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Top 10 excuses of Muslim Women who don't wear Islamic Hijaab!

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The Lazy1,


Could you say that again without the italicized words, reading your posts are eyesore? Unless you wearing your Hijab, I can't address you... so disclose that in every post. Thanks.

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Salaamu Aleeykum


I'm quite sad to see that we talk about Islam and Islamic rulings with our if Allah is gonna test the amount of intellect we put into the duties we must have fulfilled...!!


"Why did you not wear the hijab (obey my commandments) my slave?"


"Well, Allah, I understand it was mandatory to wear the hijab (obey your commandments) as stated in the Quran and Sunnah and wearing (abiding by it) it would have shown submission and obedience to you, however, my intellect decided that it did not apply to me because (blah, blah, blah)...!"


Sisters, please and please let us not reason with our bad desires.....not wearing hijab is a sin...Allah will question you about it...and possibly punish you for it....Shaytan makes the forbidden beautiful for us...and yes i admit that a loooot of times it is hard to fight those temptations....but let us not make excuses and pin point others sin and be content with our sins....if you won't obey Allah's commandments...dont deny them or interpret them to your own convenience...!!


Some of the sisters raised the issue of "Some Hijabi girls are worse that then non-Hijabi ones"...!! And i'll agree with this but not to the extent that it is not the majority....infact the majority of the sisters that wear the hijab are consistent except for few that lack the knowledge and maybe self-esteem, iman or maybe even willpower...!! I was one of those who wore pants with a hijab...and it took a white (non-Muslim) girl to correct that action for me (how sad when i think of it again)..!!


I was one of those girls who wear the "so called" fell off of my head conveniently, and at times of weddings and parties hijab was not even an obligation...but Alhamdulilah it is not like that anymore because I had a moment to think "hint: think" about the purpose...the real purpose..!! Allah says in the Quran:



اعْلَمÙوا أَنَّمَا الْحَيَاة٠الدّÙنْيَا لَعÙبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَزÙينَةٌ وَتَÙَاخÙرٌ بَيْنَكÙمْ وَتَكَاثÙرٌ ÙÙÙŠ الْأَمْوَال٠وَالْأَوْلَاد٠كَمَثَل٠غَيْث٠أَعْجَبَ الْكÙÙَّارَ نَبَاتÙÙ‡Ù Ø«Ùمَّ ÙŠÙŽÙ‡Ùيج٠Ùَتَرَاه٠مÙصْÙَرًّا Ø«Ùمَّ ÙŠÙŽÙƒÙون٠حÙطَامًا ÙˆÙŽÙÙÙŠ الْآخÙرَة٠عَذَابٌ شَدÙيدٌ وَمَغْÙÙرَةٌ مّÙÙ†ÙŽ اللَّه٠وَرÙضْوَانٌ وَمَا الْحَيَاة٠الدّÙنْيَا Ø¥Ùلَّا مَتَاع٠الْغÙرÙورÙ


Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment (for the disbelievers, evil-doers), and (there is) Forgiveness from Allâh and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers, good-doers), whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment. (Al-Hadid 57:20)


Sisters and brothers: is this life really worth the disobedience, the so called good looks, and worse of all, our intellect telling us what is wanted of us and what is not...?? Keep in mind the horrific things that will happen after you lose your life which can be at any second right about now...!!


I'll agree with Azmaya....with knowledge comes obedience....and with obedience comes Iman....and may Allah guide us all to learn our religion, obey Allah and increase out Iman....AMEEN..!!


Fii Amaani'Laah

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"Well, Allah, I understand it was mandatory to wear the hijab (obey your commandments) as stated in the Quran and Sunnah and wearing (abiding by it) it would have shown submission and obedience to you, however, my intellect decided that it did not apply to me because (blah, blah, blah)...!"


Sisters, please and please let us not reason with our bad desires.....not wearing hijab is a sin...Allah will question you about it...and possibly punish you for it....Shaytan makes the forbidden beautiful for us...and yes i admit that a loooot of times it is hard to fight those temptations....but let us not make excuses and pin point others sin and be content with our sins....if you won't obey Allah's commandments...dont deny them or interpret them to your own convenience...!!


Honesita ,


MashaAllah, MashaAllah, MashaAllah smile.gif . I thank Allah sisters like you exist, MashaAllah thanks for that post. Peace

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Some of the sisters raised the issue of "Some Hijabi girls are worse that then non-Hijabi ones"...!! And i'll agree with this but not to the extent that it is not the majority....


infact the majority of the sisters that wear the hijab are consistent except for few that lack the knowledge and maybe self-esteem, iman or maybe even willpower...!!


I was one of those who wore pants with a hijab...and it took a white (non-Muslim) girl to correct that action for me (how sad when i think of it again)..!!


I was one of those girls who wear the "so called" fell off of my head conveniently, and at times of weddings and parties hijab was not even an obligation...but Alhamdulilah it is not like that anymore because I had a moment to think "hint: think" about the purpose...the real purpose..!! Allah says in the Quran:



اعْلَمÙوا أَنَّمَا الْحَيَاة٠الدّÙنْيَا لَعÙبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَزÙينَةٌ وَتَÙَاخÙرٌ بَيْنَكÙمْ وَتَكَاثÙرٌ ÙÙÙŠ الْأَمْوَال٠وَالْأَوْلَاد٠كَمَثَل٠غَيْث٠أَعْجَبَ الْكÙÙَّارَ نَبَاتÙÙ‡Ù Ø«Ùمَّ ÙŠÙŽÙ‡Ùيج٠Ùَتَرَاه٠مÙصْÙَرًّا Ø«Ùمَّ ÙŠÙŽÙƒÙون٠حÙطَامًا ÙˆÙŽÙÙÙŠ الْآخÙرَة٠عَذَابٌ شَدÙيدٌ وَمَغْÙÙرَةٌ مّÙÙ†ÙŽ اللَّه٠وَرÙضْوَانٌ وَمَا الْحَيَاة٠الدّÙنْيَا Ø¥Ùلَّا مَتَاع٠الْغÙرÙورÙ


Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment (for the disbelievers, evil-doers), and (there is) Forgiveness from Allâh and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers, good-doers), whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment. (Al-Hadid 57:20)

Mashallah HONESITA sister for the advice to our sisters..It is rarey hard to get such statements on this boards.. smile.gifsmile.gif

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Salaamz Brother Nur,



Walaalo I thank you for your response and in the manner you responded-it shows great deal of your character. And I most say as a Somalian woman I am very proud of you in the way you responded, and I know some of our brothers would feel threatened or responded negatively. So kudos to you walaalo. My intention was not to be rude, I tend to be suspiouse of people when it comes to Islam cause these days we have people who have given themselves the authority to speak for Islam without any knowledge.



Out all the personalities here on SOL, you are unique in that the rest share their opinions but you go a little further and are educating. So I was concerned, since I think when it comes to teaching Islam one should have proper knowledge. Maybe I jumped the gun, maybe. But that comment about prayer made me even more suspiouse of you. I still await your answer on that.


About the comment of herds, walaalo that was not a personal attack against anyone since I don’t know any of the personalities here. The meaning of herd is he who follows someone blindly. Because someone comes across as knowledgeable, likeable, and honest is not good enough reason to believe in their words without critical thinking, without knowing their education background, qualifications. If your “followers†are aware of your works, your knowledge of the deen then that comment is not towards them, and they need not feel upset.


In no way am I saying we shouldn’t reminder each other of Islam, and give each other advice-that is part of iman. In regards to Islam we should be ever watchful. Someone can say 99% truth, you come accustomed to their honesty and they can lie in that 1% and lead you astray. I am not saying that is what is happening here, you have already gained my respect walaalo but generally, I am saying to the Muslims arm yourselves with proper alim. And walaalo, “my record†is with Allah Only not with mere human beings, and I don’t and will never seek forgiveness of anyone I had no intention of offending, my comments were general not personal.


STOIC, walaalo there is an ocean of difference in the way you responded to my comment and that of brother Nur. Walaalo I do understand you may have felt I was targeting you and that was not my intention. Walaalo in this day and age following someone who comes across as “knowledgeable†is inadequate. When it comes to Islam, those whose advice you take you should know there alim level, background, ect, and you yourself should educate yourself on Islam properly as all of us should. I am not saying giving each other advice is wrong, It was general comment I made. And brother I do not take issue with Islam, Islam is my badge my love and my pride, I take issue with men who have given themselves authority to speak for Islam without any adequate training but few lectures attended, articles read on google, few hadiths read here n there, few books-and they have made themselves sheik. In the old days, it took decades to study Islam and in a proper way. And yes walaalo, I do need “fresh orientation of the faith of Islamâ€, as all of us should. We are all ignorant of Islam yet satisfied with little knowledge we have and think we are “holy†and have authority. We shouldn’t be satisfied, but we should learn our faith and seek knowledge the proper way.




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Azmaya sis


Jazakellahu kheiran sis, and welcome to our family, islam page at Somaliaonline, inshAllah my goal is to make this virtual gathering the happiest on line discussion group.


Walaalo, it was said that we should only follow dead scholars who we know that they have died on the right path, to follow a living person is quite risky, specially on matters of faith, because, missing an exit of a highway after being directed by a fellow motorist is not bad, but matters of faith, like you said are serious matters, and at times I feel so afraid of misleading others on this forum, that at times I think of quitting, then, I look around to see so much ignorance being shared as knowledge, and then I am back, and that was my condition since 2000.


Omar RAA was reported that during his inauguration as Caliph that he asked the compnions : what would you do if I become a crook?" a companion answered " we shall straighten you up with our swords". Omar was so happy that he said " Alhamdulilah, who provided me with brothers who would straighten me up with their swords if I become a crook"


Likewise, walaalo, never become complacent, what you did was indeed admirable, when you question people like that, only a fake will cave in and feel threatened, on the otherhand, people who know what they are talking about will always answer gracefully and will appreciate your verification of the facts.


Finally, I have written up a piece specially for your question, please follow the link:;f=3;t=002231




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Walaalo Nur,


Allah Alone knows your heart and sincerty. if your work is to please Him Alone then

continue with your works, we so need the likes of you. And i disagree with u walaalo, we shouldn't only follow the past scholars, but anyone who is caller to Islam-as long as that call is in line with Qu'ran and Sunna.

And I wish the best for you walaalo.


Knowledge is everything, to say something without proper knowledge when it comes to religious matters is considered sin. You have good character walaalo, an attribute that is missing from many somali men, and I say kudos to u walaalo. Salaamz

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Your comment was marked by a prickling sensation. It was an ineluctable comment that I couldn’t overlook since I was the guy who asked for opinion on a certain personal matter few lines above your comment.I had no problem with your scrutiny of Nur’s credibility after all the responsibility of who we want to hear rests with us individually. No one wants to neither wallow in the mud of ignorance nor follow a professional clown. I personally think you had the right to ask for anyone credibility.What I took issue with was your comment of calling those who asked for his opinion (Including me) as a herd that didn’t know better . This could be true to a certain extent due to my ignorance of the religion, but not to the extent of not knowing the difference between issues that are black and white .I have nothing against you as a person I only took a stab on your comment.

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Azmaya sis


You write:


"Allah Alone knows your heart and sincerty. if your work is to please Him Alone then continue with your works, we so need the likes of you. "



Walaalo, The Prophet SAWS used to seek Allah's refuge from, A heart that does not submit to Allah SWT. A nafs that is so driven seeking worldly goods that it is never satisfied, and most imoportantly, " MIN CAMALIN LAA YUQBAL" a good deed that is not accepted, its is indeed scary when you think about it reasons why a good deed iss not accepted, foremost being lack of ikhlaas, that it was done solely in search of Allah's grace " Ibtighaa wajhi Laah" Again, Jazaakellah kheiran and keept it comin, wallahi its very valuable .



You write:


And i disagree with u walaalo, we shouldn't only follow the past scholars, but anyone who is caller to Islam-as long as that call is in line with Qu'ran and Sunna. And I wish the best for you walaalo.



Azamaya sis, May be you misunderstood my statement, what I meant by following the dead, is a famous saying by the Ulima, " Man yastann, fal-yaqtadi biman maat, fa inal xayya laa yuman" meanining " He who wants to follow right way, shall only follow those who have died and were proven not to have veered off the right path, because, to follow foot steps of a living person, is risky in that we dont know if he/she will change his right ways, thus risk of being mislead if we are not careful. I hope that clarifies what I meant.


You write:


"Knowledge is everything, to say something without proper knowledge when it comes to religious matters is considered sin. You have good character walaalo, an attribute that is missing from many somali men, and I say kudos to u walaalo. Salaamz "



Allow me to disagree with a big heart this time, walaalo, knowledge is not everything, according to a hadeeth, a man who asked the Prophet SAWS how to be most knowldegeable person, he was instructed : ITTAQILLAAH, Guard your duty toward allah, You will be the most knowledgeable, also it was reported that the prophet SAWS said, The fear of Allah is the best wisdom. What I meant by those two, is that we do have many people with knowledge of the books, if you read the quraan, Allah refers to them as a donkey carrying books, because the requirements for knowldege, is wisdom of how to use that knowledge, and that wisdom invariably comes with the fear of Allah SWT, again Allah SWT says, " As for those who have struggled in our casue, We shall guide them to our paths" meaning that like you have said earlier, sincerity, weighs a lot against plain knowledge, and that useful knowledge comes with TAQWA. Wallaahu aclam.





I think that the sister justified what she meant by herd, she maintains that it was just meant followers, not a demeaning remark, as a Muslim, I think, we should accept her good Niyah, because the reason for which she said that remark to begin with was to protect people from following the wrong person or knowledge, which is very commendable, so if on the way of doing that she has stepped over your toes, it would count for you to see her intention, and overlook the remark that she has distanced herself from, agai, its your right to get clarification, mine is a brotherly advice.



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