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oba hiloowlow

Xuska Mowliidka oo ka dhacay Norway

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Dalki Norway ayaa waxaa sanadkii labaad si heer sare ah looga xusay xuska Mowliidka ee dhalashadii Nabigeenna Muxammad (NNKH).


Xuskan ayaa ka dhacay magaalada Notoden ee gobolka Telemark, waxaana kasoo qeyb galay mashaa`ikh waa-weyn oo caan ah, kuwaas oo laga xusi karo Sheekh Muuse Cadde, Sheekh C/raxmaan Sh. Muxiyaddin Celi, Sh. Xassan Sh. Maxamed (Gacan-gaab) iyo Sh. C/rixiin Wadaad Yare .


Waxaa xuskan la isaga kala yimid wadamada Ingriiska, Holland, Swedan, Denmark iyo gobolada dalka Norway, waxaana ay dadku kor u dhaafayeen khiyaastii 15o qof.


Goobta xafladda ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay quraan akhris, dikri, bun iyo cambuulo iyo waliba qado caalami ah.


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Fooxleyaal cambuulo iyo zab lee meel ku sheeg. Maxaa kaa galayaa loo soo shamuumaa.


Fiicnaan laheydaa hadeey qasiidooyinkaan carabiga dadka loo fasiri lahaayeen ama Af-Soomaali u badali lahaayeen. People would understand mowliid better. Oday mowliidka akhriya waligaa ma ku dhahday adeer inaan bartaa rabaayee ii akhri kitaabka mowliidka micnihiisana ii fasir?

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Fiicnaan laheydaa hadeey qasiidooyinkaan carabiga dadka loo fasiri lahaayeen ama Af-Soomaali u badali lahaayeen. People would understand mowliid better. Oday mowliidka akhriya waligaa ma ku dhahday adeer inaan bartaa rabaayee ii akhri kitaabka mowliidka micnihiisana ii fasir?

Waa runtaa sxb waa in af soomali lo fasiraa waliba qasiidooyin soomalia la alifo.

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The Zack   

Jacphar LOOL.. haddii la fasiro balaayo ka dhici, waxey ku dikriyaan "nabiyow na bad-baadi, adaa na bad-baadiyee na badbaadi!". Wey ogyihiin in meesha lakula dareeri hence ma fasirayaan.


P.s. I used to read the book(Munaaqib) they read every Wednesday. It is full of crap! Sheekh Jeylaani baa almost ilaahay lagu sheegaa.

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^ sense a lot of hatred in you Zack, wale waxba coma foogit kuwan isqarxiya, perhaps thats why you should seek the advice of wise and a learned master to help guide to whats more important in life, jast saying...

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The Zack   

^LOL Is that some kind of come back from the words we exchanged in the other thread? Anyways why do you sense hatred? I stated facts, if you disagree with them, let's hear it.

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lol, no but kinda, every time anyone says something about the ahlu sunna people you seem to be the first on the attack, why. Theologically speaking, would it not suffice to disagree with them rather then the hatred, not just you, your one of these people. You might see a hypocrisy in me saying this when I've said worst things about salafis and wahabis and shabaabis but am gonna preemt you here by reminding you that these peoples doctrine includes killing and maiming people where as these people practice their faith without interfering with others...songs and all

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The Zack   

Overall I see what you are saying but specifically, I don't attack them for no apparent reason, neither do I hate them. I guess I could have used better words to explain their stances but the things I have said are all true (unfortunately).

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This is an issue over which the scholars disagree. It is best to learn about the history of the mawlid and the different scholarly views on it in order to formulate an informed opinion and make informed decisions. There is one fact that no one can argue with. The concept of celebrating annual birthdays and anniversaries is foreign to Islam. It is not prescribed by the Quran and Sunnah and it was not practised by the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions, nor the generations immediately after them, nor anyone else in the Muslim world during the first four centuries of Islam. There has never been any dispute among the scholars, irrespective of whether they approve or disapprove of it, that this celebration is an innovation in Islam. What they disagree on is the question of its permissibility; whether or not there is good in it and whether there is such a thing as a good religious innovation.


The subject seems to often be addressed in a very one-sided manner by laypeople and scholars alike. The most balanced explanation and ruling I have come across is that of Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah (hafidullah), who made an admirable effort to address the concerns of both sides and bring people closer together.


On Celebrating The Prophet’s Birthday ﷺ – Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayyah

WebbTranslators | February 17, 2010 2:55 pm

Answered by Dr. Abdullah bin Bayyah | Translated by Suhaib Webb




The celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is an issue of controversy amongst the scholars. Thus, there were some who considered it a disliked innovation, a few even saying it reached the level of prohibition, and there were others who considered it a praiseworthy innovation.


This difference is traced back to a divergence concerning the division of innovation (bid’ah). Some scholars recognized the validity of such innovations and this was, primarily, the school of Imam Al-Shafi’i (May Allah have mercy upon him) and the head of this thought was Al-’Izzi Adin Abdul Salam (May Allah have mercy upon him). In addition, Imam Al-Qarafi (May Allah have mercy upon him) who was a Maliki, carried this same opinion, giving it great attention , explaining it in an exhaustive manner. In his discussion Al-Qarafi (ra) expanded the concept of innovation to included innovations that were commendable, highly recommended, obligatory and a disliked nature. Thus, he divided innovation into five parts: (obligatory, recommended, permissible, disliked and forbidden).


There were some scholars who failed to accept this division contending that, “Any innovation, if it appears, then it is repulsive in nature.” They did this by restricting the statement of ‘Umar (ra), regarding the tarawih prayers, “This is a good innovation” to its linguistic meaning. There was a large body of scholars who held this opinion such as Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Shatibi, in his book Al-’Itisam, and many scholars from the Maliki and Hanbali schools (may Allah have mercy upon all of them).


Finally, there were scholars who wrote in support of celebrating the Mawlid such as Al-Suyuti (May Allah have mercy upon him) and, at the same time, there were others who wrote against it. Thus, in my opinion, there is no need to drag this discussion out, nor continue to argue about it any longer.


The Ruling:

Whoever wants to celebrate the Prophet’s (sa) birthday should celebrate it and avoid doing any action contrary to Islamic Law. This act should be done with an intention that it is not a sunna nor an obligatory act. If these conditions are observed, and one is careful not to contradict Islamic Law, out of sincere love for the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah upon him), then, Allah willing, there is nothing wrong with this action and this person will be rewarded.


Commenting on this, the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (May Allah have mercy upon him) said, “Indeed, such a person will be rewarded because of his intention.” Likewise, for the one who shuns this celebration, seeking to cling to the sunna out of fear of falling into innovation, then this person will also be rewarded, Allah willing. It is important to note that this is not a big issue. Nor is it necessary to give it more attention then it deserves.


The Methodology:

Our attention towards this issue is directed towards uniting the Muslims and curbing these differences. We base this understanding on facilitation (for both sides) and ease. This ease is not founded on an empty premise, but is referenced directly back to the Quran, traditions of the Prophet (sa), the fundamental objectives of Islamic law, and the order of the Prophet (sa) to work towards unity between others. If a contentious issue arises pertaining to a matter, we exercise great consideration and respect for both sides. This consideration is not simply an act of being overly accommodative, as some contend, or attacking those who hold weak opinions. But, this respect and consideration for differences is guided by the fact that both opinions are based on proofs from Islamic Law. In some regards these proofs are clear, and in other regards the opposite holds true. Thus, some (scholars) have provided evidences for these acts’ legitimacy, and others hold proofs for the opposite. In conclusion, our stance is that both are on goodness, Allah willing, as long as this act is not mixed with some type of evil and the intention is correct.


Allah knows best.

In the video clip, when Yasir Qadhi says the mawlid began in Khorasan around 620s Hijri, he is talking about when it was first initiated as a government-sponsored celebration in Sunni lands. In the Muslim world in general, the earliest recorded celebration took place in Cairo, Egypt, in 517 H (1123 CE) during the Fatimid Dynasty. At that time, Egypt was ruled by Ismaili Shi'as and the mawlid al-nabi was one of numerous Shi'i festivals they sponsored in commemoration of the Ahl al-Bayt. That is how it began as an official public celebration. The earliest recorded public celebration of a similar kind took place in Sunni lands about a century later (in Khorasan during the 600s, as he mentioned). There are more details in a piece he has on MuslimMatters entitled 'The Birth-Date of the Prophet and the History of the Mawlid'.

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The above argument is part of much larger debate, the age old debate between the Sufi School of Though and the Strict Sunni School of thought. Like our Somalia Tribal problem, this issue is being revived by a third party whose interest lies in the division of the Ummah into feuding splinters in order to realize their national interests in the Muslim World.


The Sufi school has been losing hearts and minds to the younger Muslim generations in light of the well structured scholarly approach of the Salafi and Ikhwani movements while decadence and foreign domination reached unbearable levels which caused militant Islam to emerge to correct both the beliefs and politics in the Muslim world.


Abdullah Bin Bayyah represents the new breed of "Moderate" scholars who are being championed by the west, inshaaAllah, I will respond to some of his assertions later, but for now, let us get the big picture, afterwords we shall zoom down to the contents of his above article in a scholarly way.


What is very disturbing is when one side of the Muslim scholarly debate is supported and aided by a non-Muslim entity with a strategic interest in the outcome of this debate and to prepare a school of thought to prevail by providing material support and Media exposure at the expense of the other. Some of the following relevant literature I found dates back to 2004 as a policy:






5 .






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waxaa fiican dadka in loo cadeeyo waxa mowliidku yahay goorta uu bilaawday habkuu ku bilaawday , wax yaalaha badan ee diinta qilaafsan sida raga iyo dumarka oo is dhax boodo sidaan ku aragnay xusas badan oo soomaali ka dhaca , ayadoo ciid laga dhigtay oo maalin goni ah loo suubiyay , ayadoo meelaha qaar aan xitaa dadka loo aqrin siirada rasuulka, iyo culimada sideey iskugu qilaaftay maalintuu dhashay nabiga laysuguna waafaqsan yahay maalintuu dhintay , arimahaas oo dhan qofka markuu ogaado uma baahno inuu muran galo .

NB : hadii arin branch ah keneyso in gaaladuna ku farxaan muslimiintana walaaltinimadooda meesha ka baxdo waxaa ajar badan in laga joogsado. Allah knows the best.

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