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With Kampala Accord, Next PM is Assured to Fail

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1- Leaders of the two transitional institutions (government and parliament) will both get one-year extension.

2- Future disputes will be settled by foreign entities (international & regional entities).

3- EGAD will judge and appraise the performance of next government; the parliament cannot bring motion of confidence against it (so the president will not have any influence on it).

4- EGAD will judge whether AND when to end Somalia’s transition.



That is the substance of Kampala Accord.


Conditions are set for the status quo to remain.

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Yes next PM is bound to fail that is for sure. But the question is how can we break off this cycle ? When the Somali patriots try to protest and show their support for Farmaajo coz they believed he did a little bit of improvement some of us were saying they are doing it for QABIIL or they get paid.


Once a salafi skeikh told me " we get the dealers we deserve wuxuu yiri "Tubaako ayaan beeranay markaasaa waxaan filaynaa inuu canbo soo baxo " Marka dhibku ma aha hogaamiyayaasha ee waa shacabka , sababtoo ah hogaamiyaha xun meel kale ka muusan imaan ee wuxuu ka yimi among us. Marka hore waa inuu shacabku hagaaga kadib ayaa la helayaa hogaamiye fiican oo si cadaaladi ku dheehantahay masiirka noogu qabta.

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Wax cusub uma jeedo yaa Xiin, ama Addis accord, ama Bujumbura accord, waa na loo tashadey markaan anagu tashan weyney, qumaati buunshaha ha naloogu beego gaaweetooyinka.


Adduun weynaha wuxuu jecelyahey in aysan Soomaaliya nabad noqon, weyna u hirgashey hammigooda, laakin kuwii aan moodney iney heybada wadanka soo celinayaan ayaa hunguri lagu abuurey, haddaad saas yeeli weydo waan kaa takhalusi iyo mushaarkaan kaa goosan, yaaba juuq dhihiba kolka.

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Jacaylbaro;728549 wrote:
I still failed to see something new here ..................

You're not looking dee. :D

In Carta, lots of Somalis were there to agree some sort of peace. In Kenya, the agreement there also had many sides. In Djibouti, there were also lots of sides. In Kampala, they have been whittled down to two men. Next "accord" will be between Sharif Xasan and his own shadow.

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The drive to end the transitional phase without bringing the conflict to a close is not only new but a departure of negotiated settlement track. Direct and unequivocal drive to put Somalia under regional Trusteeship is new (won’t happen but the balls!!)


TFI figure heads (at loggerheads) agreed to extend their tenure for additional 12 months with the condition that the only literate person in the arena (the spoiler) will be forced out.


With quick look I netted the follwoing tidbits:


1. During this time the TFI leadership will focus on ending Transitional Phase. What? How could you transition from a failed state to functioning state without bringing to an end the raging conflict. No negotiated settlement, no meaningful and genuine reconciliation, nothing, nada! Museveni’s dictat is clear; here is a list of important priority task e.g. security, etc -- go and implement it and you will handsomely rewarded with private communication channel with Political Bureau, money (fleeced from the aid burse), etc.


2. Heads of State of the region are nominating themselves for the role of becoming the Political Bureau of anarchic Somalia. They are happy to offer the passenger seat with other international organizations. The other regional competitors such as Arab League has no place in this arrangement. Bingo!!


3. Political Bureau will monitor compliance of the implementation of the important priority tasks [elsewhere of the doc, other phrase -- transitional tasks -- is used]


4. Political Bureau will have the right to enforce compliance. In other words PB will have the will and means to exact punishment against TFI in the event they deviate from the script -- all of this in the name of Somali Peace Process.


5. Peace Process is effectively owned by TCC (Troop Contributing Countries) backed by front-line states (Kenya, Ethiopia).


6. Yoweri Museveni of Uganda guarantees the implementation of what the two disputing partisans agreed. What? And I remembered he is the commander in chief of the principal partner of TCC.


7. TCC will deal with spoilers -- and here the supposed spoilers are TFI (Transitional Federal Institutions) members who deviate from the script.


Humiliation is complete. So sad. Here we are on this board ululating with these vultures that are eating away bits and pieces of the carcass of Somalia that once existed.

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NGONGE;728553 wrote:
You're not looking dee.

In Carta, lots of Somalis were there to agree some sort of peace. In Kenya, the agreement there also had many sides. In Djibouti, there were also lots of sides. In Kampala, they have been whittled down to two men. Next "accord" will be between Sharif Xasan and his own shadow.


But the general saga is not new ....... Everything there failed for the last 20 years. Even the big huge UNISOM mission failed. So nothing new.

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