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Religious ads on TTC spark debate

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Maaddeey;816885 wrote:
Midkanaaba iigu daran!.

Actually hes right. its mistaken translation. the real translation of the arabic tawheed word( laa illaaha illah llaah muxamadun rasuulu allah) the english translation should be "There is no gods but only one God"


the arabic word of Allah in english translation is God. Italian= Dio. afaan oromo=Waaq.


Christians Arabs they use word ALLAH to discribe their god so Muslim english speaking does not need to call god the arabic way of saying God(allah).

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Allah= AL (the) + ilaah (God). Ilaah is the arabic for God. Elohim or Eloah is Hebrew for God. Elaha in Aramaic and Alaha in Syriac. I hope your seeing the commonality of the Semitic names for God.


So you want use English but retain the Arabic name for God, you would say something along the lines of there is no Ilaah but Allah... If you want to use English, as your target is an English populace, you would say something along the lines of there is no God but God, or if your after accuracy there is no God but the (the emphatic form)God.

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It will only be offensive to those who have issues with the Islamic Religion itself. Other wise, all one needs to do is to ignore the ad or take the opportunity to the Da'wah call.

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^Most people will probably ignore it and that's expected. However, i dont see a reason why one should be offended about a religion ad.

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Don't be a hypocrite, If you saw an ad walking around Mogadishu or take in some sort imaginary Subway in Mogadishu and the first thing to greet you in the morning was a poster claiming that some god you have never heard of is the only God you would be offended too? Am a wrong?

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NN, Toronto is not Mogadishu, be realistic awoowe. If this ad were posted/aired in anywhere in the third world countries or a place where religious freedom doesn't exist, it would definitely be offensive to people or at worse incited violence. Should we be sensitive to some issue that may stir controversy? Maybe yes, but in the same token we have to exercise all the rights and freedom given in this land to the full extend without been apologetic to anyone. And I think that ad is just trying to do that. Is it targeting the right audience? That's a different debate I guess!

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some of us would advocate for religious freedom here and religious oppression, that is a contradiction that we need to deal with. be that as it may, its always helpful to be able to put your self in the she's other and hold people by the same standard. You are absolutely right, the right of religious and freedom of expression means that you will come across ideas that you may not like or might even offend you. i wasn't sure we were dealing with that, these people clearly have a right to do so, May understanding was is it offensive. And yes its offensive and in your face, put your self in the shoes of an average joe canadian.

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Mario B   

I believe muslims should use GOD instead of Allah when communicating to non muslims, and god instead of illahi.

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