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Divorce (The facts)

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Ngonge, waa runtaa, waligeen isfahmi mayno


Group 1 = will benefit as their dignity will be preserved

Group 2= will win nor lose anything, except again as above, living stress free you even know what is like for them now? Group 1 & 2 live a life of fear from inla soo ogaado. buufis baa ku dhacay

Group 3= is still not loaded enough to fear change, when the day comes there will be other means to maintain own wealth and status.


Now can we stop talking about ceyrta, yacni anaga dhan waxa naga dhigteen dad ceyr uunka fakara har iyo habeyn. adinkana waxad iska dhigteen rag diiden reerkii ineey biilaan.


now maybe you should inaad wax soo kordhiso about tax or whatever accountants do (me thinks meel uunbey fadhiyaan sipping tea).


Thierry Ngonge is huffing and buffing, the tangible benefit is for us as a community to do the right thing, be an example to caruurta by leading decent life. faqiirtinimo ceeb maaha, tuuganimo is. A penny earned in a haraam way waligiis malagu dhargayo and of course diinteena ma sheegin in gaalka xitaa been loo sheego.


Blessed nooloow:)

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Juxa, I didn't say "pitching for marriage" I said "pitch a marriage" ee waa kusidee? I re read everything you wrote to try to justify my comment and this what I could find "you are right divorce rates is high as it is, i dont think divorcing through the courts is for majority of us, balse for women it is important, you see marriage shont end with WAAD IGA FURANTAHAY, each party have responsibility during and after the marriage ends.",( thanks to NGONGE). Apologies , you're a good person who is only trying to simplify...divorces?:P


As for the issue of folk not declaring their guurs for financial reasons, it is xaraam and if that does not stop someone; nothing else will IMO. It is embarrassing to hear folks ask Sheikhs about this every Q&A session. There is famous sheikh who got frustrated of repeating how unacceptable it was not to declare to be married quipped "no-one asks me whether pork and alcohol are now xalaal, why do you keep asking me whether this is xalaal".

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The Zack   

Juxa, thanks for this great thread! I think it will benefit some.


I believe NGONGE made a lot of sense but he is ignoring what others have stated, group two. What is more disgraceful when you and your wife claim you are "partners living together but not married". In my eyes that is something regardless who you say it to. He was spot on that it would have a financial impact to those who make the big bucks only.


In America, the company you work for will not give you the option to buy medical insurance for your "significant other", you have to be legally married. Also you won't get discounts for your car insurancee and all sorts of things but again this will affect you if you work and earn a decent salary.



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Juxa oh okey hun..I wasnt really talking abt the sharia. But, I guess anything becomes complicated when kids and properties get in the way..


Anyways, nin iyo naag is qaba oo raba in ay dhahan isma qabno yaga og meshay is geenayan..who cares! they are not even married legally so waxay isku qabsan karan ma jirto lol( between like many said diinta qofka wa inay qaladka iyo saxa kala tusta..hada somali nahay meel daran baan ka dhacnay..explains why caruurti la wada xumaatay wa caruur xaraan lugu korinayo)..


inshallah khyr...uduceeyo uun..


n juxa thanks for your posts!



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I agree with inajad for the first time lol..kaas horta awal caqli maba ogeen in uu leeyahay. No one should encourage divorcing indeed, however there is difference between encouraging it and merely educating someone about it so they have a headstart - allah yaclam what the future holds.

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Thanks Juxa


Those is kala sheegta are tuugo in every sense of the word. Furthermore, it leads to marital and family problems as people in these situations have little respect for one anther. The worst part is when they come into hospitals/GP how their lies catches with them. Alow soo hanuuni.


However, Ngonge does make some valid points. Even those that are loaded, if they do get divorced they will still have to divorce islamically

and split their assets/children islamically. Therefore, the most important thing is to marry/divorce islamically.

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London and that would be wonderful, if you marry islamically and with registered mosque, that is all the legality you really need

most people dont know the name of sheikh that did their meher?

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Not sure why nomads are insisting it's not necessary to legalise your marriage. It's important and necessary, especially when you consider how much families move around or continent hop. Mise markaasaa la raadsadaa warqad bug ah from the local bug shops?

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LOL. Reer SOL love going around in circles. NG, dadaab??? Naga daa riwaayada, Ayeeyo.



There seems to be far too much scaremongering and confusion with regards to discipline these days. Can you touch on that, pls.

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Blessed I planned to explain things by the book, balse dagaal xunbaa la isiiyay. Dadkeena have misconceptions about many things. They claim rights they do not have( xaqeena waaye) or admit guilt they should not have.


I will come back to discipline insha Allah

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