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Puntland Govt Supports Khaatumo 2 Conference

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If eastern Sool and Buhoodle declare a different state, me thinks they should get taxed high in other different adminstrations ports such as

Puntland and Mogadishu in comparison to the natives.

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What's with the eastern sool thing? The entire Sool and the entire Sanaag belongs to ssc and maakhir. Now that the sleeping giants have woken prepare your exit salax. Take your goats across state lines bruh

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Dervish;771909 wrote:
What's with the eastern sool thing? The entire Sool and the entire Sanaag belongs to ssc and maakhir. Now that the sleeping giants have woken prepare your exit salax. Take your goats across state lines bruh

Only when you show me the muscle...and then you lose the little that's more talk!


it shows that they don't wana go anywhere when they keep claiming what's not theirs.

Kismayo is mine,Erigabo is mine,Ainabo is mine,....they can talk about khatumo as much as they want but they can't live in peace with others cos they have very little land to fall back to and that's the reason they keep tension & try to distabilise somaliland which will lead to war & the ultimate ssc downfall.

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Sool and Sanaag belongs to all Somalis. Yes even "Ethnic Somalilanders". Salax your clan has lived under Sultans and Warriors for 300 years Your people have managed to breed like rabbits under our care, be thankful.

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No need to show muscle burahadeer we all know what ethnic somalilanders do when muscle is applied. You've been crying for the last 20 years. After this conference is over I guarantee your snm will leave LA without a shot fired.

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We will take over and there is nothing you can do about it, do you know why? Because we are Somalia and you are an illegal rebel group equal to the separatists Kurds in Turkey. Oh and believe me the rest of our Somali brothers from bosaso to Ras Kambon are ready.

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^^^first the rest of somalis were employed by your great uncle SIYAAD who was the strongest in africa & you know what happened.

2nd..other somalis in somalia like Mogadishu,Baidao,Kismayo,BWeyn etc know what you did to may unite with them but it's desperation in your part to think they forget what your lot did to them or that it will be business as usual for you in Mogadishu & the fertile juba area you think you can rob again.

3rd..I'm not saying you shouldn't decide your future...all I'm saying is you'r not sincere about it since you claiming what is not yours that you can neva have anyway!

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Is that the propaganda they feed you? You sound like a rape victim. "what I did to them"? What did I do to anyone. My people are from SSC I have nothing to do with the southerners. Oh and you give yourself too much credit the SNM took control of their hometown villages after the Somali military disintegrated. Your heroes wouldn't dare venture out of their caves prior

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^^^^ time start hurling insults ...words of a loser....keep living in hallucinations & erase history...your brothers r waiting in Mogadishu!!!!

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I neva said I want you if you were reading my earlier were busy trying to rebutt the truth & conceal history,a game that neva works.

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Whole families were murdered in their own homes, half of my direct family died, my uncle was 12 when he was kidnapped and murdered by the locals. And after all that I still Love my people. You see we don't cry about it. Only rape victims and widows hold grudges brother.

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