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Mastermind behind National Theatre Bombing Flees

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Cali Cabdi Wardheere oo loo yaqaan (Cali-Yare)afhayeena u ahaa Ururka uu ka tirsan-yahay Gudooomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Tarzan ee (*****-Action-Group)ayaa ka mid noqday shaqsiyaadka looga shakisan-yahay Qaraxii lagu qaarajin-lahaa Reysalwasaare C/weli Gaas.


Wiilkan dhalinyarada ah ayaa ka shaqeynayey Xafiiska Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha bishii ugu dambeysay,waxaana Xafiiska Wasaaradda arimaha gudaha u qalqaaliyay inuu ka hawlgalo,Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Tarzan oo ka tirsan Koox Qabiil-ahaan isugu-xiran oo lagu magacaabo (*****-Action-Group)saldhigyana ku leh Qaaradaha Yurub iyo Waqooyiga-Ameerika,waxaana ninkan walaashiis qaba Tarzan oo si-weyn loogu tuhmayo Qaraxii lagu dili-lahaa Maskiinka Gaas oo Amaankiisa iyo Xafiiskiisaba ay gacanta ku-hayaan (*****-Action-Group)


Ninkan ayaa muddo 2-saac ah su*aalo weydiiyeen Saraakiil ka socoto xafiiska Wasaaradda Arimaha Gudaha,inkastoo markii dambe uu damiintay adeerkiis C/samad oo Wasiir ka-ah Wasaaradda Amniga,waxaana arin lala yaabo ah oo cadalad-daro ah in Ilaaladii Gaasna xabsi lagu guro,ninkan laga shaki-qabo inuu Qaraxan la maleegay Seedigiis Tarzana,damiin lagu-sii-daayo,taasoo ka yaabisay Saraakiil ka tirsan Xafiiska Reysalwasaaraha oo maanta wejiyadooda carro laga dareemay,kolkii ay maqleen in damiin lagu-sii-daayay Cali-Yare oo Magaaladda Stockhlom ee Caasimadda Sweden uga tagay inuu soo fuliyo qorshe mudooyinkan ay soo maleegeen Kooxdan Qaab Qabiilka isugu-xiran ee qorshahoodu yahay inay ka takhalusaan Reysalwasaare Gaas,si markaas loo soo afjaro qorshaha uu ku doonayo in la meel-mariyo (Road-Mapka)


Ninkan Baasaboorka Iswidiishka watay una dhashay Beesha ****** ayaa la sheegay in hay'adda nabad sugidu ay ka dhex aragtay mid ka mid ah cajaladihii goobta laga duubay isaga oo la sheekeysanaya gabar maskiin ah oo kursigeeda Bambaano aysan ka warqabin lagu rakibay, waxaase markii wax laga weydiiyey aqoonta uu gabadhaasi u leeyahay uu sheegay inaanu arag gabadhaasi aqoona u lahayn inkastoo markii cajalada loo daaray uu isku difaacay inuu shukaansanayey.


Muuqaalka ayaa sida la sheegay laga dhex arkay isaga iyo gabadha oo sheekeysanaya, dhowr mar ayuu ka tagay una soo laabtay, markii ugu dambeysay oo uu ka tagay ayaa kursiga ay ku fadhiday gabadha maskiinta ah la qarxiyay.


Arintan ayaa sii xoojinaysa in qaraxan ay fududeeyeen qaar ka mid ah hay'adaha dowladda, waxaana baaritaanka iyo su'aalaha ninkaasi la weydiinayo ay haatan ku wajahan yihiin inay jiraan masuuliyiin sare oo wasaaradaasi ka tirsan oo wax ka ogaa qaraxa.


Wasaaradda arimaha gudaha ayaa ka mid ahayd hay'adaha dowladda ku meel gaarka ah ee garabka ra'iisul wasaaruhu ay ku eedeeyeen inay masuuliyadooda ka soo bixi waayeen, iyada oo la wada ogsoon yahay in wasiirka wasaaradaasi oo goobta ku casuunaa uu soo xaadiri waayo, taasoo shakiga sii xoojineysa.


Qabashada ninkan damiinta lagu sii-daayay iyo rag kale oo ka tirsan xafiiska ra'iisul wasaaraha ayaa ku soo aadaysa xili ay is heytaan madaxda sare ee dowladda ku meel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo ra'iisul wasaaraha iyo wasiiradii kale ee halista galay ay ku doodayaan in ay jiraan masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda oo wax ka oogaa arintan iyagoo su'aalo ka keenay sababta Gudoomiyaha Gobolka iyo M/weynaha uga soo qeybgeli-waayeen xafladii lagu casumay,inkastoo R/wasaare Gaas oo caan ku ah nin af-gaaban uu ka xishooday inuu raggan far-fiiqo,sida isagaba loo bahdilay oo Ilaaladiisa la xiray, xili aan la ogeysiin in la xabisayo Maskiinka ay iska maamushaan Ururka Hawiya Action-Group,halka maanta la sii daayay Ninkan lagu tuhmayo inuu wax ka ogaa qorshaha uu maleegay Seedidiis Tarzan oo gurigiisa uu deganaa mudooyinkan.

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Muqdisho(Pi) Waxaa isasoo taraya wararka sheegaya in Nin lagu magacaabo Cali Cabdi Wardheere(Cali Yare) oo ka mid ahaa qurba joogta Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Sweden haystana dhalasho Swidhish ah loo xirey qarixii Tiyaatarka kadib markii aysoo baxeen Cadeymo ku aadana Cajalado muuqaal ah oo muujinaya inuu xiriir lalahaa Gabadhii isku qarxisey Tiyaatarka, ninkaan ayaa ah Seediga Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Mr. Tarzan

Cali Yare ayaa xiligii la xirey kadib waxaa markiiba Xabsiga kasii daayay Nin wasiir ah iyo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Maxamuud Axmned Nuur Tarsan iyagoo kusii daayey Damiin ahaan.


Wararkaan oo shalay soo baxay ayaa warbaahinta u kuur gashay waxaana helney inuu shaki wayn soo galay ninkaan, inkastoo aan hada la hayn meeluu jaan iyo cirib dhigey, warar ayaa sheegaya inuu Dalka kasoo dhoofay si qarsoodi ahna uu Dalka uga baxay.


Dhinaca kale Qaar ka tirsan Ilaalada Raysal wasaaraha ayaa Su’aalo laga waydiinayaa Qarixii Tiyaatarka, Sadex kamid ah Xafiiska Raysal wasaaraha ayaa Ciidamada Nabad sugidu wareysanayaan iyadoo la waydinayo macluumaad ku saabsan Qaraxa, waxaana la filayaa inay galabta ilaa bari dib ugusoo laabtaan shaqadooda markuu baaritaankoodu dhamaado.


Waxaa Hada Xamar ku sugan qubaro caalami ah oo waxka baaraysa Qarixii Tiyaatarka kuwasoo horey u tagay Tiyaatarka soona aruuriyey dhamaan Raadadkii qaraxa, kuwasoo iminka lagu baarayo qalab casri ah.

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ninkaan ayaa ah Seediga Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Mr. Tarzan

Cali Yare ayaa xiligii la xirey kadib waxaa markiiba Xabsiga kasii daayay Nin wasiir ah iyo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Maxamuud Axmned Nuur Tarsan iyagoo kusii daayey Damiin ahaan.

The Mayor of Mogadishu, and a Minister helped him flee the country because they are related.

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MOGADISHU (RBC) The Italian ambassador to Somalia André Marcela called for the transitional federal government to clarify how the national theatre suicide bombing came and whether that government agents were involving, RBC Radio reports.

André Marcela said in a press conference in Mogadishu after he had meeting with the prime minister and interior minister of Somalia on Monday.

“I met with the prime minister and the interior minister and we completely support the ongoing inquiring and this inquiring should go.” André Marcela said.

The Italian ambassador to Somalia André Marcela suggested that the finds of the investigation on the national theatre bombing must be brought out to the public even if government agents did irresponsibility.

“We also think that if some guilty officers are found or having some responsibility in what happened in the national theatre [it] should come out and must be clarified.” The Italian ambassador added.

André Marcela revealed that the Italian government is planning rehabilitation projects in the north and the south regions of Somalia namely two airports in Galkayo and Bosasso as well as the police headquarter in Mogadishu.

“This is the meaning of our mission in Somalia” he said.



RBC Radio

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kingofkings;819781 wrote:
:eek: where will he flee to; the west:confused: i hope the terrorist is arrest by the cia or interpol

There was no religious motivation, it was political and clan oriented, we knew that from the get go. Where is this man now, his whereabouts are unknown, why?


If he goes to Sweden he'll be detained.

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kingofkings;819781 wrote:
:eek: where will he flee to; the west:confused: i hope the terrorist is arrest by the cia or interpol

if that's true then what a disgusting human being

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Somalia;819783 wrote:
There was no religious motivation, it was political and clan oriented, we knew that from the get go. Where is this man now, his whereabouts are unknown, why?


If he goes to Sweden he'll be detained.

religion or not, killing mass civilians by means of inducing terror is considered terrorism. i pray Interpol arrest this terrorist.

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we have been telling you this all these times. the master minds some fled to kismyo and were from the president's clan. abdiweli is the most honest pm this country ever had. he surrounded himself with mogadishu clan security guys because he is national leader. lool. now he realized he made mistake. his gaurds are now changed and led by puntlanders and amisom.


will the president be arrested by amisom? what about some ministers?

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Mooge;819791 wrote:
we have been telling you this all these times. the master minds some fled to kismyo and were from the president's clan. abdiweli is the most honest pm this country ever had. he surrounded himself with mogadishu clan security guys because he is national leader. lool. now he realized he made mistake. his gaurds are now changed and led by puntlanders and amisom.


will the president be arrested by amisom? what about some ministers?

mooge, good question.

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Mooge;819791 wrote:
we have been telling you this all these times. the master minds some fled to kismyo and were from the president's clan. abdiweli is the most honest pm this country ever had. he surrounded himself with mogadishu clan security guys because he is national leader. lool. now he realized he made mistake. his gaurds are now changed and led by puntlanders and amisom.


will the president be arrested by amisom? what about some ministers?

Even his office was run by people from all walks of life, it was a mistake indeed.

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Talk about scapegoating. I guess Cabdi Yasiin xoghayaha PM is also from Tarzan clan lol instead of punishing & shaming the Reer Puntland thugs that attempted to threaten the life of the PM & dozen other civilians, the Puntland media is engaging in a silly attempt to shift the blame. I applaud the NSS & Presidential guards for quickly moving in against the real suspects & detaining them before they could escape. These traitors must be made an example out of. This sort of mafia mentality is what led to the unfortunate death of the second president of the Republic & it seems this evil culture still persists. It must be rooted out & am glad the PM is actively seeking the assistance & help of the president & "the enemy clan" & doing what he was suppose to do from the very onset: the clean-up of every official in his office appointed because of clan reasons.

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Mooge;819799 wrote:
Abdiweli is staying at Xalane AMISON center.


i will post more news soon.

That's not true.


He was sleeping at the presidential compound for the past two days because of the security risk pertaining to his office. There are allegations that explosive devices were smuggled into his office; hence the heightened fear. But for the sake of his own sanity I hope the president & his team calm him down. He's prone to nervous breakdown.

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