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Somali-American Fatima Ali, accused of crimes against Love!

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Malika;810427 wrote:
^In my days kulaha!

Yes in my ancient days I meant! ;)


Things are far less complicated nowadays when it comes to courtship than they were when I was a teenager or even in my 20's, These days girls are more gangsters than then guys in my era and if they like you they're not scared to tell you so which is something the girls in y era would've never ever done so over all the Carafaat's generation are having far more easily than my generation but ONLY if they knew that. :)








Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ You don't need a tol when I'm here, Malika. Why else do you think I attracted your attention to that little comment of yours. :D


I vouch for Maliaka. Her skin is as smooth as a baby's bottom. :D

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BOB;810413 wrote:
Waar adigu maad reerkan ka dhex baxdid iyagaa heshiinaya'e!



Peace, Love & Unity.

Bob, Ngonge ayaa bac i qaadsiiyay. :D

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BOB - Do you have mind reading abilities because you are good it's as if you were reading my mind. You go BOB tell him that Carafaat that he needs to get his act together and that I don't wanna hurt his fragile heart but if he provokes things and puts me in that situation then he got only himself to blame for that. I like Carafaat but sometimes jealousy takes the best out of him.


In your time flirting and getting hitched was easy all you needed to say was abaayo I like you you are more beautiful then a rose and she would get married to you just like that, that doesn't work in this time unless the person is a wacko but that's a different story. Are you saying you like a take charge woman that approaches you and takes all the hassle and hard work from you? Whoa BOB I didn't excpect that from you knowing you are from the previous generation :D


Looooool oh my God this is so entertaining to watch NGONGE's caveman behaviour in action. The way he flirts with a woman; he seeks a woman's attention by offending her and when the woman turns her head around annoyingly he acts as if he is innocent.


His flirting style is of the time of my grandpa lol. Waryaa you need to upgrade this caveman way of flirting. Malika should beat the shit out of NGONGE. She should woman handle him like this :D



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NGONGE - You ruined your own caveman game don't blame me. I still find this whole flirting game of you funny lool :P


raula - Lool @ look what's going on in here. NGONGE started this whole drama part 2 as always everything is his fault. This is what you get when you put me NGONGE and Carafaat in the same room when we are not on good terms.

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@ Blue,


I prefer to do the chasing rather than the other way around, I first got hitched when I was 17 in 1984 and it took me 7 months to get her to tell me her name and almost 2 years before she finally agreed to see me behind their house for only 5 minutes and in those mere 5 minutes I had to impress her, win her precious heart and make her realise that she should be with me for the rest of her life as I was better than any man that she's ever met before in anything and everything.


She said she'll think about it and let me know, I patiently waited for 8 more months for her to make her mind up and when she finally decided she called me one day after school and asked to see me at 7pm behind their house, long story shory I got there expecting nothing but hoping for the best and wouldn't you know, she came after an hour and all she did was give me a smack right across the face and few days later I went to their house with my father and asked for her hand in marriage and as they say the rest is history.


in my era it was taboo for a girl to make the first move, she can be madly in love with you but she'll never even aknowledge your existance never mind ask you out BUT that's all changed now and the new generation have it easy and girls are more liberal, more moderate and they're cool with asking a guy out which is why most young lads I know can't even seduce a girl in other words they've got no game, no style and definitely NO COJONES because the girls got them. :)



The girls of today like their rude boys, in my era if you talk to a girl in a funny way, she'll beat the monkey business out of you until you apologize but today's generation do things the opposite which I find hilarious including their so-called marriage which ends as soon as the honeymoon is over. :) Me and my wife we've been together for 28 years and I still love her as much as I've loved her from the first day I've laid my eyes on her and the butterflies started dancing around in my stomach and fire works started going off all around me, you get me? innit? Alles Goed?







Peace, Love & Unity.

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There are still few wise old foxes around here who will out fox you within a blink of an eye and forever steal the affection of Blue away from you and NGONGE is one of those foxes I'm referring to, you already fell for his easy tricks and allowed him to convince you that you should steer clear of Blue who abviously likes you and if you don't get your dutch act together, expect Che and Nuune to play double dutch on you. :)


Good Luck. ;)








Peace, Love & Unity.

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Sawirkaas dadoow maxaa loo isticmaaloyaa. Waa gabar Boorama ku nool oo duruufaad heysato. Intee ku arkeysay sawirkaas islahaa ileen afar sano iyo bar kahor ayaa SOL kusoo dhajiye. I am reposting it again.




Gabadha Soomaaliyeed ee Ayaan Maxamed Muuse oo ka cabaneysa gar iyo shaarub [shaarbo] kusoo badanaya


March 10, 2006 - Soomaaliweyn - Intii aan ku sugnaa degmada Boorame waxaan la kulmay gabar Sooaaliyeed oo dhibaato ka sheeganeysa dheddignimadeeda, taasoo ii sheegtay in ay ku noshahay cabsi iyo wel wel joogata ah,maadaama aysan haysanin hamiga iyo rajada ay ku naalaaloonayaan gabdhaha asaageeda ah.


Gabadhaan oo magaceeda la yiraahdo Ayaan Maxamed Muuse waa 25 jir,waxayna la nooshahay hadda ina habaryarteed. Waxaan la yeeshay wareysi dheer,waxayna iga oggolaatay in aan sawir ka qaado isla markaasna aan baahin karo.


Ayaan waa gabar muuqaal qurxoon leh dhismaha jirkeeduna ay si fiican uga muuqato astaanta dheddignimada, gaar ahaan marka ay saan qaadeyso iyo laafyaheed intuba,hase yeeshee, waxaa jira dhibaatooyin isugu jira kuwo muuqda iyo kuwo dahsoon oo dhamaantood fiisyoolojiyan taabanaya xaddidaada dhidignimadeeda.


Ayaan dhibaatooyinka muuqda ee ay si weyn u dhibsatay waxaa ka mid ah gar iyo shaarubo ku sii badanaaya marba marka ka sii dambaysa, sida sawirkeeda ka muuqanaya, waxayna ii sheegtay in ay goor walba jarto. "Ma garanaayo wax aan sameeyo oo aan aheyn in aan aror walba maqasta la raaco,sidaasoo ay tahay raadkiisii waa kaa muuqanaya," ayay tiri; waxayna sii raacisay arrinta kale ee muuqata isla mar ahaantaasna ay kahsatay, "
Garka iyo shaarubuhu waa wax aad qarsan karto ama waxaa la arki karaa inta ifku jiro, bal adiguba si dheh codkeygaan weyn oo habeen iyo maalinba isku si ah


Ayaan Maxamed Muuse amuuraha ay ka cabaneyso kuma koobna intaas oo kali ah balse waxaa jira arrimo qarsoon oo ayan cid kale la ogeyn, waxayna had iyo jeer ka ooydaa uurka hoose, iyadoo ku fekerta sida mishkiladeeda xal u yeelan karto.


Waxay ii sheegtay in ay dadka dhex mari Karin oo ay ka khijileyso, maxaa yeelay beey tiri, waxay ii arkaan in aan labeeb ahay oo aan isugu jiro nin iyo naag,hase yeeshee, sidaas ma ahi oo waxaan ahay gabar beey sii raacisay.


Ayaan sida aan soo xusay waa gabar qurxoon oo ay dumarnimadeeduna si fiican u muuqato lehna naaso waa weyn. Mar aan weydiiyay goortii ay isku aragtay astaamahaan iyo in ay wax dhakhtar ah la xiriirtay waxay tiri:


"Waxaan isku arkay anoo 8 jir ah laakiin waxaan si rasmi ah u dareemay 14keygii kolkaas oo ay timahaan igu soo bateen,waxaana ku qaan gaaray 18 jir keygii oo aheyd markii ugu horeysay o ay caadada dhiigga igu dhacdo. Dhkhtarna hal mar ayaan la xiriiray waxaa la oran jiray Dr. Nuur waxayna aheyd magaalada Jig-jiga,wuxuuna igu yiri, waxaa kugu badan hormonka labka,wax daawo ahna la ima siinin."


Waxay intaas ku dartay magaalada Jigjiga ay mar kula kulantay koox wareyayaal ah oo ka codsaday in ay Adisababa u kaxeeyaan hase yeeshee, ay ka baqatay in sawiradeeda jaraa’idka lagu soo saaro sidaasna ay ku fadeexowdo. "Waan qaldanaa waxaa I qaaday caruurnimo," ayay ku catowday.


Ayaan waxay kaloo ii sheegtay in ay hesho caadada haweenka ku dhacdo hase yeeshee ay tahay mid iska maqnaataa waqti dheer oo jahawareeersan, waxaa kaloo ay ii sheegtay in raggu ay u soo hasaawe tagaan agteeda laakiin ay ka baqato cuqdadna ay ka qabto. Waxay tiri:


"Waxaan ahay gabar dhankasta laakiin timahaan iyo codkeyga ayaa igu wacan cuqdada."


Ugu danbeyntii Ayaan Maxamed Muuse, waxay iga cidsatay in sawirkeeda aan baahiyo una bandhigo ciddii mishkiladaan ka saacidi karta, gaar ahaan dadka aqoonta u leh iyo kuwa u ololeeya xuquuqda iyo daryeelka haweenka. Ayaan ma heysato dhaqaale ay ku tagto dhkhtar oo baaritaan isku sameyso, sidaas daraadeed,waxay quf walba oo dareen banii’aadamo leh ka codsaneysaa in uu wax ka qabto dhibaatadeeda haddii uu kari karo,anigana waxaan sidaas oo kale idinka codsanayaa in gabadhaan dhalinyarada ah ee ka xaniban farxadda nolosha gacan lagu siiyo daaweynteeda si ay bulshada ula qeybsao farxadda.


Safiyo Abuukar Karaani



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Miskiin macruuf mahadsanid sxb. waan xasuustaa sawirkan markii websitada soomaalida lagu soo daabacay Gabar soomaliyeed oo reer Boorame ah oo dhibaato ku heeysato Male hormons jirkeeda ku jiro taasoo sababeysa iyadoo 100% female ah in gar iyo shaarub u soo baxo. gabadhaana dooneyso caawin.


marka waxaa wax lagu naxo ah inay sheeko Raqiiis ah been abuur ah ay qoraan ee ku saabsan gabar nin been u sheegtay kaba sii daranee ay SAWIR aan waxba ka galin sheekada ay soo bandhigaan ee 4 sano ka hor Gabar soomaliyeed caawinaad dooneysay ay Sawirkeedii been abuur ku sameeyaan.



shame on iyo sheeydaankii Beenloowga ahaaa ee sheekada raqiiska been aburka qoray kaba sii daranee Sawir aan sheekada waxba ka gelin ku soo bandhigay.

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Carafaat;809684 wrote:
22 days is long time when you are in love. Once I fell in love for his girl after I have seen her during a wedding. Within 2 hours conversation I was obsessed and in love, she told she was single, college graduate, lives alone,etc. And after the wedding I searched for her months. Only to discover she had a boyfriend, was not educated and she lived with her parents wich she didnt tell me. damn those lying women who break our hearts!


I have never laughed so hard in my life... especially at "Within 2 hours conversation I was obsessed and in love"

Haha Carafaat (serious face) Stop the madness!!!

You were clearly just infatuated with yarta, besides that's not love you're feeling... It's just a rush of oxytocin to your brain :P

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Haha, thanks for pointing that out MMA, didn't even realize it... this calls for a celebration.

Meet me in the luuq :P (sida rabtid uu qado) lol


100 does seem like a little tho *shrugs*

i've become more of an avid reader/admirer (aka creeper) lol

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