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Gudoomiyaha Ururka SSC Xaglo toosiye oo Xilkii laga Eryey

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Xaaji Xunjuf;736475 wrote:
I don't think there is deep hatred with in the garaad clan but there is just internal competition like all the Somaliland clans its just they take it a step further. if we look back in history before the rise of the Mullah the king makers of the garaad clan were mainly from (fiqifuliye sarmaanyo xudun ) Community the cali duulanes afxakames and Sicid qamaxs.


During the years of the Mad Mullah there was a shift of power towards the Buhoodle Community the Cali dhuuxs the Ismacil mires ducaale fagaases the Cali garaads eventhough he was from laascanood but shares a common lineage with the Buhoodle folks and During the civilian goverment in the sixties the Buhoodle Community was still the dominant group.


And during dictatorial regime of General Siyaad bare the likes of Axmed selebaan dafle and the Ilma Ali shires became the leaders of the Garaad clan, another Shift of power for 21 years. And after the collapse of the state they are still bickering now internal feud is not necessary and not even possible if you are facing a common enemy. But i can conclude that the Garaad clan believe that there is no occupation in their region thus they continue their internal clan struggle.


Also i don't see the comparison between the oodweyne folks and the garaad clan other than living in the sool sanaag regions together,, the oodweyne Community is better organized Clan wise. And politically they are far better organized eventhough they live spread throughout Somaliland.




Internal competitions shouldn't go as far as inviting different soldiers of different adminstration in your city in despise of your cousins. It's like the folks of Allabaday god forbid inviting non Somaliland soldiers in despise of the 1's in Gabiley or Hargeysa. So that my friend is very deep problem and should not be underestimated.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;736274 wrote:
Naxar nugaaleed i would say that to as a reer nugaaleed

Xaaji Xunjuf;736459 wrote:
Another Reer Nugaleed welcoming the replacement of the clan Jabhad leader

Xun juj , Odweyne and other clan secessionists are haters, they like to see and create non-existent division between SSC People, as always they fail every time.


SSC Movement enjoys support from all SSC People, SSC Leaders Xaglatoosiye and Sabarey are friends and co-founders of SSC Movement, who share very similar agenda and views.



SSC People are one family, they never fight between themselves. Snm Clan Secessionists are wrong if they believe that small issues between the leaders of SSC Movement will be like the sub-clan wars between Snm warlords. In 1990s , there was subclan wars between Secessionist Clan Warlords and their sub clan factions. Most towns of Northwest Triangle: Hargeisa, Burco, and Berbara were turned into battlegrounds between warning factions . More than 15000 people lost their lives, because of power struggle between Warlord Egal, Warlord Siilaanyo, and Warlord Tuur. In 2011, Clan secessionists are still divided along the subclan lines. ( Kulmiye subclan, Udub Subclan, and Ucid Subclan).

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SSC is maturing and if Mudane Sabarey doesn't deliver the same faith as his predecessor is waiting him. Nevertheless, we are indebted ever to Xaglatoosiye's service.


PS. Waryaa Xaaji, Oodweyne iyo Co -- Don't take things out of context, of course, unless you've comprehension problems I welcome the peaceful transition of SSC leadership unlike UCID squander of waa lagu riday Waraabow, maya layma ridin. To Sabarey and Xaglatosiye are one coin on its tail & head to me - I've my own reservations on both plus my uncle, the VP of PL, but the SSC community having a self rule is our common destiny and that is what matters most methinks.

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^^ The guru gave you an open goal there. All you had to do was tell him that the Western Oodweyne Community was much more interesting than the Eastern one, then sit back and watch as he and Saalax go at each other like national security is at stake. Arr bahasha barta dee. :D


On a serious note, this does not matter that much. What matters is what will take place now that Xaglatosiye is gone.

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Liibaan we are not haters we are just rational thinkers , Liibaan your clan has deep internal conflict which is actually unnecessary if you have common enemy. There is no religious differences between Garaad Community like other Jabhads in the past like the EPLF and ELF so what is really causing this internal dispute i can think of one thing its that your clan deep inside the majority of the garaad clan do not want their own entity or self rule other wise your elders would've supported the Jabhad but on the contrary they rather stay with Garowe leader Faroole.

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Reading above posts from landers/secessionists, I could accept from anyone else talking about a clan division among other communities BUT not from successionists.. It's just like mentioning someones' dirty and disorders of their homes when in fact your own houses suffer bigger problems. Historically, as recent as 90s, Burco was a ghost town and Yaroowe was the new home for Eastern Burco community because of blood war between the two clans in that town. Yet you dare to bring and discuses other clan's division. War ragu maxishoodaan miyaa...


Your so called political parties are based on a mere clan division, Kulmiye being Eastern Burco, UDUB being Odweyne and western Burcowis and UCID Hargaysawis..

<O:pP.S. For the thread's subject, Xaglo departures and great Col. Saberay will lead the way, unlike your mad Waraabi who refused to concede. And the mission of ssc will continue..<O:p<O:p

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Xaaji Xunjuf;736600 wrote:
Liibaan we are not
we are just
rational thinkers
, Liibaan your clan has deep internal conflict which is actually unnecessary if you have common enemy..

This peice from XX made me laugh so hard.. If clan hater exists in this world, it must be from you and the likes of you in this site. Your entire project of succeeding is based on hate and cuqdad, let alone anything else. Plus the rational thinkers part must be the joke of the year;););).

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A_Khadar we both know the reason your lands were captured was mostly because of your internal divisions & animosity. Xaabsade's, Mahad Cambaashe's sub clans dislike the sub clans of Abdisamad Cali Shire, Fuad Adan Cadde who in turn are more pro Puntlander's kkkkkk doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Thus why it was easier for Somaliland troops to capture las canood and your other areas as your folks are full of envy, animosity for each other. ;) You wouldn't see me inviting non Somaliland soldiers to my areas of Sanaag just because i have some disagreements with Oodweyne's folks of the Western Togdheer. That is the difference between you and I.

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A khadar refusing or sharing a nation with Koonfurians that does not equal hate it just means the People of Somaliland do not have the same aspirations as the people of Somalia.Pointing out that the garaad clan cannot unite Under one Banner or is not willing to unite for his own intentions. If Xaglatoosiye could not convince his own Uncle Caaqil Mahamuud haji Cumar Camay to support him if Cali sabaray Could not convince his own uncle Caaqil Axmed Hoolif to support him. This shows either that the ssc jabhad leaders do not want an entity of their own or are just after political representation in both Somaliland and in the garowe clan enclave we shall see the next coming months how ali sabaray leads the Jabhad.

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Saalax;736633 wrote:
A_Khadar we both know the reason your lands were captured was mostly because of your internal divisions & animosity. Xaabsade's, Mahad Cambaashe's sub clans dislike the sub clans of Abdisamad Cali Shire, Fuad Adan Cadde who in turn are more pro Puntlander's kkkkkk doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Thus why it was easier for Somaliland troops to capture las canood and your other areas as your folks are full of envy, animosity for each other.
You wouldn't see me inviting non Somaliland soldiers to my areas of Sanaag just because i have some disagreements with Oodweyne's folks of the Western Togdheer. That is the difference between you and I.

Once again, you contradict against your own self.. I used heard this from a wiseman from Caliyaale.. "Array jimcaalow minaad been badantahay, minaad xasuus badantahay".

Here I see you are suffering with that same issue Jimcaale has which is you raise points and arguments left to right, but can't keep up with your argument stands.. Yesterday, you were claiming that your mighty army, the clan national army (Ciidamda Qabiilka), captured LA and all other areas from ssc and chased away p/l, but now it's a different to to make your point of this current topic about ssc clan is divided and you completely forgot and disregarded about you past standings and wiles.


Another point, which I hate to repeat in million times telling you, is don't use to validate or support your arguments with the same issues/weakness that you have your own. In other words, your clan is divided more and even spilt their blood yet you finger pointing others. You have men working for TFG just the new defense minister of the TFG to give you an example, yet you are rising about men who work for your clan to validate your point of that Garaad clan is divided. Presenting such points shows your lack of consistence and clanish phantom over and over..


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Common sense is it was made easier because of loopholes, divisions, animosity within your community. What about the new defense minister?His powerless and can't not land in my lands. Unlike your uncles Mahad Cambaashe, Xaabsade iwm who dedicate when the city of Las Canood can sleep or not kk.

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