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C/weli Gaas: Wax Maamul ah oo Hiiraan ka Jira Ma Jirto, Hal Gobolna Maamul Goboleed Ma Noqdo

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Somalia;771270 wrote:
Nothing is preventing that if Laascaanood is liberated.

What part of 1 region doesn't make a federal state in the TFG dastuur don't you understand.

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The Constitution says two or more states. U can't claim one city of a region and say you reside in the whole region. U need to follow the formula of Puntland, Somaliland and Azania. 2 or more states BUUX AH!!!


Puntland safe states

1. Bari (no matter what ras casayr boys say even us qardho boys tried fighting and were ten time sthe size of ras casayr boys and we didnt get anywhere)

2. Nugal

3. North Mudug

4. Sanaag up untill yuube

5. Sool up untill Boocame and tukaraq areas

6. Buhodle.


We have 2 states full..then half mudug and 80% of sanag that will equal 1 full state. So we already got three states oo buux ah, before we even talk about southern sool and buhodle. And sool is coming back to Puntland they know full well they can't be federal state with just 1 region oo buux ah. a city here and there in a gobol doesn't mean nothing. Like togdheer puntland has a city in there does that mean we own the gobol of-course not!!! we always degaanka buhodle because thats what it is!!!


Remember that the 18 states of Somalia remain the same at the federal level, you can name counties like karkaar and cayn at the state level no biggy but its not recognised at the federal level. The federal level is 18 states!!!


So they cant use sool-sanaag-cayn argument. Because cayn is a county just like gabiley, salal, and all that local level stuff. War nimankan waxay isku qaldeen federal and local jurisdiction matters please learn not to mix federal and local matters together, thats where the kids get confused.


Awdal state cannot happen either, they have 1 state oo buux ah, the rest is counties they are talking about which are not recognized at the federal level

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Saalax;771400 wrote:
What part of 1 region doesn't make a federal state in the TFG dastuur don't you understand.

SSC is 2 regions in the federal charter thus it can become a state.


You should focus on Khalif Galaydh and the Ethiopian MPs lobbying Meles Zenawi on the Laascaanood withdrawal.

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Somalia two regions where? Sool is the only region they have. Cayn is county, sanaag they have a few towns but they are no more then 10% of the whole region.


Somalia u dont know the difference between what a state or county is? Do u see cayn written anywhere in dastuurka ama salal ama gabiley? Minnesota is one gobol and it has many counties like hennepin, is hennepin county now a state? You really need to understand the difference between what a gobol is and a county.


Regional states can have as many counties or states within their jurisdiction but at the federal level the government only recognises 18 states pre 1991. If you want a new federal state, then you will need to go through the federal channel to have a new state recognised, like bacadweyne got recognised as a city in mudug!!!

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Akash;771381 wrote:
maamul goboleedka Awdal state of Somalia Waxa u ka kooban yahay 3 gobol,Gabiley, Awdal iyo Salel marka dastuurku waa u ogolanayaa

Awdal is one region cannot become a state under the TFG selel was made by Daahir rayaale its the western part of awdal Gabiley is part of maroodijeex a district within maroodijeex or former woqoyi galbeed. Gabiley its self is not a gobol yet in Somaliland its still not approved by the Parliament how ever Gabiley is hardcore Somalilandist if not the most hardcore rightwing Somaliland supporters in the whole of Somaliland in the year 2000 they burned the Somalia flag while demonstrating. Do you know on every wall in gabiley city you will see 18 may graffiti's.

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Wax maamul goboleed la yiraahdo ma jiraan laakiin kuwaan ayaa jiro:

  1. Awdal
  2. Baay
  3. Bakool
  4. Banaadir
  5. Bari
  6. Galgaduud
  7. Gedo
  8. Hiiraan
  9. Jubbada Dhexe
  10. Jubbada Hoose
  11. Mudug
  12. Nugaal
  13. Sanaag
  14. Shabeellaha Hoose
  15. Shabeellaha Dhexe
  16. Sool
  17. Togdheer
  18. Waqooyi Galbeed

Iyo kuwa maqan oo aan soo ceshan doono.

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"Begging profession" is twice and thrice better than claiming an imaginary orphans and lost children of Queen Elizabeth II. Don't you think that is more shameful?


It is also better than shaxaad ku nool iyo 'ina'adeer iga dhiib shaaha' ku nool natural way of life. Waala isyaqaan. But I won't go down with your level. No.

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The Zack   

Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;771545 wrote:
"Begging profession" is twice and thrice better than claiming an imaginary orphans and lost children of Queen Elizabeth II. Don't you think that is more shameful?


It is also better than shaxaad ku nool iyo 'ina'adeer iga dhiib shaaha' ku nool natural way of life. Waala isyaqaan. But I won't go down with your level. No.

So what was the definition of defending your qabiil again? Neo who? :D

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The Zack   

Ha ha! Pretending that you weren't really struck by Ood's comment on specific qabiil.. great. Somebody attacked another Somali clan stating that they claim to be the queen's children for a come back. NGONGE was right clan is everything.

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Bannaanbax ka Dhacay Beledweyne Iyo Maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle oo Hadalkii Raysul Wasaare Gaas ku Tilmaamay “Hadalkii Al-Shabaab”




Beledweyne (RBC) Banaanbax balaaran oo lagu taageerayey maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle oo dhowaan la wareegay magaalada Beledweyne ayaa maanta ka dhacay bartamaha magaalada Beledweyne.

Bannaanbaxan oo ay ka soo qeybgaleen dadweyne fara badan ayaa ugu dambeyntii waxay dadka isugu soo urureen hotelka Madiina oo ku yaalla bartamaha magaalada Beledweyne halkaasoo uu dadweynihii bannaan baxayey ugu khudbeeyey madaxweynaha Dooxada Shabeelle C/fataax Xasan Afrax.

Dadweynaha ka qeybgalay bannaanbaxa ayaa ku dhawaaqayey ereyo ay ku taageerayeen maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle oo dagaalo ay mudo ku soo jireen ka dib hadda gacanta ku haya magaalada Beledweyne.

Khudbada C/fataax Xasan Afrax

Madaxweynaha Dooxada Shabeelle oo ka hadlay bannaanbaxa ayaa aad ugu dheeraaday halgankii maamulkiisu u soo galay in Al-Shabaab ay ka saaraan Beledweyne isagoo sheegay in dad fara badan ay u dhinteen.

C/fataac Xasan Afrax ayaa sheegay inaysan ku hakan doonin Beledweyne oo kaliya balse ay sii wadi doonaan halgankooda illaa gobolka Hiiraan iyo gobolada kale ay ka saarayaan ururka Al-Shabaab.

“Ma nasan doono illaa cadawga argagixisada ah aan ka saareyno gobolada kale iyo deegaanada kale” ayuu yiri.

Madaxweynaha maamulka Dooxada Shabelle oo dadweynihii hadalkiisa dhageysanayey aad ugu sacac tumayeen ayaa si kulul uga jawaabay hadal uu raysul wasaaraha DKMG C/weli Gaas ku sheegay inuusan aqoonsaneyn maamulka Dooxada Shabeelle.

“Meeshan aan hadda joogno[hotel Madiina] waa meeshii dad badan oo reer Hiiraan ah ay ku naf waayeen waad og tihiin dhacdadii lagu dilay Cumar Xaashi, anagu tan iyo markaasi waxaan ku jirnay halgan waxaana ku guuleysanay inaan magaalada Beledweyne maanta nabad loogu bannaanbaxayo” ayuu yiri C/fataax.

“Waxa nasiib daro ah in C/weli Gaas uu shalay yiri ma aqoonsanin maamulkan. C/weli Gaas Hadalkiisa Wuxuu la Mid Yahay Al-Shabaab oo na Dhahda Idin Ma Aqoonsaneyno, Al-Shabaabna kama rabno aqoonsi. Isagaa Al-Shabaab ah ma dhaheyno laakiin hadaladiisa waa kuwii Al-Shabaab” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Dooxada Shabeelle.

Wuxuu dadweynaha reer Hiiraan ka codsaday inay maamulkiisa ku taageeraan sidii gobolka looga dhigi lahaa nabad isla markaana ay garab istaagaan maamulkiisa.

Bannanbaxan ayaa ahaa kii ugu horeeyay ee ka dhaca Beledweyne tan iyo intii Al-Shabaab laga saaray magaalada Beledweyne mudo hal usbuuc laga joogo.

RBC Radio

Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;771535 wrote:
Wax maamul goboleed la yiraahdo ma jiraan laakiin kuwaan ayaa jiro:

  1. Awdal
Jubbada Dhexe
Jubbada Hoose
Shabeellaha Hoose
Shabeellaha Dhexe
Waqooyi Galbeed
. Iyo kuwa maqan oo aan soo ceshan doono.


Waa sax. Intaan baa Soomaaliya dhab ahaan u metela. Iyadoo la is Dhihi karo haddii nabadi dhacdo Si caddaaladi ku Jirto ayaa review loogu samayn, loona Ballaarin doonaa Insha Allah...kuwa maqan bal nuugu kaadi hadda yaannan ku mashquulin. Waxa burburka ugu weyn Soomaali u sababayba badankeed Waa iyaga. Xoogaa Waa in siyaasadda la beddelaa

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