latsly Nafisa.? were they eaten up by sharks at the great barrier reef? or did i let them down by way of my skewed-up sense of posting Islamic articles in an unorthodox presentation? Sorry, that is me, an I can best serve Islam in my unique way, and I am beyond repair if that was what you had in in mind.



I need your feedback,







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Examples of past Discussions on Aqeedah issues:



Responding to a writer screen named Mr(X) I wrote:



To Mr (x)


You write:


" I think you are raping the religion. "





Brother, anyone reasonable person who reads my post and this comment may think that you either do not know the meaning of the word RAPE, or RELIGION, I have my doubts that you are a scholar of Religion, so that leaves me have a reason to believe that your usage was not accurate. So clarify, otherwise you may not be credible in your judgement.



You Write;



" You are behaving like a politician by twisting words to get your points across. "






Alxamdulillah that we agree that you can not trust politicians, I also think the same way about politicians, let us get better people, honest people who will rperesnt our peoples wishes without any personal stake for themselves in this present life.


What remains to be clarified is a proof to back up your claims, I clearly wrote that I am not in competition with you on seeking power or money, so where do you get the idea that I am lying? The only goal I have is to appeal to your conscious, which you are too scared to poen up for Allah, relax brother, I am a friend, not an enemy.



You Write:


"You are describing Somali Xeer or the tribal heads to be sovereigns drawing a sinister picture"




I am sure that you learned this surah as a kid, let us revisist and understand:


" Say Allah is ONE



Look up your Webster dictionary for the meaning of the word SOVREIGN. After research, you will find that the word means no one has an authority over the SOVREIGN.


The Sovreign MUST own a DOMINION, and Allah owns the UNIVERSE, let me know who is challenging this statement.


The Sovreign by virtue of his ownership of his Dominion , passes laws.


Examples are:


1. The Law of Moses ( Towraat) the ten commandments.


2. The Law of Jesus ( Enjil)


3. The Law of Quraan.



This law is superior to any law before, and after. It is in effect and people have the right to disobey, and Allah has the right to punish, in this life and the the next.


So, make your move.



You write:



" The only think clear from here is the ambition of Ikhwans to call the shots. Your group is only interested in power and are in a mission to discredit and finally destroy other power bases"





You are intoxicated with POWER. Why no try humility for a change, like living a simple life, helping the poor orphans and widows, teaching Quraan to the ignorant, counselling troubled teens to be better citizens, helping people live a decent life, advising them against Qat, Alcohol, wild parties, murder, lies, and instead instill in them Good characters ( Akhlaaq) of trustworhiness, truth in speech, dependability etc, some of what the wadaads are attempting to do if you let them.



The wadaad, is attempting to carry you on his back to safetyland in the next life by teaching you to live good in this life following Allah's commands, and you want to bite the wadaad, you can kill him, but you will not stay behind for long, and by then, the truth will surface, and it will be too late, there is no UNDO button in Aakhira, Microsoft Corporation products do not operate in that environment.



You write;


" I cannot start a full diatribe now for I do not have time but I will be back"




I can not wait the thriller.




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Examples on Discussions on Aqeedah topics



Responding to a writer called DICK, I responded:





You write



On 2003-02-04 00:06, DICK wrote:


ok how about the other question about an ikhwaan government. i dont think you gave me reply on that apart from srcatching the surface. just explain to me and the rest of us here an Ikhwaan government would govern the land. And please be specific and detailed if possible. and please find comparison with past and present islamic the talibans,saudis,iranian or pakistanis or the

malay/indonasians.or any other past islamic government.And please specify what effect such government would have on somalis and the world at large. and finally why would such government would be better than any other non islamic government. " End Quote





When your car is stuck in mud, sometime going back, can help you go forward. Somalis do not have a central government, but they do have governments, if you read my Diatribe on Somalia System 91.0 System Development, on these boards, you can notice how I view the current state of affairs, sarcastically.


So let us go back, the question that worries most people is how can a religious people run a government. We shall visit that, the second is, Religion and politics should be separated, we will also visit that topic too, but let me share with you how I see this issue of Sharia in the present circumstances. I believe, without some wisdom, we can be our own enemies.



A sister asked me on another thread the need to enforce the stoning of the adulterer clause in the Sharia in our country today, here was my response, please read and reflect, In my next post, you will be ready for my asnwers, here is the text of my response:



Islam is a wholesome way of life, it was completed at the time of prophet Muhammad SAWS. Later, the years that followed, Islam as a community, witnessed blossoming, and then slow death that many are betting that it is all over today.


The first community of Islam were persecuted in Makkah, they fled to Medina and found sympathy among the people of Medina who supported this new faith and gave it a launching pad.


It was in Medina that the laws of stoning were reconfirmed, as the Jews who lived in Medina had the same law in their holy books ( read Suuratul Maaedah). When I say the laws were reconfirmed , I mean that the laws of Moses were binding until Muhammad SAWS appeared, at that point, the new prophet through divine revelation, had the choice to either abolish or sustain that law. ( the law was sustained)


Early in the last Century, The Caliphate, represented by Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey was dismantled and a new secular Turkey identifying itself with Europe was born. In a way, the last nail was hammered on the coffin of the Islamic Nation that lasted for 1400 years. Afterwards, nation- states were born and the European nations inherited much of the inheritance of this dead Caliph.


Holland Taking Indonesia, and the rest divided in the Berlin Conference that pretty much feasted on the world map as its rightful colonies. As Somalis, we became the property of three colonial masters, The British, Italians and the French. Because of that division, today, we eat fish and chips, spaghetti, and chocolate soufflé respectively. So you can see how united we are as a nation.


The last century witnessed the rebirth of Islam, after many Muslim intellectuals dusted out our lost heritage and realized the extent of damage done to our existence as a viable faith and a message for mankind.


These intellectuals, from Pakistan to Tunis, called for the rebirth of Islam as a state, not merely as a religion. Because unlike Christianity, Islam was formulated from the beginning as a state for the faithful. The proof of this statement resides in the Library of Congress, not in the card catalogue, but on the Main Dome roof as you walk in, look up the Main Dome Roof to see ISLAM engraved on the roof next to France and Britain as a state among states. A living and a fair testament America is offering the Muslim world for a lasting recognition.


Today, Islam is going through tumultuous times to reestablish itself, however, the times have changed not in the sense of technology, but in the sense, that, both Christianity and Judaism, our sister religions have been marginalized and are no longer religions for social change, and Islam is expected to follow suit.


Based on that quick background, many Islamic activists who want to reestablish Islam as a state for the faithful differ greatly, just as the Jews who have established Israel have differed on the creation of Israel, each one of them interpreting it his own way.


But the Jews ( as a faith and nation ) got their state when Britain's Balfour Declaration gave the Jews Palestine after the holocaust and the fundamentalist Jews were forced to go with the secular interpretation of the creation of Israel.


So today Muslims are living in nation states, grouped along geographical and ethnic lines, not faith. The laws of these nations are secular in nature with some honor mentioning of Islam as the official religion of the state, in most so called constitutions. The practical laws of these nations are the European colonial laws, like the French law, which ironically have borrowed some laws from the Hanafi school of thought, specially in the inheritance law.


In light of that background, and the fact that Islam as a legal entity is disenfranchised, taking the Islamic law into ones hands will portray Islam very badly to an audience that is in dire need for it.


Applying part of Islamic laws in makeshift courts, will alienate those who are sympathetic to Islam, because the beauty of Islam resides in its enforcement of Islamic laws as a WHOLESOME and COMPLETE jurisprudence, not selective pieces and parts.


The laws of Islam can only be enforced within a community that is willing to abide by the moral of the law before the letter of the law, and we all know, that such a community, does not exisit today, even if it exists in a geographical terms, it does not yet have the international community mandate or understanding that it needs to declare such a sovereign state.


We are thus in changing times, and as times change, we are suddenly finding ourselves again in old Mecca township and village setting, a small world after all, indeed.


And as such, we as Muslims have to deal with this new reality wisely by looking into the early Meccan period and the persecutions of the faithful and the Divine strategy of focusing their attention on the spiritual aspect and prayers and not on wars, retaliation and revenge, even when when unjustly attacked, Allah says:


( stop retaliating and establish regular prayers) Quraan.


In conclusion, Islam today governs the individual, not the community, so, up until a willing community which can best represent Islam in all spheres of life is born, applying the Islamic law may not serve the best interests of Islam. A spare part for a Ford, will not work on a GM.




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Originally posted by Nur:

Now, in the above parallels, what will (iimaan)mean to you?



Wishing you Luck




As you mentioned Iimaan is a belief...belief in allah and his word. I think there were 6 pillars of imaan...I'm a little rusty on my knowledge these days....

Belief in:

1) allah

2) his angels

3) his books

4) his messengers

5)qadar--kheyr wa shar

6) can't remember


All these beliefs are not valid 'till you back them up with actions. Its like telling someone you love them but your actions are saying something else...


So to me they go hand in hand...and the stronger your imaan the more your actions are pure.


I can't seem to get my thoughts in i'm gonna stop there.

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Flying Still


Thanks for activating the Xalaqah again, it almost died out while I was away.


You write:


As you mentioned Iimaan is a belief...belief in allah and his word. I think there were 6 pillars of imaan...I'm a little rusty on my knowledge these days....

Belief in:

1) allah

2) his angels

3) his books

4) his messengers

5)qadar--kheyr wa shar

6) can't remember



My question is how does these beliefs influence our actions?


For example the belief in Allah, could mean a myriad of things, which belief triggers a specific actions?


Again, I will offer a hint:


A belief in Allah could mean:


1. That Allah provides Rizq ( sustenance)


Could influence your actions when you are seeking to make a living, How would that influence?


2. A belief that Allah is observing you ( Baseer)



Now, let us go deeper in the analyses of how each belief can trigger a positive action, and how every Shirk Belief can trigger a sin.



Waiting for your answers.






Flying Still, What do you think about this tagline?


Q. Why are women not intelligent?

A. So they can love their husbands.

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Asalaama Alaikum,


Nur jazakallahu-khairan walaal.


I must admit, I only opened this thread last night when I saw it in the active topics. I've neglected this side of the forum lately redface.gif

Anyways, I'll do my best to follow along..and participate insha allah.


Belief in:

1) allah

2) his angels

3) his books

4) his messengers

5)qadar--kheyr wa shar

6) can't remember

Sis you forgot belief in Judgement day (#5)...Qadar is the last (#6). I believe they go in that order.

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A belief :

1. That Allah provides Rizq ( sustenance)

Could influence your actions when you are seeking to make a living, How would that influence?

Well, I would think this belief will allow you to put complete trust in allah, & believe that he has power over everything we do. But at the same time, we should know that seeking a means of living on our own, instead of waiting for things to come to us doesn't take away our trust in Allah.


2. A belief that Allah is observing you ( Baseer)

This would influence your actions, because we'd enjoin in good and forbid the bad, since we are aware that Allah hears and sees all that we do.



Am I going the right way with this?

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Ilhaam Thanks hon...I remembered it last night jus when I was about to go to sleep!



To me belief in allah helps me to deal with the ups and downs of life on this earth. I know that If I encounter hardships then Allah has willed it to be and it makes my faith in him stronger. Its like having a best friend thats always got your back....If I have a problem I know that there is nothing too great or too small for I tell him my problems and I pray to him to help me make the right decisions in life.


Is that what you were looking for Nur?


I love that tagline---str8 to the point!

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Walaal ilhaam


your observation on the belief in Allah as provider of Rizq is partially valid, but most people mix between the fact that Allah provides Rizq and laziness in not seeking Rizq.


If you have read other threads on this topic, Rizq is a done deal, but how you go about it is a world of difference.

The iimaan of Rizq as a driver of our actions was documented in the following piece:


Health, Wealth and Wisdom are forms of (Rizq) or sustenance that Allah SWT distributes to his servants. They are like a flowing river, and each one gets as much as she deserves through her actions.


The Rizq ( sustenance) are two types.


1. Rizq that you have to seek

2. Rizq that seeks you


The first Rizq, will not come-by without working for it.


The second Rizq will knock on your door without working for it.


The first Rizq is a token of Allah's ( Cadl) justice.


The second Rizq is a token of Allah's

(Fadl) Generosity.



Several factors Rizq factors drive most of our actions:


First. Our search for survival ( Food and shelter)

Second . Our search for Procreation ( Marriage)

Third, Our search for security ( amn)

fourth. Our search for Recognition


The first one is guaranteed through RIZQ, every living creature will not die untill they consume all of their allotted RIZQ.


The second is also another form of Rizq, a Husband, or a wife, a daughter or a son is the fun of life.


The third, security, can only be found through WORSHIP, because, iimaan as we have discussed is an offshoot of the word AMN, security, and without a firm belief of Allah one will never feel secure.


The fourth driver, dignity and the search to be respected is granted to all mankind when Allah SWT ordered Satan to bow down to Adam, Adam was honored and recognized by all creatures that day, but Satan refused to respect him, thus a rivalry between Man and Satan began and continues to this day. The best way to be recognized is through adherence to Allah's commands and directives, but Satan influnces mankind to seek recognition through other means such as accumulation of vast wealth and power that is used to make mischief on earth.


The Messenger of allah SAWS taught us that our Rizq is provided for us, but it is tied with our actions, so when you seek and get Rizq, it was Allah who ( Alhamaka) inspired you to seek and get Rizq. The Hadeeth reads " Jammiloo al talab" SEEK RIZQ with Grace.


For examlpe if your Rizq today is couple of hundred schillings, you will get that amount, but the means to get it are your choice for which you will be judged in the day of judgement, you can work for that amount, or you can steal it from someone.



Your second observation is excellent, when Allah is observing you,, and you are well aware of the fact, you can not act foolish.



Walaal Flying Still



I agree sis, the feeling that Allah is your friend is the best outcome of iimaan, because Allah SWT says " Nicmal mawlaa wa nicmal nasiir" What a graceful friend ( Allah is), and what a graceful supporter ( Allah is)"


The more we ingrain that feeling in our behaviour, the better our actions, thus iimaan can shine through our actions for Allah and the believers to see. Allah SWT says " Fa qul icmiluu, fa sa yara Allahu camalakum wa rasuuluhu waluminuun"


Say, act, so Allah ( the prophet and Believers) will see your deeds"



The next question that needs an answer is:



The imaan of Allah can take more than ninety nine forms, as much as his SIFAAT, we have picked the Rizq and analyzed it's profound effect on our actions and attitiudes, let us now systematically discuss other SIFAAT and their driving effect on our actions.


First. Al Xayy ( The Living )


Any thoughts how this attribute can influence our actions?






Kuwa iga da' weyn waa iga ajar badan yihiin

Kuwa iga da' yar waa iga dambi yar yihiin

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Salaams Dear Virtual Class



This concludes the summer program now that most nomads are back herding their camels in nearby schools and colleges.


I pray for the following siters and brothers for taking part in thread, i would have appreciated if they can give me a feedback on how much they have benefited from this effort so I can improve it in th future.



Flying Still




Muslim sis





Libaax San Ka taabte



Complex mind






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Asalamu alaikum


Br. Nur First and foremost thanks for sharing your talent, I sure did appreciate reading your essays. I've benefitted a lot, learned many things and their importance. Jazak allah.


I would suggest to put in more questions in your that would make us think about the topic, so we can participate more in the discussions.

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