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Che -Guevara

Somali Citizenship

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In light of the new constitution, the concept of citizenship needs to be defined. Should citizenship be defined by ethnicity or should there be naturalization process that allows foreigners not only to reside in Somalia but make it country thereby granting the full rights of citizen?


note: this is only for discussion's sake!

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Qodobka 11aad


U-dhalashada Jinsiyadda


1. Qof kasta oo ku dhasha gudaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya, dhalasho ahaan waa Soomaali.


2. Qof kasta oo ku dhasha Soomaaliya dibaddeeda waa Soomaali dhalasho ahaan, haddii ay hooyadii ama aabbihii ku dhashay Soomaaliya ama isir ahaan Soomaali yihiin.


3. Qodobkani wuxuu si siman u saamaynayaa qof kasta oo dhashay taariikhda Dastuurka uu dhaqangalay ka hor ama kadib.


4. Ilmaha laga helo Soomaaliya oo ay da’diisu ka yar tahay siddeed-jir, oo jinsiyaddiisa ama tan waalidkiisa aan la aqoon, waxaa loo aqoonsanayaa inuu Soomaali yahay.


Qodobka 12aad

Muwaaddinnimada Lagu Helo Soomaaliyeynta


1. Qof kasta oo ay isqabeen ugu yaraan shan sano muwaaddin Soomaaliyeed wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu dalbado Soomaaliyeyn.


2. Ilmo aan muwaaddin ahayn, balse qof muwaaddin ahi soo korsaday, xaq ayuu u leeyahay in la Soomaaliyeeyo. Waalidka korsanaya aa u dalbi kara ama markuu 18 jirsado ayuu laftirkiisu weydiisan karaa Soomaaliyeyn.


3. Qof Shan sano oo taxane ah, si sharci ah Soomaaliya u degganaa, buuxiyeyna shuruudaha sharciga jinsiyadda, xaq ayuu u leeyahay inuu dalbado Soomaaliyeyn.


4. Shardiga shanta sano ee uu qofku xaq u yeelanayo in lagu Soomaaliyeeyo guur ama degganaasho kuma xirna in uu buuxiyay ka hor ama ka dib taariikhda dhaqangalka Dastuurka.


Qodobka 13aad

Kala-noqoshada Soomaaliyeynta


1. Qof jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeyn ku helay waa lagala noqon karaa jinsiyadda haddii maxkamad awood sharciyeed u leh arrimahan ay ogaato in:


a. Uu jinsiyadda ku helay been-abuur, isu-ekeynsiin wax uusan ahayn ama qarin xaqiiqo sugan;


b. In iyada oo uu dalku dagaal ku jiro, uu si aan sharci ahayn ula ganacsado, la xiriiro, iskaashi hawleedna la yeesho cadawga oo ay caddaato inuu si ogaal ah ugu taakuleeyey dagaalkaas;


c. Soomaaliyeyntiisa ka dib lagu xukumo khiyaano qaran ama denbi kale oo lagu mutaysan karo ugu yaraan toddobo sano oo xarig ah.


2 Qofka loo haystey in jinsiyadda uu ku helay dhalasho sida ku xusan qodobka 11 (4), waa lagala noqon karaa jinsiyadda haddi maxkamad awood sharci leh ay go’aamiso:


a. In uu jinsiyadda ku helay been-abuur, isu-ekeynsiin wax uusan ahayn ama qarin xaqiiqo sugan;


b. In isaga ama waalidkii dhalay la ogaado inay jinsiyad kale leeyihiin; ama


c. In da’diisu ay ka weyneyd siddeed jir markii dalka gudihiisa laga helay.

Its well defined, and clear.

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The only thing I wish they included was to say every Somali ethnic (Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti) has the right to be a Somali citizen.

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Mario B   

I totaly disagree with the 5 year residence rule for gaining Somali citizenship [ I might reconsider a 10 yr rule], as to all somalis who were displaced from Somalia [3m] they and their children have the right to their homeland. As for Somalis of the regions of NFD and ******ia, they can aply for the Somali Passport.... but i would rather they stayed in those regions and worked with Somalia to bring about economical, cultural, educational link between our lands, Somalia is always open to them and they have full access to our ports, airports, schools, hospitals etc.

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I would also include as a mark of respect those nations who opened their countries and gave their citizenship to Somalis in their time of need, such as the EU, and North America. I know there wont be a Norwigean applying for Somali passport ;), but as gesture to say "THANK YOU".Saxan saxan baa lagu gudaa.

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Che -Guevara;825396 wrote:
In light of the new constitution, the concept of citizenship needs to be defined. Should citizenship be defined by ethnicity or should there be naturalization process that allows foreigners not only to reside in Somalia but make it country thereby granting the full rights of citizen?


note: this is only for discussion's sake!

Perhaps we could do with some foreigners... might just make us less inward looking.

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Kontonmeeyadii iyo lixdameeyadii, dad aan isir ahaantooda Soomaali ahayn ayaa dhalasho ahaan Soomaali ahaa. Qaarkoodna waliba xildhibaano ayee ahaayeen, iyagoo Carab, Talyaani, Bakistaani iyo Hindi wada ahaa. Taas dhib ma keenin.


Waxa dhibka keenaayo waa institutionalizing it or making it a consitutional law. It can be abused from left to right. It should have been left to the invididuals and how they apply iyo Soomaaliya kuwa ku dhashay how long they lived in there, how they carry they view their Soomaali citizenship should they receive one, where are they going to live, et cetera. Qof Soomaali isir ahaan ahayn dhalasho Soomaali wuu qaadan karaa, but not in five years or ten years. Or twenty xataa. No. It should depend on the individual and how he carries his Soomaalinimo.


Look waxa qashinka ku qoran axdigaan:


  1. Qof kasta oo ku dhasha gudaha Soomaaliya dhalasho ahaan waa Soomaali.
  2. Qof kasta oo ay isqabeen ugu yaraan shan sano muwaaddin Soomaaliyeed wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu dalbado Soomaaliyeyn.
  3. Qof shan sano oo taxane ah, si sharci ah Soomaaliya u degganaa, buuxiyeyna shuruudaha sharciga jinsiyadda, xaq ayuu u leeyahay inuu dalbado Soomaaliyeyn
'Soomaaliyeyn' kulahaa. They even tried to invent a new word for it afka Soomaaligaba ku jirin. Wax meelo kale laga soo qaatay inay tahay waa iska arkeysaa, plus shisheeye kuu qoray oo Afingiriis lagu hor qoray markaas Afsoomaaligii lagu micneeye.


Shuruudo la buuxinaayo iska yar. It will be abused. Soomaaliya isn't dal hormaray now, looma baahno waxaana camal. Dal hormaray waxaan sameysto, not us, not for now.

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Che -Guevara;825399 wrote:
King...his is for all folks,


Blue....How could both be practiced?

It helps in the economical growth and success of the country and develop in a fast rate. Second of all in the past their were foreigners who worked and lived in Somalia when it still was peaceful and the country was booming and progressing. At this moment eventhough our country is in a critical condition people are still interested in it like Turkey. So if you do allow naturalisation you would reap benefits for your country because now that Turkey has crossed the fence to help and some of them might be interested to work and live in Somalia more countries could follow their lead. Those people will then go back to their country and say good things and their experiences about Somalia which in return could get more people interested to come to Somalia as a tourist or someone who wants to work there. They could promote the stability to the rest of the world which would only increase the tourism towards Somalia. More tourists means more promotion of your country and more money. All that would help in the ecocomical growth and success. People like to keep up with the Joneses wether it's in politics or not. All they need is a leader who will show the way and do things first and the rest of the people will follow them. I'm not a politican but you get my drift right :)

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;825409 wrote:
Kontonmeeyadii iyo lixdameeyadii, dad aan isir ahaantooda Soomaali ahayn ayaa dhalasho ahaan Soomaali ahaa. Qaarkoodna waliba xildhibaano ayee ahaayeen, iyagoo Carab, Talyaani, Bakistaani iyo Hindi wada ahaa. Taas dhib ma keenin.


Waxa dhibka keenaayo waa institutionalizing it or making it a consitutional law. It can be abused from left to right. It should have been left to the invididuals and how they apply iyo Soomaaliya kuwa ku dhashay how long they lived in there, how they carry they view their Soomaali citizenship should they receive one, where are they going to live, et cetera. Qof Soomaali isir ahaan ahayn dhalasho Soomaali wuu qaadan karaa, but not in five years or ten years. Or twenty xataa. No. It should depend on the individual and how he carries his Soomaalinimo.


Look waxa qashinka ku qoran axdigaan:


  1. Qof kasta oo ku dhasha gudaha Soomaaliya dhalasho ahaan waa Soomaali.
Qof kasta oo ay isqabeen ugu yaraan shan sano muwaaddin Soomaaliyeed wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu dalbado Soomaaliyeyn.
Qof shan sano oo taxane ah, si sharci ah Soomaaliya u degganaa, buuxiyeyna shuruudaha sharciga jinsiyadda, xaq ayuu u leeyahay inuu dalbado Soomaaliyeyn
'Soomaaliyeyn' kulahaa. They even tried to invent a new word for it afka Soomaaligaba ku jirin. Wax meelo kale laga soo qaatay inay tahay waa iska arkeysaa, plus shisheeye kuu qoray oo Afingiriis lagu hor qoray markaas Afsoomaaligii lagu micneeye.


Shuruudo la buuxinaayo iska yar. It will be abused. Soomaaliya isn't dal hormaray now, looma baahno waxaana camal. Dal hormaray waxaan sameysto, not us, not for now.

Maskiin, adduunka waxyaalaha lagu hormaro waxaa ka mid ah populationka, maxaan ka baqaneynaa hadaan soomaali nahay, the more people, means more tax, more import, more export, more brain waves. I went to Somalia few years ago, and it realy shocked me how un populated the country was, I mean driving for hours and not seeing a single human being. Look at Ethiopia 80 million, we need more people and more man power to rebuild the country.


nothing to be scared of.

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