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cynical lady

Troll, Shaah, Cakes and Sheeko

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Juxa;876038 wrote:
you have not seen islaamaha discussing latest DIRAC in hushed voices

Lol, wuxuu ka hadlaayo baan fahansanahay ngonge dee :D


the other thing diracyo nairobi kama yimaadaan baan filaayaa

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lol@Juxa, reminds me of Gold Suuq :D , I am always impressed by the sales man kuu kala sheegaya the design and style and what goes with what.

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^^ :D :D..waxan ka hadlayo is how "innocent" words can be interperted by different poeple.



Faheema, fadlan UAE sheekadiida halkan ha la iman. We have an addict we are trying to wean off that place. So, please don't come on here flaunting your sunny place and casiir on the beach nonsense. :P

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NGONGE;876015 wrote:
^^ That's the problem. I'd actually do it if the pay was any good. It'll be like reading SOL.


Extract 1 - 2nd October 2012 - Suspect number 885621


Suspect A: Waxaan ku idhi, alaabta ma inoo heshay?


Translation: I say; did you find the stuff?


Suspect B: Sabtida la keeni doona. Lakin cidna ha o sheegin.


Translation: It'll arrive on Saturday. Don't tell anyone.


Suspect A: Haye. Ma wax khatar ba mise waa wiki aan o baranay uun?


Translation: Ok. Is it a
thing or the same old stuff?


Suspect B: War waa tii aduunka. Kenya ayaa laga keenaya


It's out of this world
. They're bringing it from Kenya.


Suspect A: Waxan ka baqaya in aanaan helin.


Translation: I am
that I may not get it.


Suspect B: Ha o biqin. Dadko intaanay iman ayaan waxayaga la baxayna


Translation: Don't worry. We'll take our stuff before any people arrive.


Suspect A: Haa dee. Hadi kale way nago qarxaysa.


Translation: Exactly. Otherwise it'll
explode on us


Suspect B: War miyaad waalantahay. Waa nala boobaya.


Translation: Are you crazy? They'll
overwhelm us

Loooooooool war sidaa uma aanan fikirin :D:D

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There are also many Somalis working as "Language Analyst" For the national security Agency here in DMV area (DC, Maryland and Virginia)...all you have to do is ask one what they do for a living and if they give you "I work for the government as a computer analyst" your antenna should be up..haha...just saying!

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Its was a Sunday afternoon catching up with the boys playing pool having some uh ah (tufaxateyn), As the boys started playing the ball dropped on the floor, one of the brothers rushed as he was on the way to pick the ball an fbi budge fell on the fl:rolleyes:oor. it was all quite everyone looked at each other no one said anything slowly walked to the exit door ....silently one by one without saying goodbyes.


Ps: its totally uncool and different.

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