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Shirweynaha Azaaniya oo ka furmay Limuru iyo dawladda Soomaaliya oo taageertay maamulkaas (SAWIRRO)

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Shirweynaha Azaaniya oo ka furmay Limuru iyo dawladda Soomaaliya oo taageertay maamulkaas (SAWIRRO)




Isniin, July 25, 2011(HOL) Nairobi, Kenya - Shir ay kasoo qayb galeen boqollaal ergo ah oo kakala yimid gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo ayaa maanta ka furmay deegaanka Limuru oo 30km u jira magaalada Nairobi.


Shirkan oo ah kii ugu ballaarnaa ee ay qabtaan masuuliyiinta maamulka Azaaniya ayaa lagu sheegay ajandihiisa soo dhisitaanka golayaasha baarlamaanka,guurtida iyo xukuumadda , iyadoo uu shirku socon doono 5 maalmood.


Qunsulka safaaradda Soomaalida ee magaalada Nairobi Maxamed Cismaan Aadan Edson oo khudbad ka jeediyay furitaanka shirka ayaa sheegay in dawladda Soomaaliya ay si bareer ah u taageerayso maamulka Azaaniya, isla markaana ay dawaldda Soomaaliya xog ogaal u tahay ka qaybgalkiisa shirka.




Qunsulka ayaa tilmaamay in xukuumadda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ay taageerayso maamul walba oo ka shaqaynaya nabadda iyo xasilinta gobollo amaba guud ahaanba Soomaaliya.


Ilyaas Barre Shiil oo u qaabilsan Ra’iisul wasaaraha Kenya arrimaha Soomaaliya oo khudbad qiiro leh ka jeediyay goobtaasi ayaa si kulul u weeraray xarakada Alshabaab.


“Waxaan arki jirnay wadaado dadka dhibaataysan wax u uruuriya, kuwaani waa kuwo qori la hor taagan dadkii cawimaadda u gudbin lahaa dadka abaaruhu ay ku habsadeen”. Ayuu yiri Ilyaas.


Ilyaas ayaa ku canaantay Soomaalida inay dalkooda dayaceen isla markaana ay ku faanayaan baasaboorro ajnabi ah oo ay qaateen sida uu yiri.


“Mid walba wuxuu sitaa baasaboor ajnabi ah, wuuna isla fiicanyahay oo hurinayaa colaadda dalkiisa ka jirta, Soomaaliyeey sida isu dhaama”. Ayuu yiri Ilyaas oo Soomaalida ku boorriyay inay dalkooda khayraadka badan ka faa’iidaystaan.


Madaxweynaha maamulka Azaaniya Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in maamulkiisu uu yahay mid ku salaysan nidaamka deegaamaysiga, isagoo iska fogeeyay eedaymaha sheegaya in Azaaniya ay qabiil ku dhisantahay.


Gaandi waxaa uu ka codsaday salaadiinta iyo waxgaradka shirka ka qaybgalaya inay wax ku qaybsadaan si ay cadaaladi ku jirto .


Shirka Azaaniya maanta uga furmay magaalada Limuru waxaa uu imaanayaa xilli ay qaar kamid ah xildhibaanada DKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ay eedaymo u soo jeediyeen maamulkaas oo ay ku tilmaameen inay taageerayaan dawlado shisheeye.






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Posted Tuesday, July 26 2011 at 10:32


Efforts to establish a semi-autonomous region on Kenya’s border with Somalia have engaged fresh gears.


Leaders from the three regions of lower and middle Juba and Gedo - that forms the new Azania state are meeting in Nairobi to firm up plans of nominating at least 65 MPs and a house of elders who will assist in the region’s governance.

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65 xildhibaan, tirada baarlamaanka Azania


Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee naga soo gaaraya madasha shirka Azania ayaa sheegaya in haatan ay socdaan shirar gaargaar ah oo ay leeyihiin beelaha deegaanada sedexda gobolka ee Azania ay ka howlgali doonto iyagoo ka wada hadlaya ciddii u matali lahayd baarlamaanka Azania.


Sidii lagu meelmariyey shirkii hore ee madaxweynaha lagu doortey, baarlamaanka Azania waxa uu ka koobnaan doonaa 65 mudane.


Waxaa loo qeybin doonaa degmo degmo, balse tirada degmo kasta ay qaadanayso ma ahan mid jaango’an, degmo kasta qabiilada dega ayaa la siinayaa min hal xildhibaan, taasina micnaheedu waxa uu noqonayaa in degmooyinka qaarkood ay helayaan xildhibaano ka badan degmooyinka kale, waxaana ugu wacan beelaha badan ee dega halkaasi.


Sidii uu shalay ergada ka codsaday madaxweyne Gaandi, ergada shirka ka qeybgalaysa ayaa u dareerey qadadii kadib soo xulista xildhibaanada u matalaya baarlamaanka Azania.


6 ka mid ah xildhibaanada waxaa qasab ah in ay dumar noqdaan, kuwaasoo ay qasab tahay in gobol kasta laga soo xulo 2 dumar ah, 59 xildhibaan ee soo hartay beelaha ayaa qiyaar u leh in ay usoo xushaan rag iyo dumar midka ay doonaan.

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Magacayga iyo magaca tolkeyga anoo ku hadlaaya waxaanu ballan qadaayaa in aan hoos tagi doono madaxweynaha iyo maamulkiisa cusub haddii uu wax un gargaar ah noo soo diro.!

Dadna biyo la'aan ay u dhimnooyaan, dadna ku dayo ay literally u qaateen..!!

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Lets assume this Edson guy is there because of orders from his host country, and NOT because of instructions (as he claims) from the new PM or Sharif.


Farmaajo stood his ground against this Kenyan extension, we expect Abdiweli to do the same.

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Azania is nothing more than Kenyan desire to create a buffer zone for her Lamu project, and Prof. Gandi is transparent tool toward that Kenyan objective. Not only the name is alian to us, but so is the notion of creating a regional admin in a Kenyan hotel. I don't really know this Edson guy, but if his claim is true Abdiweli's government will have a very bad start.



Oodweyne, Kismayo's clan wars are effectively over. The era of warlords fighting over a city is also over. Alshabaab has shown that what people want is justice, not dominance.

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Lool Xiin the kismayo clan wars are far from over why the hell would Barre hiiraale gather a Militia from his clan and tries to Attack Alshabaab controlled areas in the lower Jubba is it for the sake of Dikir and the love he has for the Sufi Tariqas:D

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The Zack   

Xiin, if Azania is a kenyan extension, then puntland is the mother of all ethiopian extensions. If I were u I would just watch and see what the locals do.

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^^A reasonable analysis that is, except that it is unlikely that alshabaab will be chased away by mere clannish forces. It will take a legitimate national army to effectively defeat alshabaab, and HOLD the land for considerable time. So this Azania gimmick is nonstarter for the most people. People are finding hard to even pronounce it let alone understand what it stands for.

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:D@Farmajo having any clue about this issue the poor chap was more worried about issues in his immediate compound than a "maamul gobleed".If one looks back at the spat between Sharif and Prof.Gandi over the issue of the Siyelow troops there lies the intial tension between Asaniya and the TFG.Prof.Gandi was politically executed on the orders of Ethiopia by Sharif and sought to transfer the Siyelow troops to Mogadishu to extinguish Ethiopian fears, however Pro.Gandi rallied the support of Kenya convincing them of his plans for Jubbaland, Kenya bought the plan and the threat from Ethiopia was reduced.It was political genius on the side of the Professor, he managed to sow disagreement between two long standing regional allies especially on Somali issues.Kenyan Somalis have particularly been supportive of the measure as they are directly affected by the adjacent provinces and wish to see a regional government which can bring them security and further economic and business ties.


Kenya and Azania have mutual understandings based on there security concerns, both entities want Al-Shabab exterminated.This is the first time the people of these three regions have had such an extensive effort undertaken to bring them governance, they should take the opportunity and not taint it with conspiracy.

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Farmaajo was a tool himself and never mattered in the big picture. The new prime minister fully backs Azania, that's clear as day, and I hope to see it take off and become a proper maamul one day.

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xiinfaniin;736747 wrote:
^^A reasonable analysis that is, except that it is unlikely that alshabaab will be chased away by mere clannish forces. It will take a legitimate national army to effectively defeat alshabaab, and HOLD the land for considerable time. So this Azania gimmick is nonstarter for the most people. People are finding hard to even pronounce it let alone understand what it stands for.


Well said Xiin.

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