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The Hermet

Somalia Died when a force of 3000 destroyed an army 30,000. Thank You Siad Barre.

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The Hermet;799084 wrote:

for all those pirates and residents of the narnian kingdom of can you fight Somaliland today as a state...when they destroyed your uncle siad barre as a force of 3000...dream on dreamers....this little state that has succeded against all odds...will fulfil what God destined for it...GREATNESS....:cool:

you gott all wrong sxb, SNM was defeated tottaly 1988. siyad bare army did not even needed to fight Snm a year after 1988. forexample 1989 there was no singel town in northern somalia today know as Somaliland hands of SNM rebells.


SNM did not captured singel town from siyad bare.


Siyad barre was defeated bye USC. and its was USC who won over siyaad bare goverment and after goverment collapsed 26 janaury 1991 after that SNM entered cities like burco and hargeysa berbera. before that SNM was tottaly out.

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Boondheere;799122 wrote:
you gott all wrong sxb, SNM was defeated tottaly 1988. siyad bare army did not even needed to fight Snm a year after 1988. forexample 1989 there was no singel town in northern somalia today know as Somaliland hands of SNM rebells.


SNM did not captured singel town from siyad bare.


Siyad barre was defeated bye USC. and its was USC who won over siyaad bare goverment and after goverment collapsed 26 janaury 1991 after that SNM entered cities like burco and hargeysa berbera. before that SNM was tottaly out.

I think your partially deaf and blind my friend...the BBC and the entire population of Somaliland can not be wrong...but if you want to try to convince yourself of what your dad or uncle told you then by all means go for it...i think you didnt watch the video i think thats all the evidence we need. Boondhere you sure you aint related to the former Somali British ambasador who said "the entire north was peaceful" hahahaha...

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A_Khadar;799142 wrote:
Hermet, Whenever I see your comments and posts, this gentlment comes to my mind....

for an old man...he still has spirit...raaageni walahi...hahaha... its funny how the siadists when they have lost everything can only scream EDITED, OR MAKE FUN....You have to understand Somaliland humour in regards to what the guy is saying aint somalilander so im not surprised you dont understand. When the guy says take me home walahi....i know what he means....



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dam you Somaliland tv and hctv..




The neo-siadist across the world...i think they have thrown in the white towel walahi....hahah...dawoo. o ka naax...this was back in 2007...imagine what the country looks like in 2012....



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The Hermet;799187 wrote:
for an old man...he still has spirit...raaageni walahi...hahaha... its funny how the siadists when they have lost everything can only scream EDITED, OR MAKE FUN....You have to understand Somaliland humour in regards to what the guy is saying aint somalilander so im not surprised you dont understand. When the guy says take me home walahi....i know what he means....


Is this you?

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The Hermet;799185 wrote:
I think your partially deaf and blind my friend...the BBC and the entire population of Somaliland can not be wrong...but if you want to try to convince yourself of what your dad or uncle told you then by all means go for it...i think you didnt watch the video i think thats all the evidence we need. Boondhere you sure you aint related to the former Somali British ambasador who said "the entire north was peaceful" hahahaha...

pls tell me a singel city which SNM from their invation of hargeysa burco may 1988 until the goverment siyad bare collapsed 26 janaury 1991 pls name a singel town which SNM captured siyaad bare goverment and maintaied the controll of that town until siyaad barre goverment collapsed janaury 1991???


pls name a singel town?


there is no actually. SNM was tottaly defeated even ***** elders were ready 1989 to negotiate siyaad bare goverment how ***** refugees in ethiopia how they could be return their cities hargesa and burco berbera.


1989 USC was formed Rome italy and USC started inside mogadishu disebmar 1990 attacks the syaad barre goverment ater one month USC succeeded to chasse siyaad bare from the capital. do you know even the day siyaad bare goverment collapsed hargeysa and burco was still hands of general abdiasis ali barre the leader of somali goverment army only after 3 days he left there and SNM come first hargeysa 29 janaury 1991 whole 3 days after siyaad bare goverment collapsed.


so believe me SNM was tottaly defeated like SSDF before them. only USC ayaa ka guuleeysatay siyaad bare.

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Boondheere maxaad taarikhda uga sineysanaysa 2/3 of the SNA was based in Somaliland when SNM entered in 1988 it did with more than 3400 soldiers, a handful troops stayed back in aware taliska SNM at that time. the SNM stormed hargeysa captured it and burco they held Burco for 3 Long Months than retreated Back to oodweyne and cadaadlay.The SNM entered hargeysa from the eastern side and captured it than the SNA used heavy artillery and later aircraft which resulted the destruction of large section of hargeysa.Than they retreated back to maqaaxida inanta which is a village south of Hargeysa 25 km, the Wars in hargeysa were longer than the burco wars. The SNM captured the eastern part of hargeysa aw barkhadle and later they established their capital in baligubadle.The wars the SNM and the SNA fought were the worst kind of wars a rebel army could fight against an occupying army by November in 1989 the SNM captured the entire region of ceerigaabo and the mait district in northern sanaag region by 1989 they stormed hargeysa and captured the entire southern section of hargeysa at that same year they made the SNA flee into Djibouti and launched an attack on seylac. USC was founded by SNM cali wardhilgay and Mr Cosoble were members of the SNM since 1984 they were the key founders of you're organization USC General caydiid in 1989 he visited the SNM at baligubadle and they released a joined communique with the late president tuur and tuur gave him ammunition and a group of pows belonging to his clan and he went with them to Mustaxiil. By the year end 1989 the back of the SNA was broken they were merely breathing and the rest you know USC stormed Villa Somalia and General siyad bare flew with his clan.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;799244 wrote:
Boondheere maxaad taarikhda uga sineysanaysa 2/3 of the SNA was based in Somaliland when SNM entered in 1988 it did with more than 3400 soldiers, a handful troops stayed back in aware taliska SNM at that time. the SNM stormed hargeysa captured it and burco they held Burco for 3 Long Months than retreated Back to oodweyne and cadaadlay.The SNM entered hargeysa from the eastern side and captured it than the SNA used heavy artillery and later aircraft which resulted the destruction of large section of hargeysa.Than they retreated back to maqaaxida inanta which is a village south of Hargeysa 25 km, the Wars in hargeysa were longer than the burco wars. The SNM captured the eastern part of hargeysa aw barkhadle and later they established their capital in baligubadle.The wars the SNM and the SNA fought were the worst kind of wars a rebel army could fight against an occupying army by November in 1989 the SNM captured the entire region of ceerigaabo and the mait district in northern sanaag region by 1989 they stormed hargeysa and captured the entire southern section of hargeysa at that same year they made the SNA flee into Djibouti and launched an attack on seylac. USC was founded by SNM cali wardhilgay and Mr Cosoble were members of the SNM since 1984 they were the key founders of you're organization USC General caydiid in 1989 he visited the SNM at baligubadle and they released a joined communique with the late president tuur and tuur gave him ammunition and a group of pows belonging to his clan and he went with them to Mustaxiil. By the year end 1989 the back of the SNA was broken they were merely breathing and the rest you know USC stormed Villa Somalia and General siyad bare flew with his clan.


SNM after ethiopia and somalia agreement in late 1987. mingustu ordered SNM to bull out inside ethiopia . SNM may 1988 after SNF was bullied back from border according ethiopia somalia agreement. SNM attacked heavly populated cities first burco and couple of days after Hargeysa. yes its true the almost run all over cities. both burco and hargeysa. but the counter attack from siyaad bare goverment forces whit in couple of weeks hargeysa and burco become a gosth towns and SNM was tottaly defeated almost back in to ethiopian border.


not a singel town remianed snm hands. you said SNM retreated back 25 km outside hargeysa. yes that could be trues first days o the war even month in 1988 but walaahi i have video goverment officalls janaury 1990 visiting togwajaale whichs the border of northern somalia and ethioia and boorame in 1990.


northern sanaag the capital ceerigaabo was in the hands o the SNF UNTIL 1991 even after mogadishu was liberated from siyaad bare 26 janaayo 1991. burco,ceergaabi, hargeysa berbera boorame togwayaale all major towns in the north.


general cabdicasiis cali bare whos the son of siyaad bares brother left hargeysa 28 janaayo 1991 he and hes forces after USC new somali govermerment in xamar cumar carte and cali mahdi ordered them SN to leave hargeysa burco berbera ceerigaabo laascanood boorame. general cabdicasiis barre and hes tanks took the road from hargeysa to burco to laascanood until he reached hes native town in gobolada dhexe cabdudwaaq.


general galaal oF USC said 3 days we were searching snm and snm did not reach hargeysa burco ceerigaabo berbera not before 29 janaayo 1991 . 3 days after dawladii siyaad barre ay dhacday.


second USC was created ****** and not SNM.


Cali wardhiiglee was not part of SNM . cali wardhiigleey was part of SSDF. AND let them because ssd was ********** own rebell group. CALI ardhiigleeey and cali shido and other formed USC IN ITALY ROME and snm had nothing to do whit it.


snm did not defeat siyaad bare army or SNF. if USC never invaded siyad barre inside mogadishu and siyaad bare because of USC collapsed. iam 100% sure HARGEYSA BURCO BERBERA BOORAME in 2012 waxay ku jiri lahaayeen gacanta dawladii late siyaad bare and ***** population waxay qaxooti ku ahaan lahaayeen xerooyinka xarshin iyo harta sheekh.



taariikhda lama badali karo sxb. somali national tv 1990 wasiirada dawlada booqanaya ceerigaabo. burco. togwajaaale hargeysa boorame berbera waa ay yaaliin sxb. SNM waxaa ilaaheey ku bixiyey reer koonfureedkii USC ee dawladiii burburiyey.

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They controlled the vast majority of the southern part of hargeysa you have to understand that the SNA was broken due to fighting and defeats in Somaliland do you think the USC could've easy overrun the SNA in Mogadishu and the southern part of Somalia,the vast majority of the army was still fighting in Somaliland and some battalions were stationed in the middle regions. Erigavo fell in the hands of the SNM in November the SNA tried to recapture it but they failed the fled into the interior.That same year they captured the southern section of Hargeysa city the SNA was than still in control in berbera and northern burco but SNM could move between awdal and Hargeysa and Sanaag while controlling the southern part of haregeysa and eastern part of hargeysa and also in sanaag. Cali wardhiiglay was a member of the SNM before he founded the USC along with Mr Osoble those are the facts and reality. The regime fell because the army in the north was broken no way the USC could've walked in Mogadishu if SNM didn't fight 2/3 of the army in Somaliland. Even berbera fell in the hands of the SNM 3 days before the regime fell on January 23 1991 and the regime fell on 26 January it was their last stronghold. But you are right on one thing the SNM and Abdi asis fought in burco in mid 1990 and he attacked balidhiig in the early 1990s but was pushed back. He left than for Laascaaanood and that's true and by end December the USC started their guerrilla attacks and than moved into Xamar they attacked Villa Somalia and Siyad barre shelled the city from his Presidential palace and end January 1991 they stormed the Presidential palace and general siyad bare flew to gedo and that was the end of the regime.






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26 janaayo 1991 when siyaad bare goverment collapsed siyaad bare army was stil incontroll hargeysa burco and berbera. thats fact and not fiction. walaahi i was mogadishu when cumar carte the primine minister of newly elected entrim goverment cali mahdi said. SNF forces in hargesa burco and berbera should leave those cities and hand over to snm.


general abdicasiis left hargeysa burco berbera whit hes army hidding south the road betweeen hargeysa burco laascanood until he reached galgaduud.


yes after hands its easy to change this story walaahi 10 years ago no one could even dream saying snm captured cergiabo or burco 1989.. 1989 there was no even majort battle in north. northern cities become gosth towns and outside the cities mine fleld.


there is video from telefishinka somalia 1990. somali goverment officals visitng togwajaale boorame. berbera burco and ceerigaabo 1990.


so yes its true SNM waa dagaalameen may 1988 but they were defeated tottaly. and when USC attacked siyaad bare in mogadishu. all 16 regions of Somali republic was in the hands of siyaad barre goverment. so how can you say siad barre was weaken when you could not even take controll o hargeysa burco berbera not even the day siyaad barre run away mogadish 26 janaayo 1991.


snm come hargesa and burco berbera first 29 janaayo 1991.

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The Hermet;799094 wrote:


Its the same with Kosovo's Serb minority...they also think they part of Serbia...but thanks to international law...all that counts are colonial borders and legal agreements...:cool:

This comparison makes no sense.

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