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If Somalia is divisible so is Somaliland

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Bashiir;683625 wrote:
According to your logic, he is a Kenyan as well. Many of his people are Kenyans, and lead Kenya let alone having passports. But Somalia is still his country. Moqadisho has a functioning government and he can come, live or visit any time.


A&T is a true believer of greater Somalia, he can go any city other than Gabiley.

I havent invented the law. And Abtigiis is true believer in the law. So I suggest he gets a VISA when visiting Somalia, from Nairobi or Addis that is his choice.


Even when Farax Macalin(Kenyan) was visiting Somaliland he received a VISA.

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Qodax Qorax;683626 wrote:
I havent invented the law. And Abtigiis is true believer in the law. So I suggest he gets a VISA when visiting Somalia, from Nairobi or Addis that is his choice.


Even when Farax Macalin(Kenyan) was visiting Somaliland he received a VISA.

Still Somalia is one, and undivided by law. Besides what you suggest has no merit as long as the constitution states that he can come, live and contribute to Somalia's reshaping if he has to. Farah had to get visa to see LA?


You are dreaming, way a head.

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Which constitution?


The one which is used in Gode and Wardheer? I cant read that one, because its in Xabashi language. Maybe Abtigiis, can translate for us. As a

Ethiopian I assume he speaks well Xabashi language.

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Qodax Qorax;683617 wrote:
You are an Ethiopian, by law. Many of your people consider themselves Ethiopian, have an Ethiopian passport and even Somalia recongnizes you as a national of Ethiopia. If Moqdishu had a functioning goverment you would need a VISA to visit Somalia and a Green Card to reside there, by law.


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Qodax Qorax;683631 wrote:
Which constitution?


The one which is used in Gode and Wardheer? I cant read that one, because its in Xabashi language. Maybe Abtigiis, can translate for us. As a

Ethiopian I assume he speaks well Xabashi language.

Perhaps you could as ask him, as of how many languages he speaks. But the point is Somalia had, has and will have one constitution which states what I told you earlier.


Get its copy, and read it.

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Bashiir is not a child, and he has made powerful points. It proves your cowardice to run away from valid arguments by making use of inappropraite red-herring. But let me oblige you on this one as a matter of necessity.


You said I am Ethiopian. I am, and there is little dispute that I am. I am a rebellious Ethiopian, a reluctant citizen of the black empire I despise. You are a rebellious citizen of Somalia, a bitter one too. I don't object to your resentments, your penchant for going alone. It is what I live through. I object to your delusion that you are a citizen of a State other than Somalia, a phantom creation of your mind. I object to the attempt to deny other clans in the British Somaliland what you sought and fought for your clan. I object to the false flags and presidential guard of honours.

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Xaaji, the difference is not so much in our vision or our tactics but in our starting points. I am a Somali, cut from his motherland in 1954; he is a Tigre, who engaged in power struggle with Amharas from 3000 years ago. They want to seceed if they can't rule Ethiopia; we don't want to rule Ethiopia even if we can rule it. I hope you can figure out the fundamental difference there. More importantly, we are ethnically, culturally and religiously distinctive from the semitic rulers of Ethiopia.


But the real matter is that Somalilanders willingly joined the rest of Somalia, without coercion, while we were occupied by Menelik. It follows that if the whole of Somalilanders joined Somalia on their own volition, it is only fair they wait until Somalia is back for the divorce. And when the divorce finally comes, SNM'ites will only leave the marriage with their biological progeny not with the adopted ones and cousins who fear to go with the abusive widower. It is also fair that among the progeny of SNM, those who are sane enough to object flial rebellion and want to stay in a more spacious home, are given the opportunity to choose. Anything short of that amounts to blatant kidnapping of own children by a psychopathic mother, in which case a more caring step-mother should take care of the vulnerable children.

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Indeed there is no much difference between you and Melez you guys are both Ethiopians , melez was yesterday rebel and you are today's rebel. Melez wanted a tigray State for his people But tplf policy changed just before the derg regime was ousted. The whole Ethiopia is Ethnically and culturally and religiously diverse.Ethiopia is a multi ethnic society where the smallest ethnic group can be the Elite and the largest Ethnic group can be insignificant So it doesn't really matter, who knows after Melez we might see a harari leader or gurage or even somali .. As for Somalilanders we joined Somalia in 1960 to create Somaliweyn , the dream ended when Djibouti gained independence on 27 june 1977 and refused to join the union. As for your point that i should wait for Somalia, why should i wait for any one, Somaliland entered a union without any legal condition, So that means Somaliland can withdraw from the union with out any condition. As they did in 1991 and indeed we shall continue to exist as an independent country. So Abtigis there are some rebels who are successful like the great SNM, the founders of Modern Republic of Somaliland or the EPLF the founders of Modern Eritrea. or even tplf the reformers of Ethiopia . And then there are some unlucky rebels

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War heedhe did you read this part, this what we(Somalis) have been trying to get through to the thick head of SNM.



"And when the divorce finally comes, SNM'ites will only leave the marriage with their biological progeny not with the adopted ones and cousins who fear to go with the abusive widower. It is also fair that among the progeny of SNM, those who are sane enough to object flial rebellion and want to stay in a more spacious home, are given the opportunity to choose. Anything short of that amounts to blatant kidnapping of own children by a psychopathic mother, in which case a more caring step-mother should take care of the vulnerable children."



So now please tell us, are you willing to take your tuulos only and leave

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We Somalis ?? you mean you and your Ethiopian clan uncle .Somaliland territorial integrity is sacred and not negotiable sorry bilan we are stuck together. I took you to Koonfuria in the first place remember 1960 now i took u back to your native land. My dear adopted daughter ;)

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How many more decades and, how much more tetra bytes of rebuttal secessionists need to smell the coffee and, realize that their quest of recognition for the clan enclave is elusive and remote as it has ever been. Only federal Somalia where power and wealth shared evenly and in proportion is the best offer that the wise people in Hargeisa and Buroa should expect from us. Anything short waa shimbirayahow heesa! ee bal dhaantada iyo isu jiibinta inoo tuma.

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Abtigiis;683746 wrote:
Bashiir is not a child, and he has made powerful points. It proves your cowardice to run away from valid arguments by making use of inappropraite red-herring. But let me oblige you on this one as a matter of necessity.


You said I am Ethiopian. I am, and there is little dispute that I am. I am a rebellious Ethiopian, a reluctant citizen of the black empire I despise. You are a rebellious citizen of Somalia, a bitter one too. I don't object to your resentments, your penchant for going alone. It is what I live through.
I object to your delusion that you are a citizen of a State other than Somalia, a phantom creation of your mind. I object to the attempt to deny other clans in the British Somaliland what you sought and fought for your clan. I object to the false flags and presidential guard of honours.

Abti, now that you have come out of the dark closet and admit to us what you really are we can talk about your and my real idendity and our shared reality.


You are right as well, I am a rebellious Somali who has rebelled long against (the country that once was) Somalia. But that country no longer exist. It died 20 years ago and with it died the rebell in me. For there is nobody left to rebel against. The guns have silent and that war is over. You are right that a new reality has emerged, roles have changed and we need to discover how to deal with our new idendities. And denying others what has been denied us doenst have place in my new idendity, eventhaught many dont realize this but its reality.

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