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Maamul Goboleedka Hir iyo Maanyo oo lagu dhawaaqi-doono

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Jaaliyadda Hir iyo Maanyo ee ku dhaqan Gobolada Shabeelooyinka ayaa qorsheynaya inay ku dhawaaqaan Maamul Goboleed la magac-baxay (Hir iyo Maanyo)waxaana maamulkan uu taageero weyn ka heystaa dadka Kaluumeysatada ah iyo Beeralayda ku dhaqan Gobolada Shabeelooyinka.

Warar lagu kalsoon-yahay oo soo gaaraya Shacabkamedia ayaa sheegaya inay Jaaliyadda oo shir ku yeelatay Magaalada Marka ay talo ku soo jeediyeen in Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Hir iyo Maanyo loo magacaabo Eng Axmed Bajuu oo ka mid ah dhalinyaradda oogu fir-fircoon Jaaliyadda Hir iyo Maanyo.




Eng Axmed Baajuu

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^^ How about this yaa JB, make that lool you posted times two ehehe



Caasimadda Online



Maamul Goboleed la baxay Bila-Quban State oo looga dhawaaqay Magaalada Nairobi.


Shir Jaraa’id oo ay si wada jir ah Hotelka Nomad ugu qabteen Mas’uuliyiin ka tiran Maamulkaasi ayay ku faah faahiyeen wax qabadka Maamulka iyo ujedooyinka loo aas aasay.


Afhayeenka Maamulkaasi C/casiis Cilmi Dacay oo ka hadlay Shirka Jaraa’id ayaa shegay in Maamulkaan ay dhisteen beelaha deegaankaasi daga isla markaana dhawaan doorashada madaxweynaha uu dhici doono.


C/casiis ayaa intaasi ku daray in maamulkaan uusan aheyn mid lagu carqaladeynayo Maamulada kale ee dalka ka jira isaga oo xusay in daris wanaag ku wada noolaan doonmaan sida uu shegay.


“Maamulka Bila-xuqan State waa maamul dadka degaanadaasi daga ku dhawaaqdeen mana aha mid caqabad ku ah maamulada kale ee dalka ka jira gaar ahaan kuwa dariska la ah”ayuu yiri Afhayeenka.


Afhayeenka Maamul Goboleedka Bila-quban State ayaa ku nuux nuuxsaday in doorashada madaxweynaha ka dhici doonto dalka gudahiisa balse dhaawaan qaban qaabin doonaan shirweyne lagu soo bandhigayo xubanaha baarlamaanka iyo waxyaabaha maamulka qaban doono.


Sidoo kale Waxaa kulanka ka hadlay C/llaahi Sabriye Guhaad oo ka mid ah mas’uuliyiinta Maamulka qaban qaabinaya isaga oo sheegay in wax lagu farxo tahay in Maamul ku dhawaaqdaan.


Waxaa uuna carabka ku adkeeyay in Maamulkaan noqon doono ku saldhig ku ah ku dhaqanka shareecada islaamka.


Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata waxaa uu shegay in maamulkaan taageersan yahay dowlada KMG ah isla markaana uusan aheyn mid gaar u taagan.


Ugu dambeyn waxaa kulanka ka hadlay Xaaji Maxamed yaxye oo ah siyaasiyiinta sida aadka ah looga yaqaan dalka gudahiisa isaga oo ku booriyay shacabka deegaanada maamulka loo dhisay ka soo jeeda in si aad ah u taageeraan lana shaqeeyaan.


Gaba gabada kulanka ayaa la isku afgartay in Todobaadyada soo socda la qabto shiweyne guud oo lagu soo bandhigayo waxyaabaha maamulka qaban doono iyo waliba ujedada loo aas aasay.

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^^ Val, here, this explains the location



Bila Quban is Somalia's Latest Breakaway State


The stakeholders of Bilaquban (Bila Quban) state voted to breakaway from Somalia, after a year of meetings held by the tribes and attended by religious leaders, the cultural elders, intellectuals, women's groups and the youths from the community.


This announcement comes as other regions, such as Jubaland, also announced their intentions to breakaway from the instability of Somalia and follows the actions of Puntland and Somaliland.


The region is located between Fah, 30km from Haradere district, north to the Hurow, 1km from Hilawe Gab village, and has a 700mile coastline.


The state will be comprised of the 4 provinces of Eldere, Wahweyn, Galad, and Bilaquban and cover 20 districts. Sheikhow Gab will be the capital city due to its geographically strategic location.


The state will have a president, prime minister, speaker and secretary. They have nominated Mr. Abdi aziz Muhumed ilmi (da’ay) as speaker, who told Somalia Report that he recognizes and welcomes every self ruling state in Somalia as long as they want to restore peace and progress in their states.


When questioned whether they recognize the TFG government of Somalia and the role of Al Shabaab in the region, the speaker said, "we recognize the TFG government of Somalia and we will work with them. There is no Al Shabaab in the state. Although there are some minor villages that Al Shabaab controls, but now we are not going to fight we going to make peace and progress."


Mr Abdi said that they are ready to participate the UN sponsored conference currently underway in Nairobi if they are invited.


Drought has decimated the region over the last several years and relief has been minimal. "There is no rain so far and for almost 4 years we did not get rain. The people are suffering and animals are dying due to famine and diseases. ICRC and WFP which offered some help to the people," said the newly appointed speaker.


It is unclear how this new government will pay for itself.




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