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rise of unmarried somalis (men women)

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*Blessed;779696 wrote:
Abwaan, maya, walaal. That was directed at the original poster..

ok Blessed.


Bluelicious;779694 wrote:
It's probably because of many people wanting to pursue their careers and also because of tribe. Many people get told by their parents don't marry such and a such tribe. Even if they found a suitable person their family would reject it cause of tribe difference it's all bull.

I agree with you lifestyle has changed so career is essential and that this Qabiil thing has narrowed the choice for many and it is one of the problems.

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It's probably because of many people wanting to pursue their careers and also because of tribe. Many people get told by their parents don't marry such and a such tribe. Even if they found a suitable person their family would reject it cause of tribe difference it's all bull.

blue ur right abt the career..and how everyone spends many years studying and what not that they forget how important settling and having kids the qabiil thing isnt really as important as it used to be and it also depends how old u that im in my mid 20s my mom can careless lol..tis more of naa balayo kuguma dhacdee ii dhaaf with duca qabiilku rabo ha noqdee..ofcourse marrying outside my race maba aha choice walidkeygu isinayo..taas wa sheeko kale :)



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I don't get how a career, money, education got to do with anything with marriage - I have a feeling we are confused on what marriage is all about - to me its basically - companionship, offspring's etc...nothing else, nothing less. Maybe, I simplify life too much - don't see what the fuss is all about. Life is too short yaa uu sheegaa dadkanii.

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Malika;779732 wrote:
I don't get how a career, money, education got to do with anything with marriage - I have a feeling we are confused on what marriage is all about - to me its basically - companionship, offspring's etc...nothing else, nothing less. Maybe, I simplify life too much - don't see what the fuss is all about. Life is too short yaa uu sheegaa dadkanii.



Maleyko, abaayadiis, dad ayaa meeshaan gabalka ugu dhici doono intee ku haayaan nin saas iyo saan ah hadduu joogin ma rabno nin dhan. Cirkee wax ku ogyihiin.

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Malika I think it does to an extent at least up to the age of 22..after that u shouldnt drag it..marrying before that age was never something I would recommend :)..


MMA loool ...cirka wax ku ognahay! thats so true..cirka yaa ii tilmaama



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GaroweGal;779421 wrote:
There aren't many good men! I am more supportive of Somali women marrying outside the race today, then I was a year ago.

Funny, only the other day African American woman and white woman I know were both complaining how they are no good men in their communities. It's either there are no good men anywhere or women's expectations are unrealistic.

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^ Women are getting deluded with, there is no equality when it comes to ' ticking cloak' of the reproduction system.


MMA -Maa illa aragtee - people forget about the temporariness of time, forget the core reason of marriage - it sure has nothing to do with all the fancy pa lavas - its basically one is human, so in need of companion and also to reproduce - waxaa kale oo dani waa extra distraction on why one would think.


MMA - welcome aboard. Waxaan kudihii lahaa simplify life, it gets sweeter.


Aaliyah - do not go beyond 25

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Malika;779745 wrote:
^ Women are getting deluded with, there is no equality when it comes to ' ticking cloak' of the reproduction system.

In more ways than one, one needs to realize 50/50 percent can't and shouldn't apply to everything.

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Abwaan;779089 wrote:
Sadly way dhacdaa arrintaan!

Fadlan haddaadan Shiikh safka hore ku tukada ahayn inta laga soo xusho baa lagu tusayaa liiska inta danbaska ah :)

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GaroweGal;779421 wrote:
There aren't many good men! I am more supportive of Somali women marrying outside the race today, then I was a year ago.

Ha na aflagaadayn.

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Malika;779751 wrote:
^Yep, yep.


I better sleep, I can see my spelling is getting all muddled up...Lool

Don't blame hurdada iyo daalka blame the source of the problem not the symptoms yaa Malika :)

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Equality is great for women when it serves a purpose and suits your needs


Malika is partly right, marriage, career waa labo wax that co-exist if necessary. Hala guursado, less xujo, less madax xanuun.

Guurka can be great achievement itself. Children are a bonus


Malika I don't agree that children define a woman. As I said they are a blessing.

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