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Addis Ababa and Mogadishu comparison

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Mr Comparison never seems to have a point other than to compare apples and oranges. First it was Somaliland child vs Koonfur child. Now it's Addis vs Muqdishu. Why not Nairobi for that matter? Or Kampala? Or London? Oh yes, none of those have been through a 20-year war. Duh.


Go buy some brain cells, waryaa.

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City in the East of Africa that resembles Morgue-disho, i heard, is Der As Salaam. Never been there, but both are on the Indian ocean, mainly white-sh, low buildings.


Addis, which i have lived, looks nothing like Xamar cadey.


Btw, pics of Xamar in the fifties remind of Havana.....anyone?

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The Ethiopians have had 20 years to fix their country, I was in Addis Ababa last month and if you compare a Mogadishu with Addis Ababa its almost the same, its dirty everywhere in Addis Ababa. The only difference between Addis Ababa is there is a few clean areas and larger buildings and that its safe, other than that Mogadishu and Addis Ababa doesnt have much difference. I can tell you that Mogadishu in mid 1970s is more beautiful, clean, safe than modern Addis Ababa.

Its not war there but still there are more people that are poor in Addis Ababa than in Mogadishu.


Yes, I was in Mogadishu two months ago.

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Valenteenah.;742201 wrote:
Mr Comparison never seems to have a point other than to compare apples and oranges. First it was Somaliland child vs Koonfur child. Now it's Addis vs Muqdishu. Why not Nairobi for that matter? Or Kampala? Or London? Oh yes, none of those have been through a 20-year war. Duh.


Go buy some brain cells, waryaa.


Walaal who needs a brain cell? Me or You or The Southerners? Iiga jawaab.

Ta kale why are you saying they didn't had a war for 20 yrs blah blah!... Bal maxaabay isku laynayaan marka hore, they are not brainless.

Lama arag adduunkan dad 20+ years isku laynaya macno darro!... xataa iyagii baan heshiin karin wax kale iska daayoo.



Laakiin aniga yeelkeeda waan u duceeyaa mar walba, iminka waan u ducaynayaaa, adigana waxaan kuu sheegayaa walaal marka wax la isku compare gareeyo, meel kale oo aan loo baahnayn ha u leexin topic-ga.

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Baarqab Qooqay;742227 wrote:
some of us turn a blind eye on reality, this is reality


compare with



Finally... glad to see someone brain cell left, that an absolute reallity on the ground.


Bal dadkan maxaa u diiday, marka qof wax run ah u sheego ama uu baraarujiyo inay wax ka dhagaystaan halkay isaga daalac u raacayaan, Yaa rabbi dadkab boggooda burcad isu mari, adaa caadilee.

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CG iska dulqaado, goobaabintana halka ka wad.


This is reality when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.

reality is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin away.

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