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Is Puntland crumbling?

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1. First you had Eyl and then Garacad fully under control of pirates.


2. Then there was Galgala controlled by Atam militias who couldnt be defeated by Puntland forces that withdrew. Atam took back control of Galgala.


3. Bosasso security out of control. And promonent Sheicks, tribal leaders, politicians assasinated. Latest assasinations was couple weeks back when one of the most prominent Sheicks of Bossaso was gunned down.


4. Lasanod joined Somaliland.


5. Buhoodle came under control of SSC militia.


6. Now the last SSC town under control of Puntland, Taleex, isnt controlled anymore by Puntland but by clan militia's.


7. Rascaseyr State is fact on the ground. Locals seem to be determined to establish their own State, seperate from Puntland.


8. Then you have the whole Galkacyo debacle of clan miliatia's attacking a neighbourhood. And golgodob folks in diaspora establishes its own State.



What is left of Puntland? Did Puntland crumble, and it merely excist as online PR and spinning machine operated by Duke and likes?


These development seem to have a sustainable character. Why arent Puntlanders discussing the causes and how to solve things, except for blaming all on Faroole? Cant be anything be done in the meantime, till there is new leadership? Or does all depend on the man in charge of the State?

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Che, its certainly not a wish of mine. I am just wondering why the core issue's and causes are not adressed, except for the usual 'kuli fitna Faroole' answer. Therefor I summed all those issue's in one thread to hightlight there is a structural problem and this needs to be adressed.


If you think I am wishing for it, then I would have silenced about this like many others have and get back to business. But I dont, because i belief that silence is not the solution. Weather it its on Somaliland unilateral isolation towards Somalia, Somalia's changing wind, or Puntland's policy towards disenfrachised regions.

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Good points there Carafaat Faroole failed puntland miserably he turned the garowe clan enclave into a Family faroole dynasty his sons are his advisers and they manage the exploration contracts the place is full of nepotism.

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XX, This thread isnt about Faroole. But about the serieuzness of the current situation and how a sustainable solution can be found.

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Carafaat sure there are many problems but many of these problems came with the administration of faroole and that must be addressed thank god faroole is leaving Puntland soon.He annihilated the western bari folks the Maakhirian community in bari he even went as far to ask the Americans to bomb the mountains of galgala. He is not the solution, and puntland can only be cured with out him. He is the hindrances to prosperity in the garowe clan enclave think about it Carafaat.Compare Ade muse's Administration with the faroole administration.

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General Duke maashaallaah I wanted to start a photo collage on the events back home in Puntland during the past year, talking about photos do you remember this?


Hint: It's a recent one as well!



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Duke, how will it be solved? What kind of solutions were you thinking of? Care to share your thought?


Some SOL'er even suggested to have a military leader rather then a civilian you share tis thought?

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For all you stated there same could be said about Somaliland and if Puntland is crumbling so is Somaliland.


1. Awdal States is real and on the ground raising the blue flag, saying they have nothing to do with SNM clan state


2. The Kalshaale war and the clear rejection of the Reer Cayn of clan state


3. Slaughtering of Awdal innocent people by Silaanyo clan miltia and the never ending clan rivalry there


4. Ceerigaabo clan fighting and continuing tensions there between pro unity clans and the SNM clan


5 SSC is soon to declare a separate state that comes under TFG ( this is more problematic to Somaliland than its to Puntland<)


6 Clan divisions and wide spread corruption and nepotism (it was only few day ago people of Maydh were complaining Siilaanyo and how there's no any adminstration there)


7. Political failtures. for 20 years norecognition and there's no other way around. There's complete stalemate.

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