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Gudoomiyaha Ururka SSC Xaglo toosiye oo Xilkii laga Eryey

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Xaaji Xunjuf;736669 wrote:
A khadar TFG officials whether they are from borama burco berbera hargeysa Laascanood ceerigaabo cannot come to Somaliland end of story they are nobodies irrelevant if you think you can compare the Likes of Mahad cambaashe with Abdikarim you are wrong , if you think they can make a difference feel free;)



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You should worry this more!


Hargeysa,(Lasanod Onlne)-Gudoomiyihii hore ee xisbiga UCID oo ka mid ah axsaabta mucaaradka Somaliland Feysal Cali Waraabe

ayaa si kulul maanta uga hadlay xil ka qaadis ay dhowaan ku sameeyeen guddiga fulinta ee xisbigaasi.


Feysal Cali Waraabe oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay hotelka Ambassador ee magaalada Hargeysa ayaa shaaca ka qaaday inay sharci darro tahay xil ka qaadistiisa wuxuuna ku tilmaamay mid lagu deg degay.


Feysal Cali Waraabe ayaa ku eedeeyey gudoomiyaha golaha wakiilada Somaliland C/raxmaan Cirro inuu ka dambeeyey xil ka qaadista isaga lagu sameeyey isagoo sheegay in uu C/raxmaan Cirro urursaday dhamaan xubnihii xisbiga.


“Waxaa ka dambeeya arimahan C/raxmaan oo isagu urursaday xubnihii xisbiga oo uu kula heshiiyey inay isaga u soo wareegsadaan” ayuu yiri Feysal Cali Waraabe.


Shirka jaraa’id ee Feysal Cali Waraabe uu maanta ku qabtay Hargeysa ayuu sidoo kale ku sheegay inuu isaga weli yahay gudoomiyaha sharciga ee xisbiga UCID wuxuuna ugu baaqay dhamaan xubnaha xisbiga inay isugu yimaadaan shir loga tashanayo arimaha xisbiga.


Toddobaadkan ayey ahayd markii guddiga fulinta ee xisbiga UCID oo kulan ku yeeshay magaalada Hargeysa ay xilkii ka xayuubiyeen Feysal Cali Waraabe oo tan iyo aas aaskii xisbigaasi ka ahaa gudoomiye.


Waxayna xubbnaha guddiga fulinta ku eedeeyeen gudoomiyaha hore inuu ku guul dareysatay sidii uu xisbiga u qabsan lahaa talada maamulka Somaliland isla markaana uu xisbiga illaa hadda xubno muuqda ku heysa golayaasha maamulka Somaliland.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa muuqaneysa in khilaafka ka dhex taagan masuuliyiinta xisbiga Ucid uu haatan gaarey heerkii ugu sareeyey iyadoo taasi ay sii dheer tahay taagdarida siyaasadeed ee xisbigaasi hre u heysatay.

Xafiiska Wararka Laascaanood

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So when your clan dealders are having beef, it ain't big deal but others' is a bigooo deal.. How long you want to continue being such a cypocrate?

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A_Khadar;736732 wrote:
So when your clan dealders are having beef, it ain't big deal but others' is a bigooo deal.. How long you want to continue being such a cypocrate?

Well ssc is the leadership of your clan Jabhad a khadar let me ask you a question do you support sabaray as a leader or xaglatoosiye.

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