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The Hermet

Las canod Caqil's We want peace and development and for Khatumo to stop instability and war

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these caqils should be helped strength their peace.


as for Khatumo,here is thm in battle..from the hidden archives of his excellency XX.


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The people of Sool have had enough of war, they need development: the least the government can do is provide more assistance and more development, the least its diaspora can do is organise and develop themselves to build up their region. Build factories, build infrstructure, build schools and join the competition between the regions. Awdal is being built by Awdal with minimal assistance from the government, Hargaisa, Saxil, Sanag, Togdher etc... the same its diaspora are all developing it... The Sool and Buhoodle diaspora are to busy killing their own people and listening to Cali Galayd.. Turn SSC into a gudi a development Gudi, raise money, funds, support, educate your people, build schools, hospitals, something tangible that would make a lasting impact surely in this sense you insure the long gevity of the people and quality of life.

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Its seems that reer laascaanood are not interested in clan states they see the larger picture of nationhood.

The Caaqils are the elders of Somaliland god bless them



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Perhaps we should move the Somaliand capital to laascaanood so that laascaanood can also enjoy some of the development of SL. So that it can turn into a huge city horta meeshu biya badan ma leedahay yaa reer laascaanood ah?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;806675 wrote:
Perhaps we should move the Somaliand capital to laascaanood so that laascaanood can also enjoy some of the development of SL so that it can turn in a huge city horta meeshu biya badan ma leedahay yaa reer laascaanood ah?

i think it has water underground...but enough for the town..nothing to big...but Somaliland should at least use the World Bank Money and develop the water infrstructure...Im ready to sacrfice Hargaisa's water for Las canods water...

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Xaaji Xunjuf;806662 wrote:
Its seems that
reer Somaliland are not interested in clan states they see the larger picture of nationhood

The Caaqils are the elders of Somaliland god bless them



Couldn't have said it better. Good Job Xaji Xunjuf! Somaliland is a clan state and needs to understand that Somalia's sovereignty is not negotiable.

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K.O.W;806680 wrote:
Couldn't have said it better. Good Job Xaji Xunjuf! Somaliland is a clan state and needs to understand that Somalia's sovereignty is not negotiable.

Unfortunately for you...the world disagrees, as later events will show, we will sit down as equal finalize seperation... :cool:

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The Hermet;806682 wrote:
Unfortunately for you...the world disagrees

Which world are you talking about? Mars? Jupiter? Venus? Because, I know the 3rd Planet from the Sun (Earth) has recognized that Somaliland is part of Somalia. :D

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