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Over 30 dead SSC Militia In Buhoodle as Fighting starts again...

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Dagaalkii Maanta Jiida Buuhoodle Ku Dhex Maray Ciidamada Qaranka Iyo Maleeshiyo Beeleedyada Reer Sool Oo Istaagay Iyo Wararkii U Dambeeyay Ee Khasaaraha Ka Dhashay


Buuhoodle (Ramaas) Jan 26,2012 – Dagaalkii Galinkii dambe ee maanta ka qarxay deegaanka Sool-joogta oo aan wax badan ka durugsanayn Magaaladda Buuhoodle, ayaa goor dhawayd istaagay.


Dagaalkan oo u dhaxeeyay ciidamada qaranka Somaliland iyo Maleeshiyaad reer Buuhoodle ah ayaa waxa ka dhashay khasaare laxaadle oo dhimasho iyo dhaawacba isugu jira, waxaana sidoo kale la sheegayaa in labada dhinac kala qabsadeen maxaabiis.






Wararka jiida dagaalku ka dhacay laga helayo ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada qaranka dagaalkaasi ay kaga dhinteen laba askari, isla-markaana tiro intaa ka badani ay ka dhaawacantay, iyadda oo ay jiraan askar laga qabsaday ciidanka.


Sidoo kale, khasaare ayaa dagaalkaasi ka soo gaadhay Maleeshiyaadka reer Buuhoodle, waxaana lagu waramayaa inay ka dhinteen dad tobaneeyo ah, kana dhaawacmeen tiro kale, waxaana Maleeshiyaada laga qabtay lix qof. Dagaalka oo saacad ka hor si rasmi ah u dhammaaday ayaa sidoo kale lagu waramayaa in ciidamada qaranku jiidii dagaalku ka dhacay ay ku sugan yihiin, halka la sheegay in Maleeshiyaadkii dagaalka la galay ay ku sugan yihiin duleedka meesha loo yaqaano Sool-joogta oo markii hore dagaalka ay ka soo qaadeen. Dhaawacyada ciidamada qaranka ayaa la filayaa in la keeno Magaaladda Burco, si looga daaweeyo dhaawacyada dagaalkaasi ku gaadhay.


Dhinaca kale, Magaaladda Buuhoodle ayaa la sheegay inay ku soo qul-qulayaan Garaado reer Sool ah oo ka kala imanaya deegaanada gobolkaasi, iyadda oo la xaqiijiyey in sidoo kale uu halkaasi soo gaadhay Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo ka mid ah kooxdii waday shirka Taleex.


Lama oga ujeedada ka dambaysa ee Garaadada iyo siyaasiyiinta reer Sool u yimaadeen Buuhoodle, balse warar aan la hubin ayaa sheegaya inay hawlo siyaasadeed halkaasi ka wadaan:D

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Ciidanka Qaranka oo si fudud u kala daadiyay maleeshiyo nabad diid ah oo soo weeraray iyo khasaarihii loo geystay

January 26th, 2012 Comments Off


Buuhoodle (Somaliland.Org)- Ciidammadda qaranka ee jiida Buuhoodle ayaa galabta dhabarka ka jabiyay oo u awood sheegtay maleeshiyo nabad diid ah oo weerar ku soo qaaday galabta fadhiisimada ciidanka qaranka ee ku sugnaa deegaanka Sool-joogto.


Dagaalkan oo qarxay markii galabta abbaaro 3:00 galabnimo ay maleeshiyadaasi

Soo weerartay fadhiisimada ciidanka qaranka. Waxa illaa imika la xaqiijiyay inay ciidamada qaranku ay sadex qof ka dileen maleeshiyadii weerarka soo qaaday kuwaasi oo maydkooda la geeyay cisbitaalka Buuhoodle.


Warka ka imanaya magaalada Buuhoodle waxay intaasi ku darayaan in caawa fiidkii magaalada Buuhoodle la geeyay 5 ka mid ah dhaawacyadii maleeshiyada weerarka soo qaaday.

Illaa imika lama oga khasaaraha dhabta ah ee labada dhinac, hase yeeshee waxa la sheegay in dhirbaaxo kulul lagu dhuftay maleeshiyada nabad diidka ah.

Sidoo kale, waxa maanta duhurkii gaadhay Magaalada Buuhoodle kooxdii watay shirkii Taleex oo uu Hoggaaminayay Cali Khaliif Galaydh iyo xubno ka mid ah isimadda gobolada Sool iyo Buuhoodle, waxaana la sheegay inay dagaalkan maanta ay soo abaabuleen kooxda soo gaadhay Buuhoodle.

Weriye Cumar Maxamed Faarax




It seems like the last attempt and that has totally failed...:D

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Maxaa ku qoslee oo lagu qoslo meesha ka dhacaayo? Asagoo dhul nabadeed joogo oo barwaaqeysan, meeshuu ka ogaan lahaa nabadda nimcadee leedahay ayuu intuu cabitaan qaboob firintijeerka kasoo baxsado uu meeshaan ku daacdaacsanaa. Yaa geeyo meesha la isla xarbinaayo. We would then know if qosli lahaa then or not.


War hooy, dadka isdilaayo, isleynaayo waa wada Soomaali ogoow.

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30 non SLanders died yet you still haven't moved an inch from where you started this morning? how is that possible? shouldn't you be drinking shah with qarfe and hayl in the town marfish by now?

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^^^ that questions for the generals...they seem to be doing a good job...but from what i know their are multiple bases around the town...its become a military area with a combination of local forces and national forces. They attacked one of the bases in Sool Jogto as some Garads approached from taleex...the death toll on their side is around 30 seeing they primarily use teenagers with light arms..and Whether they somalilanders or not...the land is Somaliland in accordance with a legally binding contract signed by xalal representation in 1991...we dont believe in the concept of sign today..not respect agreement is an agreement even in islamic terms an agreement must be respected...and no one forced them to sign it...thats a question for them.

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^^^well, the name of the game at the moment seems to be containment and weakening really from what i can see..make sure a threat doesn't come out buy increasing presence this part has been achieved..these forces are running out men, weapons and to be honoust there not really credible, there made of teenagers with light arms...but for long term peace i dont know if any progress has been made on that front. Its hard making peace with people who opposed your very existence and the same can be said for the other reality it will continue until one side gives, thats the reality..war is dirty and so is politics but..Somaliland has legality on its side.

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Somalina, you seem to be itching to take a side in this purely domestic matter. You have bigger fish to fry than how many cousins have killed eachother. Understand this peace of advice; these folks we are choking are if we release them, the foot soldiers who will be used to dislodge you from your shaky summit. Not even your Bantu guards would save you then..

You should thank for Somaliland..:-)

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I'm not sure what water well you've been drinking from. Understand that this is SomaliaOnline, and I'm a Somali from Somalia and have every right to discuss the issues brought on here daily.


I'm not thanking SL for attacking peaceful people that are minding the daily business.


As far as your other nac nac, Mogadishu has seen it all the past 200 years and it certainly doesn't need SL to do any favors for it.

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Somalina, I think you should spend more time worrying about the innocent civilians traffic light lips and his Bantu mercenaries are shelling in Mogdisho instead of catching fire while trying to understand what is clearly a demostic. You can't claim the moral high ground not when your president authorises the death of his own people whilst on one of his mile high adventures..

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I think you should speak when spoken to, fahamtu.


People of Mogadishu are enjoying peace today and are rebuilding their beloved city brick by brick, the rantings from a confused man on SOL aint gonna deter their happiness. Long live Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed xafidullah!

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He says cousins killing each other and the next sentence talks about 'chocking these people'.These people are not only weak but high on something.So far Buhoodle is becoming their graveyard.

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