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Lasconod & Buhoodle were not bombed from air & land by tens of thousands of professional soldiers.What happened to somalilanders neva happened to you...don't wish for the worst.....and what's is this rape thing you talking about repeatedly,you trying to shame someone...boy you seem happened too,isn't it a crime?

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burahadeer;771948 wrote:
Lasconod & Buhoodle were not bombed from air & land by tens of thousands of professional soldiers.What happened to somalilanders neva happened to you...don't wish for the worst.....and what's is this rape thing you talking about repeatedly,you trying to shame someone...boy you seem happened too,isn't it a crime?

Hargeisa was never bombed, thats total nonsense. Why else are the same houses still erect through-out 80% of the city. Hiroshima isn't like that nor is rotterdam and they were cities that were truly levelled and they rebuilt their cities following the modern standards of the time!!! Cutt the nonsense, you will need to answer why your homes are not brand-new or at the very least following 1990 convention of buildings!!! Your houses in Hargeisa look exactly the same in anywhere else Somalia. Infact in older some areas!!!


Certain areas of snm bases were targetted which is the less then 1% of the city that is only logical explanation for your so called massacre which will explain why the same houses like in other parts of Somalia are exactly the same!!!

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^^^^ hahaaaa let's unite:D:D:D:D:D:D:D and there was no holocaust?!! you might as well add your name to Nazi fringe groups!

ask the marathon legged Morgan.

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How is anyone with a brain to believe a city that is majority like this was levelled to the ground.



It looks no different to houses in dhuusomareeb suggesting they were all built in the same era



Lets take a modern example of places that were levelled like garacad after the tsunami. As u can see they built using the standards of the day not go back to the way their old homes used be like



Anyways stop make outlandish claims hargeisa was never levelled. 80% of the city was totally ok and the airport!!! Infact the darawish were bombed truly bombed by the british airforces. Thats why their new homes now look the same as the rest of somalia since it was rebuilt using the standards of the era back then!!!


88 never occurred not the way the snm portray it. The government of the time attacked certain bases of the SNM in the city, But the government didnt drop a bomb and levell the whole city there is no evidence of that as clearly proven by me!!!!

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^^^^to those you can hoodwink.Towns were rebuilt..20yrs of stop this, no one is gona buy except those same ideology with you which is fine.

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Your lucky they don't get the raw puntians like myself onto universal to debate against the snm fringe group, i will make xoosh look like an angel!!! Because my arguments, I use evidence to convince my audience to follow my thinking not propaganda!!!


My debate would be very solid. I would present the fact that 80% hargeisa still has homes that look pre 1970s like any other city in Somalia. I would further show images of how the city is covered in those style of homes which re-iterates the fact its nost just one or two homes but the vast majority of the city.


I would go on then to re-enforce my arguments by saying the SNM were themselves were criminals who endangered their own people, because they werent fighting outside they were fighting hiding behind civilian areas and civilians skirts!!! If they truly cared for their people safety they wouldn't endanger them in the first place. This argument would make the SNM as the evil culprit and everyone viewing them as such.


My last icing on the cake will be. Any government that has a rebel group operating in the country on clan purposes over national government representing the nation should be attacked. An act of treason in any country democratic or otherwise is still punishable by death.


The SNM were not targetted first they are the ones who made the first move attacking a sovereign country territory for clan related purposes because no north-western civilian was attacked before 88 which was a sharp response to the SNM rebels moving into a country sovereign territory for purely clan related reasons, For every action there is a reaction!!!


The whole snm issue would be closed and Somalis will be enlightened on the whole reality and the SNM booed

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burahadeer;771957 wrote:
^^^^to those you can hoodwink.Towns were rebuilt..20yrs of stop this, no one is gona buy except those same ideology with you which is fine.

What are you saying a house built in 1960-70 will be the same as a house built in the 1990s? niyahow iga tag dooda way dhamatay

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Burahadeer. If you are right, show me hargeisa skyline 1990. Dont show me pockets of destroyed buildings





Thats what you call a city that is levelled untill you can prove that you no basis in your claims and my argument stands any court of law will see that I make more sense that certain areas which is less then 5% of the city was striked by going off the photos I have seen of quarters here and there destroyed. You have lost the debate and you have been lied to you will need to accept that because meeshan evidene ba la hadlo

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and what's this?







that's less than 1 hr 7 july 1988...what u think 3 yrs + the air bombardment!




and fine I will meet your hate with hate....SNM destroyed you that's why you crying somaliweyn from the desert .

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burahadeer;771966 wrote:
and what's this?







that's less than 1 hr 7 july 1988...what u think 3 yrs + the air bombardment!




and fine I will meet your hate with hate....SNM destroyed you that's why you crying somaliweyn from the desert .

Burahadeer, if you accepted Dahir Riyaale Kahin as your "President" for 8 years and vice-president as another 10 years, who was working for the Government of Siyaad Barre in Somalia and was actively capturing and imprisoning SNM militiamen in 1988 (The same time you're crying about) THEN, I'm sure "Somaliland" or the SNM can accept to be part of SOMALIA with the blink of an eye. lol

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Burahadeer, lol you defeated the somali army!!! dude everyone knows the army left to go handle the usc who was attacking the capital!!! You were in harshin and u would've stayed there if it wasnt for aideed!!! your snm are pussies can't even defend from a few of abdullahi yusuf boys who are all from one jilib hoose!!! To make matters worse your the only clan in history to abadon your abtirsi for aideeds!!! lol shame bro shame


ps: burahadeer forget about beel-weynta war niyahow you can't even handle a bunch mahad boys like sicid dheere said 2 days and even the mogadishu boys look at you in pity too!!! dude you cant hate us cause ur small and were big. you will never be president u need to accept it waan goosanaya and im running away scared for YOUR life. Illahi ba dad yar ka dhigay u need to accept it

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burahadeer;771948 wrote:
Lasconod & Buhoodle were not bombed from air & land by tens of thousands of professional soldiers.What happened to somalilanders neva happened to you...don't wish for the worst.....and what's is this rape thing you talking about repeatedly,you trying to shame someone...boy you seem happened too,isn't it a crime?



Lasanod wasn't bombed because there wasn't a rebel group operating in our deegans. We didn't support seperatists rebels, the likes of your so called heroes. The truth is, it wasn't until the snm ventured into the cities using hargeisa and it's people as a shield. That's like holding a baby in Front of a drive-by. Your snm needs to take responsibility for their actions

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I have seen leveled homes with my own eyes when my family visited hargeysa in 1992 (after we fled Xamar), entire neighborhoods...nothing false about that boys, let's not get carried away.


I lost an uncle (Mums older brother) who was betrayed by fellow government soldier, because he was a Somalilander~

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burahadeer;772250 wrote:
Wow keep rewriting history ..that's what you good at!.....lying to urslv hasn't helped you so far!

Rewriting history like how your forefathers spied and supported the British while the mighty Dervishes fought a 20 plus year war against our would be colonizers. Rewriting history like how your forefathers fought againsts their own brothers in order to please the Queen? With the help of your fforefathers Taleex was the first place to be bombed from the sky in AFRiCA. Do they teach that History in the snm strong hold. Ohhhhh how Ssome forget history.

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