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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland president ahmed siilaanyo visits awdal gabiley regions

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Somaliland president Ahmed Muhammad Siilanyo will spend the night in Gabiley city tomorrow he will meet the elders and the local Community of the gabiley region.

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President Silanyo attends Amoud Graduation Ceremony


Posted on 27/07/2011


Borama ( -Delegation headed by the president of Somaliland Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud known as ‘Siilaanyo’


Today early in the morning left for Borama, the provincial capital of Awdal region. The president and his delegation were given a warm reception on the outskirts of Dilla where hundreds of people turned up as well as the provincial authority of Awdal region. The president was accompanied by the first lady Ms. Aamina Waris Sheekh Mohamed Jirde, ministers, MP’s of both chambers of Somaliland parliament.


The president attended this morning the graduation ceremony held for Amoud university students who were graduating after completing their tertiary education.


There were hundred ninety two students who graduated from six faculties including the faculty of Health, medicine, Agriculture, Commerce, Education and Accounting.


President Siilaanyo made a speech at the ceremony and told that he is pleased to attend the ceremony in which approximately two hundred students graduated.


He urged the students to serve for their country and invest their knowledge to Somaliland community.


The president told that he was among those who graduated from Amoud High School.


The president also praised Amoud university authority for the progress they achieved on the aspect of education in the country. He pledged that his administration encourages the quality of tertiary education. The president of Amoud university, Prof. Saleban Ahmed Gulled indebted the president of Somaliland Mr. Siilaanyo in attending the ceremony.


Lately, the president presented Certificates to the graduating students.


On the other hand, Amoud University authority hosted lunch banquet in honor of the visiting president of Somaliland Mr. Siilaanyo and his delegation. President and his delegation held face to face meeting with Awdal intellectuals. Reports say that the two sides discussed protecting Stability and strengthening the unity and solidarity of Somaliland people.

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Second picture Suldan jamac samatar welcoming President Axmed Siilaanyo at the gates of the city he is one of the heavyweight clan elders of the awdal region.

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Madaxweynaha Somaliland Oo Dadweynaha Gabilay Kala Hadlay Fagaaraha Khayriyada


July 28th, 2011


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta fagaaraha khayriyada ee Gabilay kala hadlay kumanaan qof oo ka mid ah dadweynaha magaaladaasi ku dhaqan magaaladaasi.


Madaxweyne Siilaanyo waxa uu dadweynaha reer Gabilay uga mahad celiyay codkii aqlabiyadda ahaa ee uu ka helay doorashadii madaxtooyada ee dalka ka qabsoontay 26-kii bishii June ee 2010-kii.


Madaxweynuhu waxa uu sheegay inay xukuumad ahaan dedaal u galayaan sidii ay u horumarin lahaayeen adeegyada bulshada ee gobolka Gabilay.


Md. Axmed Siilaanyo waxa uu dadweynaha gobolka Gabilay u soo jeediyay inay ilaaliyaan nabadgelyada isla markaana ay ka feejignaadaan dad uu ku tilmaamay inay leeyihiin dano gaar ah.


Madaxweynuhu waxa uu sheegay inaan dawlada kooban ee uu dhisay aanay ka wada muuqan Karin dhamaan dadkii u soo olaleeyay oo dhami,balse bulshaddu ay codkooda ku bixiyeen inay helaan horumarin iyo adeegyo bulsho.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland waxa uu sheegay inuu dedaal dheer u galayo sidii Somaliland ictiraaf uga heli lahayd beesha caalamka.


Dhinaca kale, Weftigii Madaxweynuhu waxay maanta duhurkii u kicitimeen degmada Wajaale ee gobolka Gabilay.

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Somaliland president Ahmed Muhammad Mahamuud Siilaanyo receives a hero's welcome in Wajaale City



Dadwaynaha ku Dhaqan Degmada Wajaale oo Fardo kaga hor yimi Waftigii Madaxwayne Siilaanyo oo Booqasho ku Tagay iyo Soo Dhawayntii ugu Saraysay oo lagu Qaabiley Waftiga Madaxwaynaha.



Reer Wajaale oo Soo Dhawayn kal iyo Laab ah ku Qaabiley Madaxwayne Siilaanyo filo Goor dhaw Warka oo dhamaystiran.

Daawo Sawiradda


Wajaale (GNS) Dadwaynaha ku dhaqan Degmada Wajaale ee Gobolka Gabiley ayaa Maanta si Diiran usoo Dhaweeyay Waftigii Balaadhnaa ee uu Hogaaminayay Madaxwayne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) kaasi oo ku sugnaa illaa xalay Gobolka Gabiley. Kala soco Goor dhaw Gabiley news Wararkii Waftiga ee Degmada Wajaale























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