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Sh. Umal on the constitution

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Where are the mods when you need them? Ban this lost child please.


Masha'allah, beautiful lecture. Allow Sheikha iyo culumada oo dhan inoo xifdi.

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Somalia;826929 wrote:
You insulted Islam, is that you KoW, how many names you've got?

Stop bad mouthing him and trying to give him a bad name it's not him. Even when he is not here you try to give him a bad name. There are many atheists on this site some undercover some not.

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Naagtuu intuu subaxii nabad galyo kaga baxay, fiidkii uu ku yidhi iga soo xijaabo waad furantahaye, ee Mombassa 2 da caruurta ah ku haysa ha ka taliyo xaalkeeda sheekh isku sheegani, intuu dastuur iyo wax uuna waxba ka aqoon ka hadlayo. Disgusting!


Shareecada uu sheegina loogama baahna soomaalia; waxaan wadaado haween badan afuuf kooda baneeysta aheyn kama soo socoto!

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^ Walaal, i share in ur disillusionment with out current brand of Somali shaikhs, who have been robbed of the ability to function within the frameworks of a modern society, let alone help build the foundations for one, by their dogmatic and insular ideology imported from the desert wastelands of Arabia. But unlike you, my perceptions of Sharia are not coloured by the ill guided actions of these wadaads. Lets do away with wadaads who r holding us back, but lets remain fervently attached to the divine religion of our illustrious forefathers.

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Somalia;826932 wrote:
No, wallahi I don't, when it comes to Imams I don't question, only politicians.

You see I wasn't wrong when I thought you still have rajo:D....Yes, I agree with you. Culamaa with no hidden agenda are ok.

Abtigiis;826970 wrote:
Naagtuu intuu subaxii nabad galyo kaga baxay, fiidkii uu ku yidhi iga soo xijaabo waad furantahaye, ee Mombassa 2 da caruurta ah ku haysa ha ka taliyo xaalkeeda sheekh isku sheegani, intuu dastuur iyo wax uuna waxba ka aqoon ka hadlayo. Disgusting!


Shareecada uu sheegina loogama baahna soomaalia; waxaan wadaado haween badan afuuf kooda baneeysta aheyn kama soo socoto!

lol....Ma waxaad leedahay shareecada ayuu jebiyey?:D if that is the case yes laga yeeli maayo, laakiin haddii aan xaalku sidaas ahayn maxaa nin iyo naagtiis na dhexgeliyey, arrin Soomaali u taal maahan. Mise aan kula kaftamee gabadha ayaad is xigtaan?:D

Teeda kale, wadaaddadaan inay dadka u tusaan inay Shareecadu run ka tahay oo aysan dhinacna agmarin dhinacna xoogga saarin iyagaa laga dooni. Inaysan siyaasad ka ahayn oo daacad ka tahayna iyagaa laga dooni.

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If Sh. Umul sincerely cares about Somalis he should focus his diatribes on Alshabaab. He should tell Alshabaab that suicide bombings and assasinating people as they leave mosques are against Islam. Leave manly tasks like lawmaking to real men.


In the old days Wadaads weren't even trusted to partake in wars and settle disputes. This is because Wadaad's loyalty always laid somewhere else and not with his community as Somalis are finding to their detriment today. Wadaads were given lofty tasks such as overseeing marriages, reading last passage rites, murmuring some verses at tacsi and organizing communal events like the cruel Roobdoons where sinister Wadaads tell barefoot kids to run around under the scorching sun. The question is: how was it that Somalis of previous generations could see Wadaads as untrustworthy but current generation of Somalis, with all the education and hindsights offered by history, can't?

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^if you knew a thing or two about Sh. Umal, you would have known he is Alshabaab's public enemy #1. Not only does he condemn and denounce them in his lectures but calls out their Sheikhs to religious debate and shames them publicly. I think by far, Umal is one of the few Sheikhs that speaks against AS in strongest terms possible. Ilaahey ha ilaaliyo Sheikha.


I think the wadaads you are talking about are the suufis, not wadaad ahlul-cilmi u lahaan jiray diinta iyo shareecada. We always had wadaado odayyada iyo dowlada madaxa u salaaxi jiray xaq iyo xaq darro and wadaado dil iyo xabsi la isugu dari jiray because of their cilmi & diin. The good thing about the current generation is that cilmigii baa la bartay so not blind following of Sheikh so and so said so and so.


AT: Sheikha maraad qabiiliste dhahdid iyo hadoo aad keentay dumarkuu ku cayaaraa? War culumada ka xishood nin weyn baad tahayee.

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" I think the wadaads you are talking about are the suufis". i think the version of umal is more pernicious because they can implant destructive ideas in the heads. these useless men in dresses should stick to what they do best and leave our government alone. macalin dugsi maxaa baray modern constitution?

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^Are you Muslim?


I'm just asking, only for myself awareness because we have a lot atheists and other non Muslim members on these boards.

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