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Faroole calls for a meeting in Addis it happens, how powerful is the man?..

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Saxiixayaasha heshiiska Road-mapka ayaa lagu wadaa in dhowaan ay ku shiraan magaalada Addis ababa ee dalka Itoobiya iyagoo ka wadahadli doona arrimo ku saabsan sidii loo dhamaystiri lahaa marxalada kala guurka ah.


Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif oo ka hadlayay shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay dhowaan magaalada New York ayaa sheegay in uu u tagayo magaalada Addis ababa sidii uu ugaga qeybgali lahaa shirka. Sidoo kale Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan oo maanta gaaray magaalada Baydhabo ayaa lagu wadaa in uu ugaga sii gudbo dalka Itoobiya.


Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland C/maan Faroole ayaa waxa uu haatan ku sugan yahay dalka Itoobiya isagoo doonaya in uu ka qeybgalo shirkan .

Sidoo kale madaxda ururka Ahlu Sunna iyo maamul goboleedka Galmudug ayaa ka qeybgali doona shirkan.


Waxaana sida ay sheegayaan qubarada u dhuundaloola arrimaha Soomaaliya shirkan uu yahay mid xasaasi ah maadaama ay haatan soo dhowaatay dhamaanshaha waqtigii ay ku shaqeyn lahayd dowlada federalka ah isla markaana hore dhowr jeer ay ugu celceliyeen Qaramada Midoobay iyo dalalka daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya in aan laga yeeli doonin DKG in waqti kordhin loo sameeyo.


Hase yeeshee marka la fiiriyo iyadoo aan dastuurki weli lagu heshiin iyo iyadoo aan la gaarin sidii lagu soo xuli lahaa xubnaha baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa ay tahay mid aad u adag sidii arrimahan loogu soo dhamaystiri lahaa waqtiga loo qorsheeyey.


Arrimaha ka gudbida xilligan ayaa waxaa sii adkeynaya iyadoo xubnihii ka socday Puntland ee shirka oday-dhaqameedyada ay ka ambabaxeen magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo ay muuqato inaysan la dhacsanayn habka ay wax u socdaan.


Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa sheegay in uu isku haleynayay R/wasaare Cabdiweli iyo wasiirka dastuurka Cabdi Xoosh Jibriil oo labaduba ka soo jeeda beelaha dega Puntland balse ay ka qancin waayeen dastuurka cusub qodobo ka mid ah. Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxa uu aaminsan yahay in uusan dastuurkuku cadeyn qaabka awood qeybsiga dhaqaalaha iyo Siyaasadda.


Waxaana ay ku soo beegantay in maamulka Puntland hadal ka keeno dastuurka gaar ahaan dhinaca qeybsiga dhaqaalaha mar ay soo shaac bixiyeen shirkadaha ka qodaya saliida deegaano ka tirsan Puntand in ay rajo weyn ka qabaan in laga helo shidaal ceelasha ay qodayaan.


Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed

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Now the TFG, Galmudug, Ahlu Sunna will all arrive in Addis, because Faroole has called the meeting? This after all is what some Somalia media outlets are reporting & being propagated by bloggers.


Or is the Addis meeting pre planned and scheduled from before?

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lol, the man has no shame.


How any self-respecting Somali can call for a conference in the country of a traditional enemy is beyond me. What a loser this man is, and the fact he has so many supporters just goes to show how clan mentality can make people actually sick mentally.

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The point is that he did not call for any conference the needing was scheduled from before. He just made his move prior and thus put his issue top of the agenda.

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He is not powerful, he is weak, running to rival neighbor country when he cannot get cross what he wants in Somalia. This only demonstrates the memo posted Ethiopian foreign ministry last week. He will never get the change he asked, just looking a face saving and to bear strong in the local people

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Faarax-Brawn;831084 wrote:
Farole is the president of a powerful region in Somalia...of course,he has clout....and respectfully so. But what is the point of the meeting?

He wanted some amendments to be made to the constitution but doesn't seen to be getting his way so he has gone to Addis Ababa to complain to Zenawi.

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Shabelle;831056 wrote:
Why do you always defend him to the death, bro?


Does your clan mean more to you than your Somaalinimo? If so, why?

What Somalinimo are you talking about?

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Shabelle, my clan and Somalinimo are not two separate things since my clan are Somali. Also I am not defending Faroole just pointing out that this meeting was schedule way before all this weeks news and it was not set up by him.


The purpose of the meeting is for the signaturies othe Road Map.

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^Thanks Duke


Haatu;831088 wrote:
He wanted some amendments to be made to the constitution but doesn't seen to be getting his way so he has gone to Addis Ababa to complain to Zenawi.

what exactly does he need corrected? I mean, this is a very important part of Somalia and their grievances must be listened to...if of course they are detrimental to the whole nation, then he will be called off,but if they are legit issues, i think the TFG needs to listen to him/puntland

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^ from what I heard from a meeting with theprime minister on universal TV the other day, their recommendations have been received and are being taken into consideration. However some of the things he asked for were just plain ridiculous and he's probably not going to get them. Hence why he's throwing a strop in Addis.

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He knows that the only ones that know how to deal with you better than him are in Addis Ababa, so he's taking you all to the Godfather to let you know what's up.

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