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2011 starts with humiliation for Siilanyo's clan fiefdom - so much for recognition arms embargo

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Somaliland oo Cadaadis Caalami Ah Kadib Dib U Celineysa Agabkii Diyaaradda Antanov 32

January 1, 2011 | 14 comments



Wararkii u danbeeyey ee aan ka helayno magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta Somaliland ayaa sheegaya in dhamaan shaqaalihii diyaaraddii Antanov 32 ee ku xanibneyd Hargeysa ay ka duuleen halkaas iyaga oo wata diyaaradoodi.


Wasiirka Duulista Hawada ee Somaliland Md.Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi ayaa sheegay in ay ******** in 6-da nin ee ay ku xukumeen midkiiba hal sano aysan dhamaantood u dhalan dalka Ruushka, saddex kamid ah ayaa u dhashey Ruushka, halka labo kamid ah ay u dhalatay dalka Moldova midka kalena u dhashey dalka Ukraine.


Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in safaaradda Ruushka ee dalka Jabuuti ay xiriir la soo sameysey Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda Somaliland isla markaana ay ka wada hadleen xariga muwaadiniintooda.


Sidoo kale war ka soo baxay Dawladda Ruushka ayaa lagu sheegay in ay arinta farogeliyeen inkasta oo aysan faahfaahin ka bixin qaabka ay u farogeliyeen, waxaana wakaaladda wararka ee dalka Ruushku sheegtey in muwaadiniintii dalkooda u dhashey ay xoriyadoodi dib u heleen.


Dhanka kale Wasiirka Duulista Somaliland Mr.Xaashi ayaa sheegay in agabkii diyaaradda saarnaa ay hadda ku wareejineyso, hay’adda Qaramada Midoobey u qaabilsan ilaalinta cuno qabataynta hubka ee saarney Soomaaliya.


Xukunkii Maxkmadda Hargeysa


* Hal sano oo xarig 6-da nin ee shaqaalaha ah iyo in ay bixiyaan 500$ oo ganaax ah

* Diyaaradda oo lagu ganaaxey 4000$

* Qalabka saaran oo ay Somaliland la wareegtey

* In Ay gadan karaan Xabsiga lagu xukumey


Wasiirka Duulista ee Somaliland Md.Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi ayaa sheegay in ay bixiyeen dhamaan ganaaxii la duldhigey, sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in agabkii diyaaradda ay dib u celinayaan oo ay ku wareejinayaan Qaramada Midoobey.


Arintan ayaa meesha ka saareysa xukunkii maxkamadda ee ahaa in ay la wareegeen agabka diyaaradda saaran, taas oo ay sheegeen in loo wadey ciidamo cadow ku ah xuduuda Somaliland.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee warar Horseed Media ay helayso ayaa sheegaya in cadaadis caalami ah la dulsaarey maamulka Somaliland kaas oo ku aadan xariga shaqaalaha diyaaradda iyo weliba la wareegida qalabka saaran, kaas oo isugu jira dhar, kabo, booshash, jaakadaha dabaasha iyo teendhooyin, waxaana cadaadiskaasi sababey in muddo laba maalmood ah kadib xukunkii maxkamadda ay xoriyadoodi helaan shaqaalihii diyaaradda isla markaana ay ku dhawaaqeen in ay agabka ku wareejinayaan U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia.


Horseed Media

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Xukunkii Maxkmadda Hargeysa


* Hal sano oo xarig 6-da nin ee shaqaalaha ah iyo in ay bixiyaan 500$ oo ganaax ah

* Diyaaradda oo lagu ganaaxey 4000$

* Qalabka saaran oo ay Somaliland la wareegtey

* In Ay gadan karaan Xabsiga lagu xukumey


I wonder what happened to the Xukunka maxkamadda, loooooooooooooooooooooooolz

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Somaliland Oo Waji Gabax Kala Kulantay Xukunka Diyaarada Antanov 32

Posted by Ali on January 1st, 2011


Hargaysa(;- Mamulka Labaxay Somaliland ayaa waji gabax kala kulmay xukun December 30, 2010 ay ku rideen diyaarada Antanov 32 iyo shaqaalihii saarnaa oo agab ciidan u siday mamulka Puntland .


Wasiirka duulista Hawada mamulka somaliland ayaa maanta shaaciyay in ay ooda ka rogeen diyaarada iyo hawlwadeenadii la socday mana sheegin sababta jabisay xukunkii ay maxkamada Hargaysa riday.


Wasiirka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in shaqaalaha diyaarada saarnaa dhamaantood u dhalan dalka ruushka waxaana uu cadeeyay in wadama kala duwan ka soo jeedaan iyadoo taasi cadaynaysa baaritaanka gaaban ee mamulka somaliland iyo xukunka dag dagaa oo ay qaateen.


Xog lahelay ayaa sheegaysa in si toosa dawlada ruushka u soo faragalisay arinta diyaarada iyo shaqaalaha saaran waxaana cadaadis xoogle la saaray mamulka somaliland iyadoo taasi ay sababtay in si dag daga lagu siidaayo diyaarada iyo shaqaalaha saaran.


Diyaarada iyo qalabka saaran ayaa lagu wadaa in laga soo dajiyo halkii ay abaarteeda ahayd ee magaalada Boosaaso si qalabka iyo agabka ciidan ay ugu hawlgalaan ciidamadii loo diyaariyay.


Ali Ahmed Abdi

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Wasiirka duulista Hawada mamulka somaliland ayaa maanta shaaciyay in ay ooda ka rogeen diyaarada iyo hawlwadeenadii la socday mana sheegin sababta jabisay xukunkii ay maxkamada Hargaysa riday.


:D :D :D

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i wonder waxay SL askarteedu gashataan mar haday aaminsan yihiin inaan Somalia Tuute laga gashan karin,

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Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada oo ka hadlay arintan ayaa sheegay in Diyaaradan iyo shaqaalaheedaba laga qaaday Ganaaxii ay ku xukuntay Maxkamadu sidoo kalena ay iibsadeen Xukunkii laga xukumay ee ahaa Lixda shaqaalaha xadhig min Hal sano ah


what part do u guys dont understand. the court made it clear two days ago that they could buy them self out .

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^Xaaji we are talking about the amrs embargo your ministers have been talking about, the illegal supply of weapons and the helping of enemy charges, so now you are telling they bought all that... loooooooooooooolz, and one more question, how quick can one be sentenced, buy himself out and then be released, all this have happened in less than 24 hrs ( may be SL is so advanced all these decisions must have been made by autamated-system).


Ooh then surely one can buy out his way and do anything, I mean anything in your clan-fiefdom.



What a weak traingle-fiedfom, bad PR and the worst start of 2011 that was...



Xunjuf you are just shooting yourself in the foot, your clan leaders have made blunder and fool of themselves.

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Somaliland Worst Nitemares



Their soldiers cannot even defend against 300 onlf unit. WTF LOL. They couldnt defend against Buhoodle either and needed more habashi back up. Their politics hasnt changed and their still were they are since 91. LOLLLLLL if i was them I would be mad too. Honestly I cant blame them


Puntland every year is doing something big. Now were aiming to hold the political conference inside somalia. We will be the FIRST city in somalia to hold peace conference and guess whats coming next? the capital city will be GAROWE. We even made obama change his policies to reflect the realities of somalia and to focus on GAROWE. The UN is basing themselves in GAROWE. Consulates for yemen and ethiopia are open in GAROWE. Farole has met WORLD LEADERS. No doubt that puntland is leading the politics and also leading in business world. No place in somalia can claim they have the fastest port nor can they claim what success they had with their politics like Puntland.

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If that fiberoptic happens in somaliland then they can claim to have the best telecommunication system in somalia other then that their not leading in anything except 1 thing they keep their cities peaceful and that results because of their location. Their sandwiched in between puntland and jabuti which are both non hostile

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qandalawi the court made it clear the day of the hearing that they can buy them self out or sit one year now the russians choose to buy them self out case closed.

The Equipment and uniforms will stay in Somaliland end of story , why didn't your leader speak about this not a single word from the house pirates from garowe.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;684849 wrote:

The Equipment and uniforms will stay in Somaliland end of story .

:D :D :D


You keep shooting yourself in the head.

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^Looooooooooooool, i like the way you say 'for now' :D :D


Ooh yeah the UN are theifs just like your Maxkamad and will decide to keep the loot. Ha Haha :D


Adeer, there are no smoking gun there, if there were any then we wouldn't be talking about this now; you clan fiefdom would have acted as heroes instead of this humiliation. It's only equipments and uniforms, and it will go back to the owners Saraced and if it really were destined for Puntland, it will get there. That's the simple reality.



Sheekadi waxay isugu soo hartay a wishful thinking, inay UN-ta alaabta iska haysato :D :D :D

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